
pèi zhì biǎo
  • configuration table
  1. 测控仿真系统为测控软件的开发提供了运行环境。设计中采用双端口RAM作硬件配置表和仿真数据交换系统,满足了硬件配置的灵活多样性和仿真实时性的要求。

    The design uses two port RAM in hardware configuration table and simulation data exchange system in order to satisfy the requirement of hardware configuration diversification and real-time of simulation .

  2. 接着从SCA波形应用的角度描述了硬件抽象层连接在波形开发中的作用,给出了代理组件如何通过域描述文件和配置表管理专用硬件处理器上算法组件的方法;

    Then the issues implementing the HAL-C on the Specialized Hardware Processor are addressed , and the methods of managing the components on FPGA and DSP by Proxy Components with the Domain Descriptor File and the Configuration Table are brought out .

  3. 在事件订阅过程中,事件订阅数据存储在ContentManager库服务器数据库的配置表中。

    During event subscription , the event subscription data is stored in the configuration tables in the Content Manager library server database .

  4. 请注意,新的SSL配置表是在计算单元级定义的。

    Notice that the new SSL repertoire has been defined at the cell level .

  5. 新的SSL配置表将随即出现在计算单元内定义的SSL配置表列表中。

    The new SSL repertoire will appear in the list of SSL repertoires defined within the cell .

  6. 更具体地说,它们与计算单元的缺省SSL配置表关联。

    To be more specific , they are associated with the default SSL repertoire for the cell .

  7. 请注意,在上面的modify命令中,SSL配置表的名称的范围仅指定到计算单元。

    In the modify command above , notice that the name of the SSL repertoire was scoped to the cell .

  8. 为了简单起见,这个新SSL配置表将和前面一样使用相同的密钥文件和信任文件。

    For simplicity , this new SSL repertoire will use the same key file and trust file as before .

  9. 系统借助配置表和DLL函数存储约束条件、转移规则等多种资源,构建无领域特征的动态内核。

    Various resources such as constraint conditions and transition rules are disposed in configure tables and DLLs . A dynamic inner core without domain feature is created .

  10. 第二种情况,可以产生UML配置表,使用它能生成其它过程实现,诸如BPML。

    Second , it is possible to produce a UML profile which can generate other processes implementations such as BPML .

  11. 此SSL配置表定义密钥文件和信任文件的位置,这些传输链将在与客户端或服务器建立SSL连接时使用这两个文件。

    This SSL repertoire defines the location of the key file and trust file that will be used by these transport chains , when establishing SSL connections with clients or servers .

  12. 信息支助和员额配置表控制股

    Information Support and Staffing Table Control Unit

  13. 这种功能支持了在一个配置表中有备用代表和真实的代表混合方式。

    This supports the useage of having some alternate representations and real representations mixed within one configuration table .

  14. 有关如何配置表以与绑定文件配合使用的信息,请参阅将文件存储在数据库中。

    For information on configuring a table for use with bound files , see Storing files in a database .

  15. 方法配置表也会被更新,以便样例计数和百分比只针对选定的时段。

    The method-profiling table is also updated so that the sample counts and percentages are only for the selected time period .

  16. 只要免征额政策与制度既定,则这一额度既定。信息支助和员额配置表控制股

    So long as the exemption policy and exemption system is fixed , this amount is set . Information Support and Staffing Table Control Unit

  17. 分析了高速令牌桶的两种实现模型,提出了高速令牌桶的轮循与触发更新策略以及令牌桶配置表和状态表的设计方法。

    Based on the analysis of two implementation models to achieve high-speed token bucket , we present a round-robin based update policy to support high speed token bucket .

  18. 为了提高花型设计的灵活性,设计了色纱配置表结构。在机器指令生成过程中,花型文件配合指定的色纱配置文件实现色纱灵活配置。

    In order to improving the flexibility during pattern design , proposed yarn configuration table structure . It is used with pattern file when generating machine instruction . 5 .

  19. 数据管理系统的具有如下功能:数据库用户管理、资料归档与清除、资料恢复、日志管理、异地查询、配置表管理、数据库安装、数据库维护、数据库恢复、数据库监控功能。

    Data management system has the following features : database user management , data archiving and clear , material recovery , log management , remote inquiry , configuration management , database installation , database maintenance , database recovery , data monitoring .

  20. 微处理器的硬件抽象问题:利用CPU配置信息表实现了对不同类型CPU的硬件抽象。

    A data structure of CPU information table is constructed to characterize the different type of microprocessors .

  21. 但是,您仍然需要配置MEMBERSHIP表的主键,以使用DB2的Identity值生成功能。

    However , you still need to configure the primary key of the MEMBERSHIP table to use DB2 's Identity value generation facility .

  22. 可配置BOM表构造研究及应用

    Analysis and Utilization of Configurable BOM Structure

  23. 在配置新表之前,您需要决定希望LVS控制器使用何种工作负载分配。

    Before you can configure the new tables , you need to decide what kind of workload distribution you want the LVS directors to use .

  24. 配置样式表以便在运行时选择证书

    Configure a stylesheet to select the certificate at run time

  25. 该系统在日志的收集、存储和处理方面较之前的处理方案都有很大的改进,在系统中,用户可以自定义的配置数据表,这样增加了报表的可定制性。

    This system shows many improvements than processing programs before . In this system , the configuration data table may be customized , which increased the customization of the report .

  26. 在这个步骤中,将Link构建器配置为为表中的每个guid元素创建一个链接。

    In this step , you configure the Link builder to create a link for each guid element in the table .

  27. 如果想要让InitiateGlossaryBusiness视图位于实体们的中心,则可以通过修改随附的源代码重新配置这个术语表结构。

    If you want to center the Initiate Glossary Business view around Entities , you can reconfigure the glossary structure by modifying the attached source code .

  28. 当配置性能进度表时,就启用了资源监控。

    Resource monitoring is enabled when configuring a performance schedule .

  29. 移类动词有两个不可或缺的语义角色配置,即表物体起迄点的目标和来源。

    " Move " verbs have two indispensable semantic functions : indicated the objective and the source objects .

  30. 重组选项:该元素用于配置由自动表重组执行的重组操作的行为。

    Reorganization options : Elements that configure the behavior of the reorganization operations performed by automatic table reorganization .