
  • 网络cox;Courteney Cox;laverne cox
  1. 他坚持说当时考克斯先生拿着斧头向他冲过来,他是在自卫。

    He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox , who came at him with an axe .

  2. 亲爱的考克斯夫人,关于房屋保险一事,我们的文件显示尚未收到您的续保通知。

    Dear Mrs Cox , Re : Household Insurance . We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions .

  3. 经常使今天压力更加过重的公众恼怒的频繁性插入语(b詹姆斯怀尔考克斯)

    Frequent asides that are often exasperating to today 's more stressed - out public ( bJames Wilcox )

  4. 考克斯现属WMEandBrillsteinEntertainmentPartners公司。

    Cox is repped by WME and Brillstein Entertainment Partners .

  5. 考克斯和财务会计准则委员会(financialaccountingstandardboard)主席罗伯特赫兹(robertherz),应为降低这种复杂性而付出的努力受到赞许。

    Mr Cox and Robert Herz , financial accounting standard board chairman , are to be commended for their efforts to reduce that complexity .

  6. 波拉•汉考克斯,CNN,意大利罗马报道。

    Paula Hancocks , CNN , Rome , Italy .

  7. 茅台是用粮食酿成的烈酒,被称作中国的国酒。考克斯夫妇此行由尼克松基金会(NixonFoundation)和中国人民对外友好协会组织。

    Mr. and Mrs. Cox 's trip is organized by the Nixon Foundation and the Chinese People 's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries .

  8. 而电缆供应商考克斯通信公司(CoxCommunications)也开始与员工共同讨论横向职业发展路线的价值,并将其纳入正式讨论之中。

    And the cable provider Cox communications has begun talking about the value of sideways career steps as part of formal development discussions with employees .

  9. 这里谈到的新媒体,是指迅速扩张的有线电视网络。怀特自70年代开始就对有线电视网络极感兴趣,当时这位曾经的律师经营着考克斯有线电视(CoxCableCommunications)。

    The new media in question were the expanding cable networks that had fascinated him since the 1970s , when the former lawyer ran Cox Cable Communications .

  10. 最近数月,SEC采取了大量行动来支持这一转变,考克斯在全世界的穿梭往来便是明证。

    Recent months have seen plenty of action backing up the shift , as evidenced by the globe-trotting of the Mr Cox .

  11. Shapiro请求白兰度将考克斯的骨灰洒在他生前最喜爱旅行的地方。

    Shapiro asked Brando to scatter Cox 's remains in his favourite hiking places .

  12. 尼克松的“周六夜大屠杀”(Saturdaynightmassacre)——炒掉了特别检察官阿奇博尔德?考克斯(ArchibaldCox)——是唯一的先例。

    Nixon 's " Saturday night massacre " in which he fired Archibald Cox , the special prosecutor , is the only precedent .

  13. 考克斯教授说,乔治W布什总统任内,美国在欧洲的声望大跌,奥巴马当选总统则让欧洲人感到快慰。

    Cox said the United States'reputation in Europe was hit during the presidency of George Bush , and Obama 's election was received with a certain sense of euphoria on the continent .

  14. UrbanCompass的经纪人小詹姆斯·C·考克斯(JamesC.CoxJr.)曾在哈萨克斯坦生活了三年,有很多买家客户来自这个原为苏联集团成员国之一的国度。

    James C. Cox Jr. , a broker at Urban Compass who lived for three years in Kazakhstan , has many buyer clients from that country , once part of the Soviet bloc .

  15. 二战俘虏大卫·c·考克斯由于受到严寒和饥饿的折磨,他曾将自己当飞行员时因受到嘉奖而得到的金戒指出售给了研究员战俘以换取一些巧克力棒。如今,已经过去了70多年,这个金戒指终于回家了。

    Cold and hungry as a World War II prisoner , David C. Cox traded his prized gold aviator 's ring to a fellow POW for some chocolate bars . Now , after seven decades , it has finally made its way home .

  16. 考克斯是咨询和投资顾问公司OCGlobalPartners,LLC的合伙人,曾在2010年参加纽约第一国会选区的共和党初选,最终排在第三位。

    Mr. Cox , a partner at consultancy and investment advisory firm OC Global Partners , LLC , finished third in the 2010 Republican primary for the New York 's 1st congressional district .

