
  • 网络National unified examination;external assessment
  1. 16岁时,学生要参加全国统一考试,称为“普通中等教育证书”考试。

    At 16 , students take national examinations called GCSE 's.

  2. 国家实行注册会计师全国统一考试制度。

    The State shall adopt a unified national examination system for certified public accountants .

  3. 我国的普通高等学校全国统一考试简称高考,是我国的重要的全国性考试之一。

    China 's General College Entrance Examination entrance for short , is the country one of the important national examinations .

  4. 自1986年以来,中国实行律师资格统一考试制度,开了新中国专业资格全国统一考试的先河。

    In 1986 , the lawyer qualification examination system was introduced , which pioneered the national unified examination for professional qualifications in New China .

  5. 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试或者称它为高考,是一场高竞争性,高压力的测试,多年以来决定了无数高中学生的命运。

    The national college entrance exam , or gaokao , has been a highly competitive and stressful test deciding the fate of high school students for many a year .

  6. 论文把普通高等学校招生全国统一考试即高考的效度问题作为研究对象,以对高考效度的描述为基础展开研究。

    This thesis takes the issue of validity of NCEE ( National College Entrance Examination ) as the target of study , based on the description of the validity of NCEE .

  7. 日本和韩国的大学招生制度,虽然各具特点、互有区别,但两国都实施全国统一考试和各大学单独考试,且具有许多共同点,带有一定的普遍规律性。

    Although the enrollment system in Japan and Korea Varies each other , Both of them execute unified tests of the whole country and specific tests in each university , They have many common grounds with some general regularity .

  8. 2004年上半年高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试医古文试卷及参考答案

    Test Questions and Answers of Chinese Ancient Medical Literature of Senior-Education Self-taught Examination in the First-Half Year of 2004

  9. 此前,教育部一直努力在高考等全国性统一考试中为残障考生提供便利。

    The ministry has previously made efforts to accommodate disabled students in national-level standard tests , such as the college admission exam .

  10. 根据《科学·技术·社会》教材及其《大纲》关于命题的若干要求,对2004年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试《科学·技术·社会》试卷提出了意见和建议。

    In accordance with the science-technology-society textbook and the several norms about setting examination paper from the exam program , some proposals and suggestions are made on the national united setting examination paper about science-technology-society teach-yourself exam of higher education in October 2004 .

  11. 2005年9月,英国政府宣布试行全国大学入学统一考试,并准备推行新的PQA招生录取制度。

    In September 2005 , the British government announced that they would pilot the National College Entrance Examination , and also adopt the new PQA admission system .

  12. 俄罗斯教科部副部长谢尔盖·克拉夫佐夫近日表示,汉语将作为一门可选科目纳入俄罗斯全国大学入学统一考试。

    Russia 's national college entrance exam will include Mandarin as an elective foreign language , according to Sergey Kravtsov , Russia 's deputy minister of education and science .

  13. 教育部上周三表示,我国将取消教育政策中的五个加分项,不再给参加全国大学统一入学考试(即高考)的学生这些额外加分。这是为促使高考选拔过程更加公平合理的举措之一。

    China will eliminate five preferential items from its education policy that add bonus points to a student 's national college entrance exam , or gaokao , as part of an effort to have a more fair and scientific selection process , the Ministry of Education said last Wednesday .

  14. 全国普通高校统一招生考试制度是我国教育制度的重要组成部分,是连接我国中等教育与高等教育之间的桥梁。

    The system of National Matriculation Test is an important part of the education system in our country , Connecting junior education with senior education .