
  • 网络Massed Practice;mass practice;massed learning
  1. 如果他能集中练习防守技巧。

    If he 'd just concentrate on his defensive skills .

  2. 从今天的训练开始,我们集中练习攻击策略。

    Starting today on training routines , we 'll concertrate on an attack strategy .

  3. 大多数人集中练习的都是那些不费力就能做到的事情。

    When most people practice , they focus on the things they can do effortlessly .

  4. 注意:当你在做这些注意力集中练习时,尽你所能不要紧张,这都是意念的。

    Note : Try your best not to tense up while you are doing these concentration exercises , it is ALL mental .

  5. 迁移设计是西方运动技能学关于运动技能学习的一种研究方式。由运动技能学习的特点以及集中练习与分散练习的经典研究可以看出,迁移设计的提出具有重大的科学价值和现实意义。

    Transfer design is one of the research pattens on the leaming of motor skills in the subject of motor learning , The nature of learning of motor skills and classical research of massed and distributed practice showed that the idea of promoting the study of motor learning in China .

  6. 首先,Mozart学校强调集中的练习和训练,因而学生通常在很小的时候就开始接受训练。

    First of all , the Mozart School stresses intensive practice and training , so that students typically begin their training at a very young age .

  7. 我们集中精力练习策应队员转身运球。

    We are concentrating our efforts on the turn around dribble .

  8. 因此,英语当中一些语法项目没有进行系统和集中的练习,导致他们语法上的缺失。

    Therefore , they lack the systematic and intensive training of certain grammatical items .

  9. 在90天内达到流利、至少是较高的口语标准是可能的,但是要求高度集中的练习。

    Its possible to achieve fluency , or at least a high speaking level , in just 90 days , but it requires intense focus .

  10. 有意识思考和有意冥想是不一样的,冥想是人们故意集中精力练习进入他们现在的状态,并去感受它。

    Dispositional mindfulness is not the same as mindfulness meditation , in which people make a conscious , focused practice of attending to their current state and sensations .

  11. 习题课单设,增开实验课,集中综合练习学生的数学应用能力,提高教学效果,建立完备的稳定的应用能力培养体系。

    A complete application ability training system is established using the methods such as setting separated exercise classes , adding experimental classes and comprehensive practicing the students ' mathematical application ability .

  12. 词汇的练习主要采用辨别练习和用法练习这两种灵活的练习形式;实词的练习贯穿于各种方法,而虚词的练习形式则集中于用法练习中的情境问答。

    Identification exercise and usage exercise are mainly used in vocabulary exercises ; the function words exercises are focus on context of usage exercise and notional can be used in all kinds of exercises .

  13. 问问题,打开教材,查找材料,集中精力研究练习题,抄到笔记本上,预测教授会讲什么,把他们强调的可能会考到的内容记下来。

    Ask questions , bring the textbook and look stuff up , focus on the important practice problems to copy down in your notes , try to anticipate what the professor is going to say , make note of anything they put emphasis on as a potential exam topic .