
  • 网络ryan
  1. 州长赖安批评了立法者,因为他们没有批准这些改革建议。

    Governor Ryan criticized lawmakers for failing to approve them .

  2. 赖安:那么,就要有一辆更强力的车子,赛程也会远一些。

    Ryan : That means a more powerful car and longer races .

  3. 赖安:这就好像用网络来把人炒了。

    Ryan : It 's kind of like firing someone over the Internet .

  4. 州长赖安暂缓了本州所有死刑犯。

    Governor Ryan suspended all executions in the state .

  5. 赖安,我十六岁的弟弟,有晚与朋友深夜出去。

    My16-year-old brother , Ryan , was out late with friends one night .

  6. 赖安,我觉得应该让你知道一些事情。

    Ryan , I think you shouid know something .

  7. 赖安院长写信给这些学生说

    As Dean Ryan wrote to students

  8. 赖安先生上个月你父亲到诊所去了3次

    Mr. Ryan , your father has been to the clinic three times in the last month .

  9. 来自肯特郡的赖安说:他们看我们合作得很好,所以想和我们一起研发。

    Ryan , from Kent , said : They saw we worked well together and wanted an opportunity to work with us .

  10. 周四,美国民众将有机会一睹民主党副总统乔•拜登和共和党副总统保罗•赖安面对面的辩论。

    Voters will get a chance to see a face-to-face comparison of Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan in the Vice-Presidential debate Thursday .

  11. 赖安:我想,我的成绩还算不错,是因为运气实在很好,我们的车辆也十分可靠。

    Ryan : Well I think my results are a bit flattering because I 've had quite a lot of luck and our car is always so reliable .