
kǎo ɡǔ xué wén huà
  • Archaeological Culture;archeological cultures
  1. 闽越与南越考古学文化的比较研究

    A making Comparison Study Between Min Yue and South Yue Archaeological Culture

  2. 山东地区东周考古学文化的序列

    Sequences of Eastern Zhou Archaeological Cultures in the Shandong Area

  3. 试论闽族及其考古学文化

    A Making Comments on Min Clan and its Archaeological Culture

  4. 一定的考古学文化,必然与特定的民族群体有关。

    Certain culture must be related to certain ethnic group .

  5. 这两类遗存面貌不同、性质相异,有各自的器物群和相对独立的分布范围,代表了两种考古学文化。

    They have different groups of artifacts and relative independent distribution areas .

  6. 晋陕高原夏商时期考古学文化格局研究

    A Study on the Pattern of Archaeological Cultures during Xia-Shang Dynasty in Jin-Shan Plateau

  7. 考古学文化与中华民族起源的若干问题

    On Archaeological Culture and Origin of Chinese Nation

  8. 中国东北地区夏至战国时期的考古学文化研究

    Study on Archeology Culture of Xia Dynasty to Warring States in Northeast Region of China

  9. 江淮东部是介于海岱地区和太湖地区之间的一个重要的考古学文化区。

    The eastern part of Yangzi-Huai valley has been an important cultural area in archaeology .

  10. 夏商周断代工程与夏商考古学文化研究

    Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project and the Study of Archaeological Cultures in the Xia and Shang Periods

  11. 但此时具备典型特征的突厥考古学文化很可能尚未形成。

    But at this time the typical Turkic archaeological culture is likely not yet formed .

  12. 考古学文化的理论与方法

    Theories and Methods of the Archaeology

  13. 良渚文化:虞代的考古学文化&兼论良渚文化的去向

    Liangzhu Culture : the Archaeological Culture of Yu Dynasty & On the Orientation of Liangzhu Culture

  14. 考古学文化的传播与迁徙

    Diffusion and Migration of Archaeological Culture

  15. 湖北清江流域夏商时期考古学文化研究

    A Study on the Archaeological Culture of Xia & Shang Period in Qingjiang Valley of Hubei

  16. 铜石并用时代考古学文化有红山文化(6500&5000B.P.)

    The period of Age of copper and stone both used includes : Hongshan culture ( 6500-5000 B.P. )

  17. 甘青地区与西南山地先秦时期考古学文化及互动关系

    The Archaeological Culture and Interactive Relationship between Gansu & Qinghai and Southwest Mountain Regions in the Pre-Qin Period

  18. 该遗址的发掘为研究江汉平原新石器时代文化的内涵和考古学文化谱系提供了一批新资料。

    The excavation is valued for understanding context and structure of the Neolithic cultures in the Jianghan Plain .

  19. 二里头文化在其产生发展的过程中都与这些考古学文化存在着一定程度上的交流。

    Erlitou culture is associated with these archaeological cultures to some extent in its production and process of development .

  20. 喇家遗址位于青海省民和县,是一处新石器时代的史前遗存,其考古学文化为齐家文化。

    Shijiayuan site in Linyou county , Shanxi province was excavated by the Department of Archaeology , Peking University et.

  21. 最后,分析探讨考古学文化的发展与自然环境变化之间的关系。

    Finally , analysis of the relationship between the cultural of archaeological development and the environment change in the natural .

  22. 关于早期夏文化&从夏商周王朝更迭与考古学文化变迁的关系谈起

    The Early Xia Culture : The Alternations of Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasty and the Changes of Archaeological Cultures

  23. 东夷文化和日本考古学文化都是世界东方文化的重要组成部分,需要共同深入研究。

    This paper is a study of the Pu and the Yue ethnic groups from the perspective of archaeological culture .

  24. 日用炊器,是反映考古学文化性质和研究先秦社会经济最重要的器物。

    The cooking potteries are the most important wares in researching the archaeological culture and the social economy before Qin dynasty .

  25. 从而以本文划分的早、晚期为经、以地域为纬,大致勾勒出该地区夏时期“多重结构的”考古学文化特征的形成过程。

    This paper gave a brief account of the multiple culture structure of this area , at the early and late period .

  26. 在此基础上,本文对二里头文化与周边地区考古学文化的交流做了深入的分析。

    On this basis , this paper analyzes more in-depth the communication between Erlitou culture and the archaeological cultures of surrounding area .

  27. 良渚文化以最早发现地良渚遗址命名,是中国新石器时代长江流域最重要的考古学文化。

    The Liangzhu culture first discovered Liangzhu ruins named , is the Chinese Neolithic Yangtze River Basin is the most important archaeological culture .

  28. 这五种考古学文化均与各自中心地区的考古学文化相似,但又有其自身的特点。

    These five archaeological culture are related to their respective central areas of the archaeological and cultural similarities , it has its own characteristics .

  29. 表现在考古学文化上,从东汉时期在长江流域的墓葬中开始出现以胡人俑随葬的现象。

    In the tombs of Eastern Han appeared a lot of Figurines of Hu people , which acted as a carrier of foreign culture .

  30. 夏王朝的建立是本部落联盟内社会历史自然发展的结果,不可能在考古学文化上出现中断。

    The emergence of Xia Dynasty is the result of social development , so it 's impos-sible to observe any discontinuity in the archaeological cult-ure .