
  • 网络Coarse-grained soil
  1. 无凝聚性粗粒土的压实特性及压实参数

    Compaction Performance and Compaction Data for Non-Cohesive Coarse-Grained Soils

  2. 粗粒土具有明显的剪胀剪缩性,为非虎克材料。

    Coarse-grained soils exhibit evident dilatancy , and they do not obey the Hook 's law .

  3. 本文对风干的红砂岩粗粒土及饱水红砂岩粗粒土路堤填料进行了CBR试验、耐崩解试验、压缩试验和剪切试验。

    The CBR test , slake durability test , compressing test and shearing test of the dry and wet redstone granular soil samples were respectively carried out in this paper .

  4. 块石土Evd和动三轴下Ed之间的相关性相对细粒土和粗粒土较差,表明Evd反映土的动态特性有一定的适用范围,其具体影响因素还有待进一步研究。

    Relativity of Evd and E_d of gravel soils is relatively bad , which indicate that Evd have certain qualification to reflect the dynamic characteristic of soil , its concrete influence factor still neE_d to study further .

  5. 针对直径为300mm的粗粒土试样,通过在试样周围填充细砂的方法来消除橡皮膜嵌入的影响。

    By filling peripheral specimen voids with fine sand the membrane penetration effects may be eliminated in coarse grained speciments of 300 mm in diameter with a maximum particle size of 60 mm .

  6. 研究表明,细粒土和粗粒土Evd值与压实度之间的相关性较好。块石土中Evd和孔隙率之间的相关性较差。

    The results of tests shows that good correlation exists between Evd and degree of compaction of fine grainEd soils and coarse grainEd soils , and bad correlation exists between Evd and degree of compaction of gravel soils .

  7. 超径无粘性粗粒土填筑标准的确定方法提出了一种新型的粗粒度并行遗传算法(CGGA),该算法利用多个子种群基于不同的编码方式进行进化计算。

    The method for determining the placement standards of oversized cohesionless coarse grained soil Coarse grained parallel genetic algorithm ( CGGA ) applies multi population to optimize the objective problem .

  8. 通过对某工程4种粗粒土的动模量、阻尼比试验,就特性曲线的全归一化处理、Hardin经验公式的适用性等问题进行了探讨。

    According to the tests of dynamic modulus and damping ratio of 4 kinds of coarse soil of a project , the papar discusses the issues of treatment of whole normalization of characteristic curve and applicability of Hardin empirical formula .

  9. 本文深入研究扰动状态概念,针对粗粒土的工程力学特性,分析了工程中常用的邓肯E-B模型,并对其进行改造,建立了基于非线性弹性的扰动状态模型。

    In this thesis , the author makes deeply study of the disturbed state concept , analyses and modifies Duncan-Chang E-B model corresponding to the mechanical characteristics of coarse grained soil , and proposes a DSC model based on non-linear elasticity .

  10. 研制了TH-20t大型土与结构接触面循环加载剪切仪,可用于粗粒土与结构的接触面单调和循环加载试验,研究接触面的受力变形机理及规律。

    A new apparatus called TH-20t Cyclic Shear Apparatus for Soil structure Interface ( TH-20t CSASSI ) is developed to investigate the monotonic and cyclic mechanical characteristics of interface between coarse grained soil and structure .

  11. Hardin经验公式能够适用于粗粒土,但由于土体中占主要成份的骨架材料不同,使粗粒土阻尼比公式中的m取值增大了0.69~2.6倍。

    Hardin empirical formula can suit coarse soil , but the m value in damping ratio formula of coarse soil is 0 . 69-2 . 6 times bigger due to the framework material , which in the main part of earth mass , is different .

  12. 采用Pender建立的等应力比屈服函数描述粗粒土的剪切屈服特性,并根据考虑颗粒破碎耗能的能量平衡方程推导流动法则。

    With the adoption of the equal stress ratio yield function developed by Pender , the shearing yield features are described . And the flow rules are deduced according to the energy balance equation incorporating particle breakage energy .

  13. 粗粒土的本构模型研究岩土体结构性本构关系研究

    The Study on the Structural Constitutive Models of Soil and Rock

  14. 粗粒土路基压实效果影响因素的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Factors Affecting Compaction of Coarse Grain Clay Subgrade

  15. 由于咬合力的存在,使粗粒土的强度大幅度提高。

    It may raise the strength of the coarse grained soil .

  16. 不同应力路径下粗粒土的应力应变强度特性

    The Stress-Strain-Strength Behavior of Coarse Grained Soil under Various Stress Pathes

  17. 论粗粒土特性研究的进展

    On the Development of the Study of Coarse grain soil behaviors

  18. 粗粒土与结构接触面受载过程中的损伤

    Load-induced damage of the interface between structure and coarse grained soil

  19. 粗粒土的颗粒破碎特性与本构关系研究

    Study on Particle Breakage Behavior and Constitutive Model of Coarse Granular Aggregates

  20. 随后对粗粒土颗粒破碎的影响因素进行试验研究。

    Subsequently , do test on the influence factors about granular crushing .

  21. 中粗粒土路基压实度快速测定方法

    Compactness Rapid Measurement Method on Middle Coarse Grained Soil Subgrade

  22. 粗粒土的最大干密度理论计算方法研究

    Theoretical Computing Method of Maximum Dry Density of Coarse-grained Soil

  23. 堆石粗粒土多级加荷三轴试验分析

    Multi stage loading triaxial test analysis of rock fill coarse grained soil

  24. 粗粒土试样橡皮膜嵌入影响的初步研究

    A preliminary study on membrane penetration effects in coarse grained soil specimens

  25. 粗粒土的工程性质及地基评价

    Engineering properties and foundation assessment of coarse - grained soils

  26. 粗粒土动残余变形特性的试验研究

    Study on residual deformation characteristics of coarse - grained soils

  27. 粗粒土修筑高级路面水稳基层的实践

    The Practice of Using Coarse Grained Soil Building High-grade Pavement Horizontal Stability Base

  28. 粗粒土的强度与咬合力的试验研究

    Research on the strength of the coarse grained soil and the interlocking force

  29. 粗粒土路堑高边坡设计方法的应用探讨

    Application Discussion of the High Slope Design Method for Even Coarse Soils Trench

  30. 粗粒土与结构接触面统一本构模型及试验验证

    Unified modeling of soil-structure interface and its test confirmation