
cū qiān
  • lead bullion;lead matte;wet lead
粗铅[cū qiān]
  1. 粗铅脱铜反射炉余热利用

    Waste heat utilization of lead bullion decopper flame furnace

  2. 介绍水口山三厂粗铅系统操作和设备的合理改进,实现持续稳产高产的生产实践。

    The paper introduced the practice in realizing stable and high output continuously by the rational modification of operation and equipment of the lead bullion system in No.3 Smelter , Shuikoushan .

  3. 高金银含量粗铅的AB样检测法

    Determination of Gold and Silver in Lead Bullion by the Analysis of AB Samples

  4. 在密闭鼓风炉炼铅锌过程中,锗和铟富集于真空炉渣中,铟富集于B塔底铅和粗铅中。

    During smelting lead and zinc in the closed blast furnace , germanium and indium were enriched in vacuum slag , and indium was also enriched in bottom lead from B column and rough lead .

  5. 发现本方法中以NH4F为掩蔽剂,在分析粗铅及铅锑合金中铅含量时不受杂质因素的干扰,具有分析结果准确、不需重复分析等优点。

    It is clear : usingNH 4F as a shelter agent , the result of lead content in raw lead and Pb-Sb alloys is not affected by foreign matter , the result is accurate , and only one time needs to analyze .

  6. 低合金铸铁粗铅锭模的试验

    Test of Raw Lead Ingot Mould Made of Low-Alloy Cast Iron

  7. 缩短高杂粗铅合金电解试产周期的实践

    Practices of the Electrolytic Refining on Lead Alloy Containing high Impurity

  8. 铜在粗铅分步结晶精炼中的行为

    Behavior of copper in refining of lead by fractional crystallisation

  9. 粗铅副产物中微量银的测定

    Determination of micro silver in rough lead by - product

  10. 粗铅加氧精炼除砷锑锡

    Arsenic tin and antimony removal by blowing oxygen during crude lead refining

  11. 本法已用于天然水、降水、饮用水及粗铅中铋的测定,结果满意。

    Drinking water , and the results were satisfactory .

  12. 浅议粗铅火法精炼工艺

    A Discussion on Pyrometallurgical Refining Technique for Crude Lead

  13. 高锑粗铅火法精炼碱法脱锑的工艺实践

    Industrial Practice of Removing Antimony from High-antimony Lead Bullion Using Basic Fire Refining

  14. 粗铅、还原铅生产硫酸铅新工艺

    New Technology on the Production of Lead Sulfate from Crude Lead and Reducing Lead

  15. 外购粗铅检验准确性测试

    Check Accuracy testing of Bought-in Raw Lead

  16. 用含银粗铅电解铅、白银、黄金;

    Electrolyzes Crude lead that contains Siler element to obtain lead . silver and gold .

  17. 介绍了某粗铅冶炼的生产工艺流程、技术指标和生产过程管理。

    The author introduced a crude lead smelting factory 's process technology , technical index and production management .

  18. 研究了粗铅及铅锑合金中铅的测定方法。

    In this paper , the analysis way of lead in raw lead and Pb-Sb alloys was studied .

  19. 在工业实验的基础上,提出了一个粗铅火法精炼的全新流程。

    This paper , based on a commercial scale experiment , presents a new process for crude lead pyro refining .

  20. 这一规律对指导发展粗铅锑合金结晶分离连续工艺与设备具有重要的意义。

    The law obtained has great importance to develop the continuous process and equipment of crystallization to separate Pb-Sb alloy .

  21. 方法灵敏、快速,不需萃取分离,可用于粗铅、粗锌及锌合金中的微量铜的测定,结果满意。

    The method has been used for the determination of microamounts of copper in crude lead , crude zinc and zinc alloy .

  22. 粗铅采用连续结晶器分离银和铋后,得到一种富集银和铋的铅基合金。

    A lead & base alloy enriched with silver and bismuth was obtained after separating silver and bismuth from crude lead with a continuous crystallizer .

  23. 介绍我厂从脆硫铅锑矿炼银转渣和粗铅熔析铜渣中回收铜、铋,产出合格的精铋和精铜的生产工艺流程。

    The process of recovery Cu and Bi from silver converting slag and copper slag of jamcsonite are introduced in detail based on our plant practice .

  24. 本文在参照粗铅中铅的测定标准分析方法的基础上,对铅的测定方法进行了改进。

    On the basis of referring the State Standard for determination of lead in crude lead , an improved method for determination of lead was reported in this paper .

  25. 国内某冶炼厂粗铅精炼浮渣,经反射炉处理,产出一种称之为反射炉后期渣的物料(主要含铅、铜、砷、锌、锑和铟)。

    In a domestic smelter , later-stage slag ( mainly containing Pb , Cu , As , Zn , Sb and In ) in reverberatory is produced from lead scum .

  26. 氧气侧吹直接炼铅半工业试验结果表明:铅精矿和含铅物料在氧气侧吹炉内熔炼,用煤作还原剂,可直接产出粗铅。

    The result of lead direct smelting by oxygen side-blowing in pilot-plant-scale indicates that lead concentrate and residue and dust can be smelted in Oxygen Side-blowing Furnace to produce crude lead , which coal is used as reducing agent .

  27. 其中有许多方法是将传统烧结改为高氧位条件下的强氧化过程,尽量脱硫同时生成高铅渣,再在强还原气氛中还原高铅渣得到粗铅的工艺流程。

    Many of them are the strong oxidation processes , in which the rich lead slag is produced when sulphur is removed as possible as much , and then the slag is reduced into wet lead in strong reducing atmosphere .

  28. 分别讨论了碱矿比、熔炼时间、渣/还原剂之比、熔炼温度等因素对粗铅回收率的影响。

    The alkaline-ore ratio , smelting time , residue-reductant ratio , smelting temperature and other factors that have influences on the recovery of lead are discussed . The optimum technological conditions are : alkaline / ( residue + reductant ) is 0.8 ;

  29. 实验结果表明,粗铅中含铜量由0.814%下降至0.011%,除铜效率高达98.65%,且在除铜过程中,硫的利用率达92%以上。

    The results of the experiment show that the percentage of Cu in lead bullion is reduced from 0.814 % to 0.011 % , the 98.65 % copper in lead bullion is successfully drown off and the 92 % or more sulphur is used efficiently .

  30. 粗金除铅提纯的工艺研究

    Researches of Technology on Refining Crude Aurum and Eliminating the Lead