
  • 网络delivery time
  1. 批量无限时极小化工件配送时间的单机在线算法

    On-line scheduling on a batch processing machine with unbounded batch size to minimize the delivery time

  2. 本文主要研究极小化工件配送时间及工件加工时间相同时的分批配送问题。

    The objective of this paper is to minimize the delivery time and the batch scheduling problems with job processing times are the same .

  3. 基于p-中位模型的单目标物流配送时间点决策

    Time points decision of single target logistics delivery based on p-median model

  4. 他们的订单很快就会发货,配送时间让人印象深刻,

    I was reassured that orders are dispatched quickly , and delivery times are impressive ,

  5. 对于调度层,则从零售网点的库存和销售预测出发,提出了配送时间窗的概念,并对运输安排建立了数学模型。

    For scheduling , distribution time window is put forward and vehicle assignment model is established .

  6. 零售商们计划调整奥运期间的配送时间,但他们不确信奥运会给他们带来大利好。

    Retailers plan to switch their delivery times during the games but are unconvinced that they will enjoy a games-time boost .

  7. 第三方物流企业为提高市场的竞争,纷纷推出基于时效的优势业务,对配送时间做出公开承诺。

    To enhance competition , the TPL enterprises have introduced the advantages of the business based on time limitation . They make a promise to customers on delivery time .

  8. 建立分销网络模型,必须考虑成本、需求、配送时间、如何选择分销中心及确定向哪些需求点供货这四个要点。

    The mode of distribution network must consider four points which include cost , demand , distribution time , how to choose distribution center and supply to which demand points .

  9. 电于商务是指利用电子化手段进行以商品交换为中心的各种商务活动,具有开放性、全球化、低成本、高效率的内在特征,并且电子商务环境下顾客对配送时间有严格的要求。

    E-business refers to all the kinds of business activities which center on exchanging commodities by using electronic means . E-business is with an open , global , low-cost and high-efficiency inherent characteristic .

  10. 在高度发展的商业社会中,由于行业之间的竞争以及消费者对配送时间的要求越来越严格,使得物流企业在物流配送作业上越来越注重科学信息化与高效管理。

    In this high developed business society , the consumers call for the time service , the logistics industry especially focuses on the scientific and high effective management of the distribution because of the competition .

  11. 根据订单信息,如订单的配送时间、供货点、配送地点、第三方物流中心的运输工具及物流企业信誉等信息,采用推理的方法确定对第三方物流中心优选的顺序。

    The optimal selecting sequence of Third Party Logistics is obtained by applying the reasoning method , based on the order information , such as delivery time of order , supplier , delivery destination , transportation tools and trust of Third Party Logistics center .

  12. 在实时交换销售数据的基础上,供应商能够依据模型在发货周期内确定最佳的货物配送时间和配送数量,主动补货,实现总的长期平均成本最小化。

    Based on the real-time sales data exchange , it enables suppliers to make the decision of the optimal time and the quantities of replenishment for retailers during a delivery cycle , in order to replenish the consumers ' stock initiatively and minimize the long-run average cost .

  13. 从提高供应链整体协调性及绩效水平出发,在单个厂商对配送时间承诺的决策模型基础上,研究了在供应链环境中由零售商负责配送的时间承诺问题。

    The retailer ′ s delivery time guarantee in a supply chain is studied to enhance the coordination and the overall performance . The decision making model of delivery time guarantee by the retailer under the supply chain environment is researched based on the model of an individual firm .

  14. 随着物流业的快速发展,越来越多的理论研究者与企业管理者都意识到有效降低物流成本、满足顾客对配送时间等要求已成为企业提高利润、增强竞争优势的重要手段。

    With the rapid development of the logistics , it becomes important to reduce logistics costs and meet customer requirements on-time . It plays a key role in improving profits and enhancing competitive advantage for many enterprises . More and more theoretical researchers and business managers have also realized it .

  15. 随着电子商务的进一步推广与应用,物流的重要性对其影响日益明显,物流配送时间过长、成本过高已成为目前制约我国开展电子商务的瓶颈。

    Along with the further expansion and application of the electronic commerce , the importance and influence of logistics become more and more obvious . The long time and high cost of logistic allocation have become the " bottle-neck " of the expansion of the electronic commerce in our country .

