
  • 网络pressure leaching
  1. 本论文对高铁硫化锌精矿及多金属复杂硫化矿的加压浸出工艺和理论进行了系统研究。

    In this dissertation the technology and fundamentals of pressure leaching of high iron-zinc sulphide concentrate and polymetallic sulphide ore are studied systematically .

  2. 高铁闪锌矿加压浸出过程中Fe的动力学研究

    Kinetic study of iron on pressure leaching marmatite

  3. 富钴结壳湿法冶金工艺中硫化渣的加压浸出

    Study on Sulfurized Residue from Cobalt-crust by Acid Leaching under Pressure

  4. 加压浸出-萃取法从钼钴废催化剂中回收钼

    Recovery of molybdenum from spent Mo-Co catalyst by pressure leaching-extraction

  5. 铀矿石加压浸出技术的进展

    The technological development of pressure leaching process for uranium ore

  6. 高铁硫化锌精矿加压浸出工业试验及产业化

    Industrial Tests and Commercialization of the High-iron Zinc Sulphide Concentrate

  7. 湿法冶金用钛复合板加压浸出釜设计和制造

    Design and Manufacture of Titanium Clad Steel Plate Pressure Reactor for Hydrometallurgy

  8. 对铂族金属在加压浸出过程中的行为进行了讨论。

    The behaviors of PGMs in pressure hydrometallurgy processes were also discussed .

  9. 硫化锌加压浸出工艺在湿法冶金中的设计应用

    Design Application of Zinc Sulfide Pressure Leaching Process in Hydrometallurgy

  10. 低品位铜锌混合矿加压浸出研究

    Study on Pressure Leaching of Low-grade Copper-Zinc Bulk Concentrate

  11. 高铁闪锌矿精矿加压浸出半工业试验研究

    Semi-industrial Tests of Pressure Leaching on High-iron Sphalerite Concentrate

  12. 低品位硫化镍矿选矿中矿加压浸出试验研究

    Study on pressure leaching of middling from floatation process of low-grade nickel sulfide ore

  13. 铜矿石和精矿氮类物催化加压浸出的应用与经济估算

    The application and economics of NSC catalyzed pressure leaching of copper ores and concentrates

  14. 难处理金矿石的加压浸出技术

    Pressure leaching technology of refractory gold ore

  15. 锌铅混合精矿加压浸出过程研究

    Pressure Leaching Of Zinc-lead Bulk Concentrate

  16. 笔者对硫化锌精矿加压浸出过程的热平衡进行了计算。

    In this paper the heat balance of pressure leaching for zinc sulphide concentrate is calculated .

  17. 加压浸出生产金红石及熔盐电解制备海绵钛新工艺探索

    New Technology for Production of Synthetic Rutile by Pressure Leaching and Preparation of Sponge Titanium by Molten-salt electrolysis

  18. 加压浸出中氯离子对贵金属溶解损失的影响

    The effects of cl ~ 1 in the process of pressure leaching on the dissolving loss of precious metals

  19. 用LIX622从含砷铜/锌混合精矿加压浸出液中萃取铜

    Cu Recovery from Pressure Leaching Liquor of Arsenic Containing Cu / Zn Bulk Concentrate Containing Arsenic by Solvent Extraction with LIX 622

  20. 本论文研究攀枝花钛精矿盐酸法加压浸出人造金红石技术中的多组分多相的热力学平衡和加压浸出实验规律。

    Thermodynamic equilibrium of Multcomponent Multphase systems to prepare artificial rutile by pressure-leached process of Panzhihua ilmenite concentrate treated with hydrochloric acid are investigated .

  21. 利用直接加压浸出的方法取代传统的焙烧&浸出工艺,从生产源头上消涂了烟气污染。

    In the process , pressure leaching was used to substitute roast-ing-leaching of the traditional process so that the pollution could be eliminated from the origine .

  22. 本文介绍了几种国外难浸金矿加压浸出的处理工艺,并扼要分析了一些技术经济问题。

    In this paper some overseas processes of pressure leaching of the refractory ores are presented , and their technical and economic aspects are briefly analysed .

  23. 叙述了近年来针对高铁锌精矿冶炼工艺所开展的研究工作,详细介绍了高铁锌精矿中铁的自催化&高温加压浸出工艺。

    This paper describes the research work about smelting process of high-iron zinc sulfide concentrate in recent years and presents in details the self-catalyzing-high-temperature pressure leaching of iron in the high-iron zinc sulfide concentrate .

  24. 采用加压浸出技术处理高铁锌精矿,完成了小型试验、半工业试验和工业性试验并投入工业化生产。

    The abundant high-iron zinc-sulphide concentrate is treated by pressure leaching process , the laboratory test , semi-industrial test and industrial test have been finished , then industrialization production are executed based on pressure leaching technology .

  25. 论文首先对铅阳极泥处理及加压浸出的国内外状况进行了总结,分析了它们的优缺点,并针对这些不足提出了低压氧气催化氧化处理的工艺。

    The paper concludes the domestic and overseas situations on the lead anode slime treatment and pressure leaching firstly , analyzes their pros and cons , and provides the process of catalytic oxidation treatment under low oxygen pressure against the disadvantages .

  26. 进行了铜锌混合矿加压浸出的试验研究,分析了氧分压、酸度、温度、反应时间、添加剂等因素对铜锌浸出率的影响。

    This paper describes the experimental investigation on the pressure leaching of copper-zinc ore , where the analysis is given to impact of oxygen partial pressure , acidity , temperature , reaction time and additives , etc. on the leaching rate of copper and zinc .

  27. Pt族金属在加压氰化浸出过程中的行为探讨

    Discussion on behavior of platinum group metals in pressure cyanide leaching

  28. 砷钴硫化矿加压氧化浸出的研究

    Study on leaching as , co-bearing sulfides by pressurized oxidation

  29. 采用加压硫酸浸出&电积工艺最佳。

    Pressure sulphate leaching - electrowinning technology is best process .

  30. 失效汽车催化剂中铂族金属的加压氰化浸出

    Pressure cyanide leaching of platinum-group metals from spent auto-catalysts