
quán ɡuó xìnɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • nationwide corporation
  1. 过去几年来,救世军从全国性公司和本地公司得到的捐赠也有所下滑。

    During the past several years the organization has also seen a decline in donations from corporations and local businesses .

  2. 经国务院或者国务院授权部门批准的全国性公司、企业集团、经营进出口业务的公司

    The registration of national corporations , enterprise groups and corporations handling import-export business set up with the approval of the State Council or departments authorized by the State Council

  3. 北京和上海等大城市拥有独立的天然气管道输送网络,而在三四线城市,天然气输送会通过小型的全国性公司或纯本地公司进行。

    Large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have their own local networks for piped distribution of gas , and in third and fourth-tier cities the distribution might be handled by a small nationwide company or by an entirely local company .

  4. 本文主要叙述了H公司由一家区域性连锁公司急速扩张成为全国性连锁公司所应采取的竞争战略。

    Only in this way can the company better serve its customers . The thesis mainly analyzes the strategy that H Company adopted and should adopt when it grows from a regional company to a national one .

  5. 这是一家全国性的公司还是一家地方性的小公司?

    Is this a nationwide company , or a local outfit ?

  6. 欧洲的全国性火车公司只对自己的国内列车感兴趣。

    The national train companies around Europe are only interested in their own domestic trains .

  7. 中国平安保险公司是我国第一家股份制保险公司,第一家外资参股的全国性保险公司。

    Ping An Insurance company of China is the first insurance joint-stock company . It is also the first one which has the foreign shares .

  8. 经营寿险业务的全国性保险公司,至少要有三名经中国保监会认可的精算人员;

    An insurance company that is engaged in the nationwide life insurance business shall consist of not less than three actuaries approved by the CIRC .

  9. 股份保险公司效率略高于国有公司,全国性保险公司的经营效率明显高于区域性保险公司。

    Stock insurer 's efficiency is a bit higher than that of nation-owned company and the efficiency of insurers operated nation-widely is significantly higher than that of regional insurers ;

  10. 随着中国第一部《信托法》的出台和全国性信托公司整顿工作接近尾声,得以保留下来的信托投资公司却面临着巨大的生存挑战。

    With the promulgation of China 's first and with the ending of the rectification of the national trust companies , the remained trust & investment companies are facing greater survival challenges .

  11. 同时,保险市场经营主体迅速增加,目前,共有全国性保险公司53家,中介机构162家,从业人员120多万人,一个充满竞争的保险市场体系基本形成。

    Besides , there are more and more operators of the insurance market . At present , there are 53 insurance companies , 162 intermediaries , and 1,200,000 employees in the whole country . A competitive insurance market has taken primary shape .

  12. 再一年过后,我离开这份工作去建一个全国性的网络公司。

    After a year , I left my job to help build an Internet company with a national presence .

  13. 她本身既是美国密尔沃基市的一名职业导师,教授大学课程,同时还创办和经营着一家技术支持公司,以及一家全国性的会议公司。

    A Milwaukee-based career coach who also teaches college courses , she founded and runs both a tech support company and a national seminar firm .

  14. 相比之下,我国的保险经纪业起步很晚,两年前才相继成立了首批三家全国性保险经纪公司。

    Adversely , our country 's insurance broking emerged very late and the birth of the first three insurance broker companies was two years ago .

  15. 产业内部人士称农业部正在考虑将这项服务推广给全国的商业性渔业公司。

    Industry insiders say the Ministry is considering extending the project to commercial fishing companies across the nation .

  16. 他写信给全国连锁性联营百货公司公会,替我找来不少有关这方面的辩论记录。

    He wrote to the National Chain Store Association and secured for me a copy of a debate on the subject .

  17. 成立于1994年的开元金融已经发展为一家全国性的卡车租赁公司——这一行比多数其他行业更早地感受到了经济放缓的影响。

    Founded in 1994 , Fincera grew into a nationwide truck leasing company - a business that feels the effects of economic slowdowns sooner than most .

  18. 三联商社股份有限公司从一九八五年成立以来,以很快的速度从济南一隅的地方快速发展成为全国性的家电零售公司。

    Since it was opened in 1985 as a small local retailing company in Ji Nan , it has rapidly developed into a national retailing company in China .

  19. 12月14日,该公司希望在新三板上市,新三板为全国性非上市股份有限公司股权交易平台。

    The firm said on December 14 that it will seek a listing on the New Third Board , a national market for the exchange of shares in non-publicly traded companies .

  20. “十亿+改变”(“能力越大,行善越多”)是美国一项全国性计划,许多公司都承诺将增加对非营利性领域的志愿专业服务。

    A Billion + Change ( " Great Talent for the Greater Good " ) is the national program through which corporations pledge to expand their volunteered professional services to the nonprofit sector .

  21. 许多民营和国有企业,借助于前瞻性的战略眼光,将资金和土地有效整合,迅速成长成为全国性的房地产公司。

    Many private and state-owned enterprises , which had a forward-looking strategic sight and dedicated itself to the effective integration of capital and land , had rapidly grown into the nationwide real estate companies .