
  • 网络first aid facility
  1. 答:我们需要获得更多的急救设施。

    A : We need to have more room in emergencies .

  2. 对浙江省25个经济欠发达县119个乡镇中心卫生院的基本情况、人力资源、急救设施与设备、急救药品、急救服务技能等卫生资源进行了现状调查与分析。

    This article studied the first aid health resources distribution condition in about 119 township center hospitals of 25 undeveloped counties in Zhejiang province .

  3. 他还随身带有急救设施、火把(用于今夏入室盗窃者)、记事本(用于记录重要信息)、一部便宜的手机,用来联系警方。

    And he shirks cutting-edge gadgets for a first aid kit , a torch to startle burglars and a notepad for writing down important information . A cheap mobile phone in case he needs to call support of the police completes his arsenal .

  4. 城乡一体化地区120急救医疗站点设施区位问题分析&以广东省鹤山市为例

    FLP ANALYSIS OF THE 120 EMS STATIONS IN URBAN-RURAL INTEGRATED AREA & A Case Study of Heshan city , Guangdong Province

  5. 西安市经营性游泳馆硬件设施基本健全,急救和救生设施完善;过脚池和强制淋浴的使用情况不乐观。

    Basically sound business the Natatorium hardware facilities in Xi ' an , first aid and lifesaving facilities ; not optimistic about the use of cross-foot pool and compulsory shower . 2 .