
  • 网络Conurbation
  1. 如果不加限制,城市往往会联合发展成越来越大的集合城市。

    Cities , if unrestricted , tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations

  2. 模糊集合论在城市轨道交通设备国产化决策中的应用

    A Study on Using Fuzzy Set Theory in Decision making for Localization of URT Equipment

  3. 基于集合覆盖模型的城市ULS物流节点选址分析

    Analysis on Locations for Urban ULS Logistics Links Based on Set Covering Model

  4. 从能量集合的角度初探城市公共空间的本质

    Analysis of Essence of Urban Public Space from Viewpoint of Energy Aggregation