
  • 网络TPM;total productive maintenance
  1. 全员生产维护对提高现场管理水平的作用

    Analysis of the Effect of TPM on the Improvement of Site Management Level

  2. 实践证明,全员生产维护是设备管理的利器,可以全方位多角度地提高公司的各项性能指标。

    Practice has proved that TPM is a useful tool of equipment management , and can enhance various performance indicators of the company totally .

  3. 本文介绍了设备综合效率的计算方法,分析了全员生产维护中的5S、工装管理、快带换模和减少设备速度损失等主要活动在现场管理中的作用。

    Method to calculate comprehensive efficiency of equipment is introduced in the article . Functions of main activities , such as 5S , equipment management , quick model change and reducing speed loss of equipment in site management , is analyzed .

  4. 全员生产维护管理体系的开发与实施

    Development and Implementation of Management System for Total Productive Maintenance

  5. 全员生产维护制的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Total Productive Maintenance

  6. 面向供应链的全员生产维护管理模式

    Supply Chain-oriented Total Operational Maintenance Management Modes

  7. 基于全员生产维护的军事装备管理

    Military Equipment Management Based on TPM

  8. 全员生产维护是以提高设备综合效率为目标的管理技术。

    TPM-Total Productive Maintenance is a kind of management technology orienting to the increase of total equipment efficiency .

  9. 基于全员生产维护的军用装备训练维护管理,其综合效率体现为装备的战备完好性和任务成功性。

    The military equipment training and maintenance management is based on the TPM . Its synthetical efficiency is responsible to the complete combat readiness and success task of the equipment .

  10. 回顾设备现代管理的理论基础,介绍了全员生产维护的特点,阐述了全员生产维护管理体系的开发与实施过程。

    This paper reviews theoretical basis of equipment modern management , introduces the features of total productive maintenance and illustrates the development and implementation of management system for total productive manintenance .

  11. 当前已有的维修管理理念(例如以可靠性为中心的维修和全员生产维护等),其中的大多数维修决策都是基于专家或工程师的经验和定性判断,决策过程中缺少定量分析方法。

    Some maintenance strategies including reliability centered maintenance and total productive maintenance are popular and highlighted by maintenance engineers at present . However , lacking quantitative methods and models , most of them are based on engineers ' experience and qualitative analysis .

  12. 探讨汽车制造企业设备管理模型,在全员生产性维护(TPM)主导思想指引下,制定完整的设备维修体系,以追求设备寿命周期费用最低。

    The article analyzes the equipment management in automotive manufacturers . Under the guidance of total productive maintenance ( TPM ), integral equipment maintenance system is enacted to pursuit lowest life-cycle-cost of equipments .