
  • 网络megathermal;Holocene Megathermal
  1. 全新世大暖期燕北地区人地关系的演变

    The change of the man land relationship in the nothern Yanshan mountain region during Megathermal

  2. 深水湖发生在气候温暖的末次间冰期及全新世大暖期的后半期。

    And deep lake period represented warm climates of the last interglacial and later times of the Holocene megathermal .

  3. 海南岛全新世大暖期后的古气候波动分析

    Paleoclimate Fluctuations Analysis of Hainan Islands after Holocene Warm Period

  4. 中国全新世大暖期哺乳动物与气候波动

    Paleoclimatic fluctuations and mammals in Holocene Megathermal in China

  5. 关中盆地东部北刘剖面全新世大暖期气候高分辨率研究

    The high resolution climatic study of the holocene megathermal in Beiliu Profile in Eastern Guanzhong Basin

  6. 全新世大暖期辽西与黄土高原地区环境演变及人地关系比较研究

    Comparative Analysis on the Environmental Changes and Human-land Relationship between the Western Liaoning and Loess Plateau in Holocene Megathermal

  7. 末次冰消期结束后,进入全新世大暖期,随着东亚季风环流的扩张,持续增暖的气候使本区文明得以重新发展,从而促进了新石器文化的发展。

    Since the end of last deglaciation , the Holocene Megathermal expanded the East Asia Monsoon circulation and the continuous climate warming promoted the prosperity of the Neolithic culture .

  8. 本文对中国北方全新世气候变化与全新世大暖期的环境特征进行了阐述,对研究全球变化有重要的参考价值。

    This text discusses the climatic change in Holocene and the Megathermal environmental characteristics in North China which provides an important referential value in studying the global change .

  9. 首先介绍了胶东半岛地区现代及全新世自然环境,并对全新世大暖期的海平面研究进行了一定的总结。

    To begin with the modern and Holocene environment introduction and the summarize of the sea level in Holocene Megathermal period research .

  10. 距今8500~3000年是全新世以来气候最佳适宜期,在我国称之为中国全新世大暖期或仰韶温暖期。

    The Holocene Climatic Optimum is equal to the Holocene Megathermal in China , or the Yangshao Warm Period in China , it is about 8500 ~ 3000 years ago .