
  1. 古典考古博物馆是世界上少数收藏有古希腊和古罗马石膏铸体的博物馆之一。

    The Museum of Classical Archaeology is one of the few surviving collections of plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture in the world .

  2. 锡拉库萨曾是希腊殖民地,修昔底德(Thucydides)说它是“丝毫不逊于雅典的城市”。锡拉库萨是联系古希腊和古罗马的纽带。

    Syracuse was a Greek colony that Thucydides called " a city not in the least inferior to Athens itself . " Syracuse is the link between ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  3. 锡拉库萨是联系古希腊和古罗马的纽带。

    Syracuse is the link between ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  4. 古希腊和古罗马音乐概述

    A Brief Survey of the Music of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

  5. 他精通古希腊和古罗马文学。

    He steep himself in the literature of ancient Greece and rome .

  6. 早在古希腊和古罗马时代,母亲的伟大就已倍受肯定。

    The ancient Greeks and Romans were hip to how precious moms were ;

  7. 这一寻找最后把我带到了古希腊和古罗马。

    And that search has led me to ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  8. 早在古希腊和古罗马时期就出现了美育思想。

    As early as in ancient Greece and Rome appeared in aesthetic education thought .

  9. 然后我们去看看古希腊和古罗马的艺术珍品。

    Then we 'll turn to the art of the ancient Greeks and Romans .

  10. 几乎所有保存至今的古希腊和古罗马雕像都是由大理石雕刻的。

    Nearly all of the surviving ancient Greek and Roman statues are made of marble .

  11. 这些建筑物历史悠久,可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时代。

    These buildings have an ancestry which can be traced back to Greece and rome .

  12. 到现在为止,保存最好的史料记载的古代技术来源于古希腊和古罗马。

    By far the best-documented technology of the ancient world was that of the Greeks and Romans .

  13. 在古希腊和古罗马,路边摊和大排档在繁忙的城市市集上就已经很常见了。

    Roadside stands and food stalls in busy urban markets were commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome .

  14. 公决、创制和罢免是一种古老的政治制度,其源流可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时期。

    Referendum , initiative and recall are a old political system , coming from ancient Greece and Rome .

  15. 古代西方社会公正理论主要分为古希腊和古罗马时期的公正理论两部分。

    The ancient western society justice theory has been divided into two parts which include ancient Greece and Rome society justice theories .

  16. 所以他们原封不动地模仿古希腊和古罗马摔跤手的遗风,重现了“古典式摔跤”。

    They resurrected Greco-Roman wrestling , a style they believed to be an exact carryover from the Greek and Roman wrestlers of old .

  17. 话语分析有悠久的历史渊源,其前身可追溯到古希腊和古罗马时代的修辞学。

    With a long history , Discourse Analysis ( DA ) can be traced back to the rhetorics of ancient Greece and Roman times .

  18. 世界七大奇观是被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。

    Seven Wonders of the world , works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as the most unusual structures of antiquity .

  19. 斯多葛学派是古希腊和古罗马时期的一支地位举足轻重的思想流派,其代表人物有芝诺、爱比克泰德、塞涅卡等人。

    The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome , it 's representative men include Zeno , Epictetus and Seneca etc.

  20. 陪审制度起源于古希腊和古罗马,产生并发展于英国,辉煌于美国,改造于法、德等国家。

    It is traceable to the ancient Greek and Rome , born and develops in the England , is refulgent in America and alters in France and Germany .

  21. 笑剧古希腊和古罗马的一种戏剧表演形式,剧中类似的人物或情景在舞台上以闹剧表演出来,通常伴有粗俗的对白和荒唐可笑的动作。

    A form of ancient Greek and Roman theatrical entertainment in which familiar characters and situations were farcically portrayed on stage , often with coarse dialogue and ludicrous actions .

  22. 检察官说,若是英国也像古希腊和古罗马一样,存在为有功于大众之人竖立雕像的制度,一座雕像肯定已为这位光辉的公民竖立。

    That , if statues were decreed in britain , as in ancient Greece and rome , to public benefactors , This shining citizen would assuredly have had one .

  23. 其实,西方的文学和艺术,溯其源头,当追至古希腊和古罗马的神话,另外或多或少还受古代斯堪的纳维亚半岛神话的影响。

    Western literate and art as a whole , in fact , show the strong influence of Greek and Roman mythology , and to a lesser extent , Norse mythology .

  24. 接着本文对西方奴隶社会庭院空间发展进行研究,剖析了古希腊和古罗马的庭院空间的区别和联系并在此基础上,从经济、政治、文化三个方面探讨庭院空间产生差异的原因。

    On the basis of the analysis of Chinese and Western courtyard space , the author found out the reason of the difference in economy 、 politics and culture perspective .

  25. 它是由照相机摄下的静止窗式图景,并在古希腊和古罗马绘画后期,以及文艺复兴以来绝大多数西方绘画流派中被表现。

    This is the stationary window view recorded by the camera and represented in the later periods of ancient Greek and Roman paintings and in most Western schools of painting since Renaissance .

  26. 因为古希腊和古罗马神话非常相似,因此人们常常把两者放在一起讨论。对于雌性美人鱼与雄性美人鱼的文字描述最早便出现在这两种文化的文学作品里。

    Greek and Roman mythology is often placed together as the two are very similar , and it is in the literature from these cultures that one finds the first literary description of the mermaid and , indeed , mermen .

  27. 古希腊海神波塞冬和古罗马海神尼普顿常常被描述成半人半鱼的形象。荷马在讲述奥德修斯的海上征程时提到了塞壬,只可惜他并没有对其外形作具体描述。

    Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish , and Homer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physical description .

  28. 而这里,在大都会博物馆那宽敞的大厅里,在我们面前展示了通过艺术形式表达出来的古埃及、古希腊和古罗马的精神世界。

    And here , in the vast chambers of the Metropolitan Museum , is unfolded before me the spirit of Egypt , Greece , and Rome , as expressed in their art .