
cū zhá
  • roughing;roughing roll;rough rolling
粗轧[cū zhá]
  1. H型钢万能粗轧机组小张力控制系统

    Minimum tension control system for universal roughing mill train of H beam

  2. φ660mm粗轧机工作辊断裂失效分析

    Failure Analysis on Fracture of Working Rollers of the φ 660mm Roughing Mill

  3. H型钢粗轧微观组织演化的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of microstructure evolution of rough rolling H-Beam

  4. 高强度厚壁H型钢粗轧工艺对组织性能的影响

    Microstructures and mechanical properties of high strength heavy section H-beam after rough rolling

  5. 粗轧过程轧制力BP神经网络预报

    Prediction of rough rolling force by BP neural networks

  6. 基于BP网络的热连轧粗轧宽度预测模型

    Width prediction models for rougher of hot strip mill based on BP neural network

  7. 热送热装Ti微合金化连铸钢坯粗轧表面裂纹成因分析

    Causes Analysis of Surface Cracking on Ti-microalloyed Steel Slab during Rough Rolling

  8. 本课题在粗轧宽度压下系统模型的基础上,将免疫PID和粒子群优化技术应用到液压宽度控制上。

    In the topic immune PID and swarm optimization technique is applied to hydraulic width control based on width control for rough mill system model .

  9. 中板粗轧主传动控制系统PROFIBUS-DP总线的设计与应用

    Design and application of main drive PROFIBUS-DP bus for medium plate rough rolling

  10. PROFIBUS-DP在中板粗轧机传动中的应用

    PROFIBUS-DP in the Thick Plate Rolling Mill Drive Applications

  11. 提出了出粗轧区轧机及辊道的速度控制和电动APC控制策略;

    The speed control strategy of mills and tabs in rough rolling section and APC strategy are given .

  12. MEMS薄膜元器件在力&热耦合作用下的性能测试与数值分析粗轧过程轧件表面裂纹演变行为热力耦合有限元分析

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Properties of MEMS Components under Mechanical-Thermal Coupled Field Evolution of Surface Crack on Slab During Rough Rolling Using Thermal-Mechanical FEM

  13. 利用BP神经网络,以某热轧厂粗轧机组数据库中的数据为训练样本,采用两种训练方案,对粗轧过程轧制力进行预测。

    Based on the measured data from a hot strip mill , the rolling force in roughing was predicted by means of BP neural networks which adopted two kinds of training methods .

  14. 粗轧R6压下自动标定

    Screw Down Automatic Calibration of Rough Mill R6

  15. 基于Gleeble-1500的粗轧机轧制力的研究

    Research on Rolling Force of Rougher Mill Based on Gleeble-1500

  16. 介绍了马鞍山钢铁公司H型钢厂连轧线上粗轧机组的小张力控制(MTC)的基本原理和实现方法,讨论了实现MTC的传动控制方法和PLC控制方法及两者之间的联系。

    The principle and methods of minimum tension control on H-beam rolling mill at Ma ′ anshan Iron and Steel Co. are introduced . The methods of drive MTC and PLC control and the relation between them are discussed .

  17. 生产的轧机布置为:一架开坯机(BD),两架万能粗轧机(UR,UE)和一架立辊轧机(E)及一架万能精轧机(UF)。

    Mill-layout where they are produced , is one breakdown mill ( BD ), two universal roughing mills ( UR , UE ) and one edging mill ( E ) and one finishing universal mill ( UF ) .

  18. 通过对R6压下进行自动标定,能较准确计算并设定R6辊缝,为精轧数学模型提供比较精确的粗轧出口厚度。

    By doing these , it can calculate and set the R6 roll gap more accurately , and provids a relatively accurate thickness of rough mill for the finishing mill model .

  19. 热轧带钢粗轧Ⅰ机架C9-1半钢轧辊的开发应用

    The Development & Application of the Semi-steel C9-1 Roll for Hot-strip Roughing Mill Stand ⅰ

  20. 通过改进粗轧孔型尺寸使展宽系数提高,使用165mm×280mm连铸坯能够轧制宽度约为400mm的窄带钢。

    The spreading rate can be heightened through improving the pass size , and narrow strip of about 400 mm width rolled with the slab mentioned above .

  21. 该项需4架轧机轧制H型钢,即一架开坯轧机出(BD),一架万能粗轧机(UR),一架万能轧边机(UE)和一架万能精轧机(UF)。

    In this technology , only 4 stands are needed to roll large H-beams . That is a breakdown mill ( BD ) , an universal rougher mill ( UR ) , an universal edger mill ( UE ) and an universal finishing mill ( UF ) .

  22. 介绍750/1400mm,2800mm四重可逆式热粗轧机主传动万向接轴修复方案,并通过对它的强度计算论证了该方案的可行性

    The article introduces the modification scheme of main drive universal spindle for 750 / 1400mm / 2800mm four high reversing hot roughing mill and demonstrates the feasibility of the plan by means of calculating the strength

  23. 介绍了热轧板厂粗轧R6压下自动标定的步骤、调试过程、故障诊断以及在调试过程中对发现问题的进一步改造,使得R6压下自动标定功能正常投入。

    This paper introduces the automatic calibration procedure , tuning process and defaults diagnosis of rough mill R6 in the Meishan Hot Strip Mill , and by doing more reformatory work for founded problems in tuning process , R6 screw down automatic calibration has been put into normal operating .

  24. 按照现场使用165mm×280mm连铸坯轧制宽度为355mm带钢粗轧孔型尺寸及轧制规程的有关数据,对热轧窄带钢的粗轧强迫宽展孔型进行模拟试验。

    According to related data about the pass size and rolling rule in blooming of 355 mm strip with 165 mm × 280 mm continuous casting slab , the stimulation study is done for blooming forced-spreading pass for hot-rolled narrow strip .

  25. 热连轧粗轧机组负荷分配试验研究

    Experiment Research on Load Distribution of Hot Strip Mill Roughing Mill

  26. 韶钢六轧厂粗轧机组故障分析

    Breakdowns analysis in roughing mills at No.6 rolling mill of SISC

  27. 热轧窄带钢车间粗轧机组改造工艺方案

    Processing schemes of roughing mills reformation of hot narrow strip plant

  28. 粗轧带坯宽向温度分布的仿真

    Simulation of Temperature Distribution along Widening Direction of Steel Strip Plate

  29. 棒材粗轧机组接轴扭矩均衡分配孔型优化设计

    Pass Optimization Design of Bar Rolling Mills for Torque Uniform Distribution

  30. 热连轧带钢粗轧过程设定计算仿真系统

    Roughing process control system with parameters calculation in hot strip mill