
kǎo zhèng
  • textual research;textual criticism
考证 [kǎo zhèng]
  • [textual criticism;textual research] 用实物或资料论证说明

考证[kǎo zhèng]
  1. 烟草霜霉病的考证与检疫控制

    Textual Criticism and Quarantine Control of Tobacco Blue Mold

  2. 青岛验潮站的平均海面及其考证

    The relative mean sea level and its textual criticism from tide-gauge records of Qingdao

  3. 博物学中虽然有许多类似的假设,却从没人对此考证过。

    But as with many such suppositions in natural history , no one had ever tested it .

  4. 我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能考证出结果。

    I don 't know where that old story came from , I 've never been able to track it down .

  5. 由于年代久远,其渊源已无法考证。

    It has an origin lost in the mists of antiquity .

  6. 我对于基督教和“圣经”考证久已感觉兴味了。

    I have long been interested in Christianity and biblical criticism .

  7. 圣经”考证把向来积聚于这些作品的各层中的各种堆积物掘开

    Biblical criticism excavates the various deposits that have been gathered in successive layers in these writings . “

  8. 当时,这个地方的鬼怪旅游就已经具有很长的历史了,开展得也非常普遍,但是其中有一个与众不同的地方非常有名,因为这里出了一个叫做麦肯斯的闹鬼,并且据说对这个鬼还有着非常充分的考证。

    Now this place has quite a lot of history so ghost tours are common but one stands out as being famous due to the fact that it has an extremely well documented case of a poltergeist called the Mackenzie Poltergeist .

  9. 本草考证与文献考查聚合物空腔胶囊的制备及CdS的组装

    Fabrication of polymer hollow capsule and synthesis of CdS nanoparticles in capsule

  10. 对水稻第9和第12染色体编号分歧的细胞学考证最常用的编码方法是区域编码方法(regionbasednumberingscheme)。

    A Cytological Investigation on the Divergence Related to Numbering System for Chromosome 9 and 12 in Rice The most famous numbering scheme is Region Based Numbering Scheme .

  11. 采用苯胺滴加的方法、FTIR的研究方法,验证亚硫酸氢钠封闭异氰酸酯的反应的可行性,并进一步考证了用DSC方法得到的解封闭温度的正确性。

    The analytic results by DSC were verified by aniline titration analysis and FTIR analysis , which further indicated that it was available to block isocyanate by sodium bisulfate .

  12. 原来,在爱因斯坦入学考试那年,学校管理者更改了评分制度,将成绩“A”档改成了“F”档(后来的传记作家没有仔细考证才造成了今天的误会)。

    Possibly because , during one year of Einstein 's education , school officials reversed the grading system , turning the numerical equivalent of A 's into F 's ( and confusing unwary future biographers ) .

  13. 请考生按照CGFNS准考证指定的时间、地点前往参加考试。

    Candidates should attend the test at the certain date and site appointed on the confirmation letter .

  14. 目的:进一步考证中学生学习能力倾向测验(AATMSS)的结构效度。

    Objective : To assess the construct validity of The Academic Aptitude Test for Middle School Students ( AATMSS ) .

  15. 此外有35条序列在CDS字段标注的翻译起始位点前存在起始密码子ATG,我们分析可能是RefSeq数据库中对其标注有误,其正确性有待进一步考证和研究。

    In addition , another initiator codon ATG was found preceding the translation initiation site marked in ' CDS ' in 35 mRNAs . We doubted the marker and it needs further investigation .

  16. 本文选择刚玉质瓷(85瓷、90瓷、95瓷)为基的不同配方,由低到高分别加入αAl2O3微粉进行对比试验。考证了αAl2O3微粉在刚玉制品中的作用。

    This paper selected different formulas of corundum-based porcelain ( 85 , 90 , 95 porcelain ) from lower to upper separately adding α - Al2O3 micropowder to conduct comparison experiments , thus , a textual proof of the action of α - Al2O3 micropowder in corundum wares .

  17. 通过考证认为:古代所用延胡索正品,即今产于东北各地的野生齿瓣延胡索(CorydalisturtschaninoviiBess.)

    Our textual research shows that yanhusuo used in the ancient times is the plant Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess . which grows wildly in northeastern China today , and the cultural certified product C. turtschaninovii Bess .

  18. 本文对此金币作一简单考证。

    This paper makes a textual study on this gold coin .

  19. 关于李潢生平的几个问题考证

    Textual research on some problems about the life of Li Huang

  20. 振兴消费经济所必须的创新是否行得通还有待考证。

    The innovation necessary to boom a consumer economy is questionable .

  21. 不过,还有很多情况是有待考证的。

    Still , that leaves a lot of room for fact-checking .

  22. 文章将对6通傅函的时间考证就教于方家。

    This textual research testifies the certain time of Fu's6 letters .

  23. 中药百合炮制历史考证及探讨

    Discussion and Textual Research on Preparation History of Chinese Drug Lily

  24. 关中东部帝王陵墓考证

    Emperors ' Mausoleums in the East of Central Shaanxi Plain

  25. 第三部分,郑诗内容深广,包罗万象,涉及社会现状、个人情感、家庭生活、金石考证、艺术理论等领域。

    Including social situation , personal emotion . artistic theory , archaeology etc.

  26. 昆明1943年5级地震的发震地段考证

    Textual research of seismogenic segment of the Kunming M5 earthquake in 1943

  27. 关于未能考证的药物待进一步考证。

    The drugs on failure needed to be further research .

  28. 1668年鲁南大震若干问题的考证

    A verification on some problems of the South Shandong earthquake in 1668

  29. 地黄栽培历史及其品种考证

    Textual research on planting history of Rehmannia glutinosa and its cultivated varieties

  30. 但是,准考证的事情仍然没有进展。

    However , there was still no progress on the examination pass .