
  • 网络Globally unique identifier;guid;guid globally unique identifier
  1. 虽然MBR提供1字节分区类型代码,但GPT使用一个16字节的GUID(Globallyuniqueidentifier,全局唯一标识符)值来标识分区类型。

    Whereas MBR provides a1-byte partition type code , GPT uses a16-byte GUID ( Globally unique identifier ) value to identify partition types .

  2. 处理器的全局唯一标识符。这个标识符只在一个处理器家族中是唯一的。

    A globally unique identifier for the processor . This identifier may only be unique within a processor family .

  3. 事实上,项ID是全局唯一标识符(universallyuniqueidentifier,UUID),因此可以将一个存储库中创建的项复制到另一个存储库并保留其标识。

    In fact , the item ids are universally unique identifiers ( UUIDs ), so that an item created in one repository can be replicated to another repository and retain its identity .