
ɡǔ dài shǐ
  • ancient history
  1. 他喜欢中国古代史。

    He is fond of ancient history of china .

  2. 世界古代史精品课程内容体系论析

    Analysis of Superb Course Content System of World Ancient History

  3. 古代史和现代史是我们目前学习的课程。

    Ancient and modern history are the subjects we are studying .

  4. 它弥补了中国古代史研究领域的空白。

    It fills the gaps in the study of ancient Chinese history .

  5. 马克思对世界古代史研究的贡献

    On the Contributions of Marxism to the Study of Ancient World History

  6. 他写了一篇关于中国古代史的文章。

    He wrote an article on the ancient Chinese history .

  7. 研究性学习在《中国古代史》教学中的实践

    The Practice of Research Studying in the Teaching of Chinese Ancient History

  8. 在此期间,中国的政治体制、社会性质和经济面貌都发生了巨大的变化,与古代史相比,它有三大特点:曲折中前进,痛苦中升华;

    Compared with ancient Chinese history , it has three distinguishing features .

  9. 居民构成变动频繁复杂是湖南古代史的一个重要特点。

    The constitution of Hunan s inhabitants in ancient times was changeable .

  10. 这个学期我们都有一门古代史课程。

    We will all have a course in ancient history this term .

  11. 对历史专业世界古代史教材体例改革的思考

    Reflections on the Reform of the Teaching Stylebooks of the Ancient World History

  12. 但是纵观中国古代史,以嫡长子身份当了太子并顺利继承皇位的可以说少之又少。

    However , there were few such cases in the ancient Chinese history .

  13. 李大钊与中国古代史研究

    Li Da-zhao and His Study of Chinese Ancient History

  14. 对简明中国古代史课程教学设计的反思

    Reflection on Teaching Design of the Course of Brief History of Ancient China

  15. 他在研究古代史。

    He is doing some research in ancient history .

  16. 17、18世纪欧洲对中国古代史的研究及其后果

    A Century-long Controversy about Ancient Chinese History in Europe

  17. 中国古代史是高校历史专业的主干课程。

    Ancient Chinese history is a backbone course of history major of the university .

  18. 你对中国古代史熟悉吗?

    Are you familiar with Chinese ancient history ?

  19. 史密斯沉湎于古代史中。

    Mr. Smith steeps himself in ancient history .

  20. 关于重构中国古代史体系的思考

    A New Idea of Restructuring Ancient Chinese History

  21. 马丁?伯纳尔对在学术上已确定的关于古代史的观点的持续批评仍在继续。

    Martin Bernal 's sustained attack on the academically established views about ancient history continues .

  22. 第四部分,中学古诗文引入高中中国古代史教学的原则。

    Fourth part , middle school ancient prose introduction high school China ancient history teaching principle .

  23. 世纪之交中国古代史研究的几个热点问题

    Three Focuses in the Study of Chinese Ancient History towards the Close of the 20th Century

  24. 他在研究古典文学的同时,还开始钻研中国古代史。

    While he was studying classical literature he also began to dig into ancient Chinese history .

  25. 作为虞氏的世系,现在可考的有幕等十五个名号,而不止是尧舜禅让中的舜一代五十年,是古代史上实际存在很长时期的一个朝代,具有特殊的历史地位。

    In fact , this dynasty stood for many years and has a unique historical status .

  26. 麦克伦南在《原始婚姻》的新版《古代史研究》1876年版中起而为自己的理论辩护。

    McLennan defended his theory in a new edition of primitive marriage studies in ancient history , i876 .

  27. 印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃古奥,且缺乏原始资料。

    In ancient India history , the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome , profound , archaic and abstruse ;

  28. 延安时期的中国古代史研究在是在相对稳定的政治环境和较为自由的学术氛围下进行的。

    The research object of this article is The Ancient History of China of the90 s third revised edition .

  29. 然而,在中国古代史传文学中,诗入史传却成为一道亮丽的风景线。

    However , it becomes a beautiful scenery line that poetry into historical biography in Chinese ancient historical biography literature .

  30. 上古埃及和希腊是世界古代史上的两个主要国家,都具有独特的地理环境。

    Ancient Egypt and Greece were two main countries in the world ancient history , and they both possessed superior geographical conditions .