
  • 网络Valence Grammar;valency grammar;Valent Grammar
  1. 配价语法理论对汉语教学的意义

    The Significant Effect of Valence Grammar on Chinese Teaching

  2. 配价语法从引入汉语研究到现在已经成为比较成熟的理论。

    Valence Grammar from the introduction of the Chinese language has become more mature now .

  3. 从配价语法看CLEC中的动名搭配失误对语料库、语料库语言学的种种误解

    An Analysis of Valency Grammar and Verb-noun Collocation Errors from CLEC Corpus Misunderstandings about Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in China and abroad

  4. 配价语法在词类研究方面的现状;

    The current situation in studying parts of speech ;

  5. 现代汉语配价语法研究综述

    On Comprehensive Evaluation of Valency in Modern Chinese

  6. 动词配价语法与英语教学

    Verb Valency Grammar and the English Teaching

  7. 在配价语法这种词汇主义思潮中,我国汉语语法学者对题元角色及句法实现进行了深入的思考并取得了丰硕的成果。

    Chinese scholars have researched deeply the relationship between the semantic roles and syntactic arguments .

  8. 配价语法与词汇-语法

    Valency Grammar & Lexicon - Grammar

  9. 配价语法理论引入我国后就立刻引起了许多语法学者对配价语法进行研究的兴趣和重视。

    Valence theory attracted a lot of attention , the moment it was brought into China .

  10. 其中涉及三个问题:配价语法的运用对汉语研究的意义;

    The note is involved in three problems : the significance of using valence grammar in studying Chinese ;

  11. 本文将借鉴配价语法中有关动词配价的理论,从动词配价能力的角度对俄语动词进行分析。

    This paper is to make an analysis of Russian verbs from the perspective of valent capacity of verbs .

  12. 本文旨在运用配价语法理论,研究中古汉语中的动词配价问题。

    This paper aims at studying the problem of verbs valence in the Ancient Chinese language by using the theory of valence .

  13. 配价语法理论强调动词是句子的中心,是全句的支配成分,人物语和情景语是动词的直接从属成分。

    Valence Theory emphasizes that the verb is the center of the sentence and is is domination of component in the whole sentence .

  14. 配价语法理论认为给予类动词是典型的三价动词,需要有三个强制性的语义成分与其共现。

    The valence grammar theories claim that give-type verbs are typical three-valence verbs , and they need to be presented with three compulsory semantic components .

  15. 本文借鉴格语法、配价语法以及论元理论等现代语言学的理论或方法,探讨汉语中介词的隐现及介词省略时的功能替换手段问题。

    This paper discusses the emergence and omission of prepositions and the substitutions of hidden Chinese prepositions by using Case grammar , Valence grammar and Argument theory .

  16. 配价语法理论旨在揭示动词对从属成分的支配能力,反映与动词相关联的语义成分的数量。

    Valence Grammar theory aims to reveal the dominant capacity of verbs over the subordinate component , reflecting the quantity of verbs associated with the semantic content volume .

  17. 配价语法是能够反映句法和语义之间映射关系的一种直接而有效的手段,是对语言结构方式的一种有效的研究途径。

    Valence theory is a direct and effective method to reflect projected relationship between sentence structures and semantic , also it is a effective researching way in linguistic structure pattern .

  18. 本文的目的在于把配价语法的操作原则引介到现代汉语存现句的研究中去,对存现句作一综合的梳理。

    The purposes of the thesis are to introduce the principle of valence grammar into studying the existential sentences in modern Chinese and reorder the existential sentences through a synthetical study .

  19. 介绍了动词配价语法的概念以及基本内容和特点,指出目前在我国英语教学中所存在的问题:只注重句法,而忽视语义的作用。

    This paper introduces in brief the basic concept and content of the verb valency grammar as well its features , and indicates the present-day problems in the English teaching of our country .

  20. 本文选定由字句作为研究对象,在三维语法、配价语法、格语法、言语行为等现代语言学理论与方法的指导下,力求对由字句作比较全面的分析和描写。

    In this dissertation , We select You sentence pattern to do some research , under the guidance of three-dimensions grammar , valency grammar , case grammar and speech act theory , try our best to do more comprehensive analysis and description of You sentence pattern .

  21. 现代人们对于配价理论的关注越来越多,本文在此做出尝试,希望能够通过配价语法,探寻上古汉语语义成分同句法结构的深层关系。

    At present , more and more attention has been paid to valence theory , and we try to use valence grammar in order to research deep relation between semantic part and sentence structure in " ShangGu " Chinese .

  22. 研究表明,认知语法配价理论源于传统配价理论的研究成果,但更是其理论的延伸和发展,已成为当今配价语法研究的趋势。

    The study shows that valence relations of cognitive grammar is originated from the research results of the traditional valence theory but more development and progress of this theory , and it has become the trend of the valence grammar study nowadays .