
  • 网络training system
  1. 文章的最后针对性的提出H担保公司顺利实施战略需要的保障措施,其中包括了基于风险防控的、人才培训制度建立、完善市场战略的保障措施。

    H The end of the article purposefully presents H guarantee companies smooth implementation strategies need to safeguard measures , including based on risk prevention and control , talent training system establishment , perfect market strategic safeguard measures .

  2. 介绍了L100-99培训制度中规定的培训对象、培训内容、培训方法等内容。

    Introduce the training system of L100-99 which includes the training target , training concept , training method etc.

  3. 英国在1999年正式推出了新教师入职培训制度(InductionforNewlyQualifiedTeacher)。

    Statutory arrangements for induction of Newly Qualified Teacher was introduced in 1999 in UK .

  4. 听完那个例子,在座的CEO们都睁大了眼睛,他们肯定是在认真考虑自己的培训制度和情景规划。

    The CEOs in the room had wide eyes and were certainly thinking hard about their training regimens and scenario planning after that example .

  5. TAFE体系是澳大利亚的一种职业教育与培训制度,其对我国旅游高职教育改革与发展的启示是:正确定位职业教育,转变教育思想观念;

    TAFE system is a kind of vocational education and training system in Australia , and its revelations to the reform and development of touring specialty of higher vocational education in China are : orientating rightly for vocational education , transforming educational thought and view ;

  6. 建立乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员在职培训制度的思考

    Reflections on establishing on-the-job training system for health staff in THCs

  7. 公共部门人力资源培训制度浅析

    On the the Human Resources Training System In the Public Department

  8. 中日新任教师培训制度之比较

    The Comparison of Japan ' System of Preservice Training with China

  9. 对此,应建立健全中职师资培训制度和培训体系;

    Therefore , the training system should be established and regulated ;

  10. 略论实习律师培训制度的完善

    Informal Discussion of the Perfection of the Training System of Legal Interns

  11. 能否介绍一下你们的培训制度?

    Cindy : Could you tell me something about your training program ?

  12. 改革培训制度,强化职业技能培训管理之我见

    Reforming the training system and strengthening the management of occupation technological training

  13. 英国公务员培训制度及其对中国的启示

    The Civil Servant Training System of Britain and Its Revelations for China

  14. 住院医师培训制度与方法在美国的进展和借鉴

    Renewed standards and methods of residency training in American and our reference

  15. 以委托代理理论分析农民培训制度

    On Analyzing Farmers-training Systems by the Principal Agent Theory

  16. 建立人才管理和培训制度;

    Establishing a system of talent management and training ;

  17. 基层银行岗位培训制度化的难点及对策

    On difficulty of systematism of on-the-job training at grass-roots banks and necessary measures

  18. 中国特色的公务员培训制度研究

    A Study on Chinese Feature Civil Servant Training System

  19. 请阐述对销售人员及售后服务人员的培训制度。

    Please describe the training system for the sales and aftersales service employees .

  20. 建立我国麻醉学专业规范化住院医师培训制度

    Construct the System of Standard Training to Resident in Anaesthesia in Our Country

  21. 第七条企业应当建立职业培训制度,对职工进行职业培训。

    Article 7 The FFEs should establish certain training programmes for their employees .

  22. 对妇产科进修医师培训制度的探讨

    Investigation into Training Program for Obstetric and Gynecologic Refreshers

  23. 公司缺乏规范的培训制度;

    The company lacks the standard training system ;

  24. 健全和完善职工培训制度。

    7 , perfecting employees ' train system .

  25. 教育和培训制度完全无法跟上这种速度。

    The education and training systems have simply not been able to keep up .

  26. 住院医师规范性培训制度存在的问题和对策

    The Discussing of the Strategies for the Existing Problems in the Resident Training Program

  27. 意大利教育与培训制度重建前后的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Italian Education and Training Systems before and after the Reconstruction

  28. 对完善高校师资培训制度的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Perfecting Teacher Training System

  29. 改革师资培训制度;

    Reforming the special teacher training system ;

  30. 基于胜任力模型的副科级公务员任职培训制度初探

    Preliminary Studies for On-job Training System of Vice Section Civil Servant Based on Competency Model