
  • 网络Heating coil;heating ring;heater
  1. 通过调整加热圈的位置来改变受热区长度。

    By adjusting the site of the heating ring , the length of zone of heating can be modified .

  2. 在轧刀的前端设置有中频感应加热圈,在轧刀与感应加热圈之间设置有一测温装置。

    In the front of the knife is set with a middle frequency induction heating ring ; and a temperature detector is set between the knife and the induction heating ring .

  3. 并设计了加热圈及温度控制系统,用于半固态坯料的二次加热、保温及模具温度的精确控制。

    The ring-shaped heating device used to reheat and temperature control system was designed .

  4. 定做加热圈、石英管以及各种不锈钢非标产品。

    Customized heating laps , quartz tube of stainless steel and various non-standard products .

  5. 机身加热采用独特的铸铝加热圈和冷风装置,进一步提高热效率的同时使用寿命更加延长。

    Prevent and cure diseases , and prolong life The heating system of the machine adopts special aluminum caet heating ring and the wind-cooling device , which farther improves its heating effciency and using time .