
quán hé chénɡ
  • total synthesis;complete synthesis
  1. brefeldinA全合成研究新进展

    Recent Progress in Total Synthesis of Brefeldin A

  2. 天然产物Epibatidine的全合成研究进展

    Progress on Total Synthesis of Epibatidine

  3. R,R-(-)-蝙蝠葛苏林碱的全合成

    Total synthesis of r , r - ( - ) - daurisoline

  4. 天然产物(E)-白黎芦醇的全合成

    Total synthesis of natural product ( E ) - resveratrol

  5. (±)4α(H)桉烷的立体选择性全合成

    The stereoselective total synthesis of (±) - 4 α( h ) - eudesmane 1

  6. 甾体CD环合成原的不对称合成及其在全合成上的应用

    Asymmetrical Synthesis of steroid CD ring synthons and application to syntheses of steroids

  7. 我们分两条路线完成了ET的全合成。

    ET was synthesized through two processes .

  8. Schmidt反应及其在全合成中的应用

    Schmidt Reaction and Its Applications in Natural Product Synthesis

  9. 树脂糖苷Merremosideb的全合成研究(Ⅰ)树脂糖苷-大环内酯类化合物的结构解析研究

    Study on Total Synthesis of Merremoside b ; Research on the Structure of Resin Glycoside-Macrolide Compounds

  10. 不对称aldol反应及其在天然产物全合成中的应用

    Asymmetric aldol reactions and their applications in the total synthesis of natural products

  11. 具有抗癌活性天然产物methylprotodioscin的全合成

    Total Synthesis of Methyl Protodioscin & A Potent Agent with Anti-Tumor Activities

  12. 目的:优化抗流感病毒新药oseltamivir的手性全合成路线。

    Objective : To optimize the chiral synthetic route of novel anti influenza drug oseltamivir .

  13. 然后依照分类标准,分别介绍了近年来正离子,负离子,周环,自由基,过渡金属催化,酶催化六类Domino反应在天然产物全合成中的应用。

    Then cationic , anionic , pericyclic , radical , transition metal catalyzed , enzymatic domino reactions and their applications in the total synthesis of natural products were also reviewed .

  14. 分子内Heck反应在天然产物全合成中的应用(综述)。

    It consists of the following parts : Chapter I : Application of intramolecular Heck reaction in natural products total synthesis ( review ) .

  15. Semipinacol重排反应研究以及其在Galanthamine全合成中的应用

    Studies on Semipinacol Rearrangement Reaction and Its Application to the Total Synthesis of Galanthamine

  16. CombretastatinA-4全合成中的光化学Wittig反应

    Photochemical Wittig Reaction in Total Synthesis of Combretastatin A-4

  17. 较详细的探索了全合成过程中涉及到的Knoevenagel缩合和Perkin缩合的反应条件。

    - We have investigated the reaction condition of Knoevenagel condensation and Perkin condensation in the process of total synthesis .

  18. 本研究室通过对大容量全合成噬菌体人源抗体库的筛选,获得了近50株人源抗VEGF单链抗体,这为开发具有自主知识产权的抗VEGF治疗性抗体奠定了基础。

    50 fully human anti-VEGF scFV antibodies has been obtained in our lab by screening a large fully synthetic human phage antibody library , which laid a good foundation for developing anti-VEGF therapeutic antibody with proprietary intellectual property rights .

  19. 老年痴呆症药物石杉碱甲类似物研究VI.(-)-14-去甲基石杉碱甲的不对称全合成及其乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性

    Studies on analogues of huperzine A for treatment of senile dementia VI. Asymmetric total synthesis of 14-nor-huperzine A and its inhibitory activity of acetylcholinesterase

  20. 综述了我研究室近年来在多肽生化和手性药物领域中的研究进展:①进行了抗癌药物AMD类似物的全新设计、化学全合成、与DNA结合活性和构效关系研究;

    Recent advances in peptides and chiral drugs in my laboratory are summarized as follows : ① Studies on the design , chemical total synthesis , DNA binding characteristics and structure activity relationship of antitumor drug AMD and its analogues .

  21. 近几年来,关于MCRs的文献数目迅速增长,新的MCRs不断被发现,MCRs在药物发现、农药化学和天然产物全合成等方面得到广泛的应用。

    In recent years , the number of the literatures on MCRs increased rapidly , and new MCRs were constantly discovered .

  22. 由香茅醛到保幼激素类似物ZR-515的简便全合成

    A facile route for total synthesis of the juvenile hormone analogue zr-515 from citronellal

  23. 首次完成了1a,(±)-2和(±)-3的全合成,并以较文献报道为高的氧化偶联产率合成了(±)-1。

    The first total synthesis of 1a , (±) - 2 and (±) - 3 was described and the oxidative coupling yield of synthesis of (±) - 1 was higher than that in literatures .

  24. 对具有抗HIV-1活性的天然产物CalanolideA的全合成研究进展进行了综述,并分析了各种合成方法及其关键步骤。

    The progress on total synthesis of a natural product calanolide A with anti-HIV-1 activity was reviewed . Each synthetic route and the key reaction had analyzed .

  25. 本文综述了对这类天然产物combretastatins的全合成、药理作用机理及结构修饰等方面的研究进展。

    This paper summarizes the studies on total synthesis , pharmacology and structural modification of combretastatins .

  26. 天然产物Quadrone的全合成进展

    Progress in Total Synthesis of Natural Product Quadrone

  27. 抗肿瘤鬼臼毒素类衍生物的设计、合成与活性研究及4,5-二羰基阿朴菲生物碱Artabotrine的全合成研究

    Design , Synthesis and Anti-tumor Activity Study of Podophyllotoxin Derivatives and Total Synthesis of a 4,5-Dioxoaporphine Alkaloid-Artabotrine

  28. 全合成人源抗体库的构建及抗BHL-1单链抗体的初步筛选

    Construction of a Fully Synthetic Human Antibody Library and Preliminary Screening of Single Chain Fv Against BHL-1

  29. 建立了抗肿瘤肽AP-9的Fmoc固相全合成方法,产品纯度大于98%。

    Antitumor peptide AP-9 ( YKLPGHHHHYRP ) was synthesized by Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis , and the purity of the product was more than 98 % .

  30. 尽管面世已经很久了,不过我们正在推出我们新的全合成GL-575W140齿轮油。

    It has been a long time coming , but we are introducing our new full-synthetic GL-575W140 gear oil .