  16. 物流配送客户时间窗变动干扰管理研究短时电能质量扰动变尺度标杆相似度识别

    Study on Disruption Management for Customer Time Window Changes in Logistics Classification of Short Duration Disturbances Based on Similarity of Varying Scale Benchmark

  17. 第三章简要介绍了A企业的现状并将其具体问题简化为数学模型,强调了需要满足不同客户对配送的时间要求。

    The third chapter briefly describes the status of A company and its specific issues simplified mathematical model , emphasizing the need to meet the distribution requirements of different customers .

  18. 具体思想是:在对车辆装车和配送的时间进行限制以及对配送区域进行限制等条件下,使得配送车队的固定成本和变动成本之和最小。

    The concrete idea is under the circumstances of limiting the loading of fleet and supply time as well as supply area , to minimize the sum of fixed cost and variable cost of the supply fleet .

  19. 但是本文仅对X卷烟物流配送中心应用时间驱动作业成本法的情况进行了初步的理论性分析,并将典型数据应用到该中心进行分析计算,而尚未引入实际数据进行实证研究。

    However , this research just makes a preliminary theoretical study of time-driven ABC applied in the center and assumes the data to account .

  20. 因此,本文主要对食品冷链物流配送环节的时间和质量控制进行研究。

    It also leads to many problems in the development of food cold chain distribution . Therefore , the article researches the time and quality controlling of food cold chain distribution .

  21. 分布式配送系统在运输时间均匀分布条件下的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Distributed-Distribution System Under Uniform Distribution of Transportation Time

  22. 随机需求直通配送一次转载时间的选择

    The Method of Searching the Best Time for One-off Transshipment in a Cross-docking System with Stochastic Demand

  23. 主要原因是消费者在网上购买商品后,为消费者送货所花费的配送成本高、时间长。

    The main reason for consumers to buy goods from Internet is spending by the delivery of high distribution costs , long time .

  24. 在该模式下,结合车间现场的生产调度情况和工艺路线的基础数据,制定了生产现场辅助工具配送计划以及配送时间冲突时的解决办法,同时研究了辅助工具配送的实现方法。

    In this mode , combined workshop production scheduling and the basic data , the formulation method of tools punctual delivery planning and the solution of conflict between production task time and delivery time are researched , and priorities principle correspondingly is established as well .

  25. 针对应急物流的特殊性,该模型将配送应急物资的时间满意度作为目标函数,并考虑到了道路可能存在的拥堵现象、需求点对应急物资需求的模糊性以及道路类型的约束。

    According to the particularity of emergency logistics , the time satisfaction in allocating emergent material is taken for target function in the model , the possible traffic condition , the fuzziness of the emergent material quantity in demand point and the constraint of route type are also considered .

  26. 根据p?中位问题的建模思路,依据航班时刻和货运量,分别建立了最少配送次数、最短配送时间和运费有折扣情况下的最低运输成本的优化模型,并对模型进行求解。

    Three models were built to solve the problem . The targets of the models were minimum delivery time , least delivery times and minimum transportation cost under the condition of freight discount .

  27. 在拼箱货物配送中,就目前客户对于配送服务时间要求的提高,本文重点讨论了带时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW)。

    In the distribution of the LCL , according to the requirement higher in the service time about customer at present , the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows ( VRPTW ) was discussed especially .

  28. 提出建立地理数据库用以存储配送区域的地理信息,大大减少生成配送计划的时间,并为运输线路的优化奠定基础。

    Set up geographical data base in order to store the area 's geographical information The geographical data base can reduce the time of making the logistics plan greatly .

  29. 零售商为了提高其销售水平,对城市冷链物流配送商的要求也愈来愈高,通常会对配送时间和配送质量提出限制性的要求;

    To improve their marketing skills , Retailers increase higher demand on cold-chain logistics distribution business , usually restrictive requirements on the delivery time and quality of the delivery .

  30. 通过对物流配送车辆调度中的运输距离、车辆载重率、配送时间等问题的分析,确定了模型的结构,建立了优化调度模型。

    The logistics distribution and the deployment of the transport distance and vehicle the load time , rate , distribution and analysis of the fixed model of the structure , optimize the use of a simulation model .