  17. 维滕贝格-考克斯是一位实践者,创建了欧洲职业女性网(EuropeanProfessionalWomen'sNetwork)等网站,她还是一位高级指导,自创了一家名为20-First的公司,就性别相关问题向各个组织提供建议。

    Wittenberg-Cox is a practitioner who founded networks such as the European Professional Women 's Network and is an executive coach who started her own company ( 20-First ) to advise organisations on gender-related matters .

  18. KeplerEquities的分析师乔恩•考克斯(JonCox)表示:人们现在认识到,营养品正成为市场增长最快的部分,并在产生业绩。

    Jon Cox , analyst at Kepler Equities , says : People now recognise that nutrition is addressing the fastest growing part of the market and producing results .

  19. 即将离职的美国证券交易委员会主席考克斯(christophercox)上周承认,尽管有来自行业内部一些渠道的警告,但证交会仍没能调查出马多夫骗局,他已对此展开调查。

    Christopher Cox , the outgoing sec chief , has launched an inquiry after admitting last week that his agency had failed to investigate Mr Madoff in spite of warnings from industry sources .

  20. 税费是一大问题,UrbanCompass的考克斯说,我们帮助买家组建有限责任公司来避税、或者尽量减少某些税费。但是,要想把他们负担的所有税费一一解释清楚,往往是个很大的挑战。

    Taxes are a major problem , Mr. Cox of Urban Compass said . We help buyers structure limited liability companies to avoid , or minimize , some taxes , but it is often a challenge to explain all the different taxes they are charged .

  21. 今年,本和我以及来自埃森哲(Accenture)、康卡斯特(Comcast)和考克斯报业(CoxEnterprises)等公司的45名高管从周四晚餐时间开始,到周五上午7点,一直在圣约家园的收容所内度过。

    This year , Ben and I and some 45 executives from companies including Accenture ( ACN ) , Comcast ( CMCSA ) and Cox Enterprises spent from dinnertime Thursday until 7 a.m. Friday on the campus of the Covenant House shelter .

  22. EleanorRobinson,也就是考克斯的姐姐说:“白兰度是一个粗鲁放肆的小男孩,”她继续回忆道:“他把可怜的威利绑在一棵树上整整一个下午,而且还离开了他。

    The boys became fast , albeit unlikely , friends , said Eleanor Robinson , Cox 's sister . 'Marlon was a rough little boy , 'she said . 'He tied Wally to a tree one afternoon and left him .

  23. 考克斯在《谍影重重2》(TheBourneSupremacy)中饰演一个狡猾的中情局官员,一直在为宣传独立的一个系列视频中一只名叫“达吉·达格”的苏格兰卡通狗配音。

    Mr. Cox , who played the devious C.I.A. officer in " The Bourne Supremacy , " has become the throaty voice of a cartoon Scottie dog called Duggy Dug who features in a series of pro-independence video clips .

  24. CNN电视台制作人还要求两人选出《老友记》中最爱的片段,他们不约而同选择了同一段:菲比和钱德勒准备接吻、随后钱德勒承认自己爱上莫妮卡(柯特妮考克斯饰)的那一幕。

    The pair were asked by CNN producers to pick their favorite moment from the show , and they both chose the same scene the one where Phoebe and Chandler are about to kiss , and he admits he 's in love with Monica ( played by Courteney Cox ) .

  25. PRRI研究总监丹尼尔-考克斯说,一些受访者(包括75%的非白人新教徒)相信恶劣天气既是末日论的证据,也是气候变化的结果。

    PRRI research director Daniel Cox said that some respondents - including 75 percent of non-white Protestants - believe extreme weather is both evidence of end times and the result of climate change .

  26. (锡考克斯距离纽约市有六英里。)

    ( Secaucus is about six miles from the city . )

  27. 考克斯弥补了扎克伯格的不足,并推动影片向前发展。

    Cox balances out zuck and keeps the presentation moving along .

  28. 最终我做到了,“考克斯说道。

    Finally , I 've done it , " said Crooks .

  29. 破坏性评估:《考克斯报告》修订版的冲击

    Damage Assessment : Impact of the " Redacted " Cox Committee Report

  30. 科特尼考克斯和大卫阿奎特在10月的时候宣布分手。

    Courteney Cox and David Arquette announced they had separated in October .