
  1. 该组织发布的报告还称,每天食用50克的加工肉制品会使患结直肠癌的风险增加18%。

    Its report also said 50g of processed meat a day increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18 % .

  2. 欧睿(Euromonitor)表示,预计中国今年将超过美国,成为全球最大的加工肉制品市场。

    Euromonitor says it expects China to overtake the US as the world 's biggest processed meat market this year .

  3. 国际癌症研究属KurtStraif说,因为食用加工肉制品患癌症的风险仍然很低,但是随着食用量的增加,风险会增加。

    Kurt Straif of the International Agency for Cancer Research said the risk of developing colorectal cancer from eating processed meat remains small but rises with the amount consumed .

  4. 而且红肉并未像加工肉制品那样,被标为1级致癌物,IARC表示只发现“有限证据”表明红肉致癌,但红肉有很高的营养价值,不应将它从饮食中去掉。

    And red meat has not been tarnished with the same carcinogenic brush as processed - the IARC said there was only " limited evidence " that red meat caused cancer and that its nutritional value meant it should not be cut out of diets .

  5. 癌症风险与吃太多加工肉制品和烟熏肉制品之间的联系并不新鲜,但此次IARC如此明确地将加工肉制品列为1级致癌物,与烟草、石棉同属一类,着实令人意外。

    While the link between the risk of cancer and eating too much processed and smoked meat is not new , the certainty with which the IARC has classified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogenic - a group that includes tobacco and asbestos - has been a surprise .

  6. 大豆蛋白如何强化加工肉制品的组织

    Use of soy proteins for improving texture of processed meat products

  7. 此类食品包括陈年奶酪、加工肉制品和酱油等。

    This includes aged cheeses , processed meats and soy sauce .

  8. 那些生产加工肉制品的企业现在面临的问题是,对这一健康预警应作何反应?

    The question now for companies that produce processed meat is how to react to the health warnings .

  9. 每天吃3盎司的加工肉制品则会使这种患病风险增加40%。

    Its risk also rises by 40 % with every three ounces serving of process meat eating per day .

  10. 不过,虽然加工肉制品和红肉在发达市场的需求减弱,它们在新兴市场的需求却在不断上升。

    Yet even as demand for processed and red meat wanes in developed markets , it is growing in emerging markets .

  11. 瑞典科学家表示,每天食用50克加工肉制品,得胰腺癌的几率将增加19%。

    Now scientists in Sweden have found that eating just 50g of processed meat a day raises the likelihood by 19 percent .

  12. 在发达市场,更低脂、更健康的肉类以及有机食品正成为新的消费潮流,加工肉制品和红肉的需求正在不断减弱。

    Demand for processed and red meats is waning in developed markets as customers seek leaner , healthier cuts and more organic fare .

  13. 昨晚,英国政府与英国食品标准局联合宣布,将就汉堡与其他加工肉制品的真实性展开一项全国范围的调查。

    Last night the Government and the Food Standards Agency announced a UK wide survey into the authenticity of burgers and other processed meat products .

  14. 国际癌症研究属将加工肉制品列为致癌品,和香烟属于同类,并且称,红肉可能对人类来说是致癌物。

    The IARC report labeled processed meat a carcinogen - cigarettes are similarly labeled - and said red meat is " probably carcinogenic to humans . "

  15. 本研究以加工肉制品为样品,分别建立了着色剂、防腐剂、甜味剂、抗氧化剂的检测方法,以适用于不同的检测目的。

    In this study , the sample processed meat products , were established coloring agents , preservatives , sweeteners , anti-oxidant test method to test for different purposes .

  16. 他说,政府和国际监管机构必须平衡食用红肉和加工肉制品的利弊,以便提供最好的可能饮食建议。

    He said governments and international regulatory agencies must balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat " to provide the best possible dietary recommendations . "

  17. 根据全球研究表明,每年有大约3.4万或死于加工肉制品,而每年因吸烟而死亡的人数为100万人。

    Global research suggests that about 34000 deaths per year are linked to diets that are high in processed meats , while smoking causes about 1 million deaths per year .

  18. 世界卫生组织在周一报道,热狗,火腿和其他加工肉制品可能导致直肠癌,吃红肉有可能导致癌症。

    Eating hot dogs , ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer , and eating red meat " probably " can cause cancer , the World Health Organization 's cancer agency reported Monday .

  19. 国际癌症研究属称,这一理论的提出,基于在许多国家和拥有不同饮食习惯的民族之间,展开的关于各类癌症和食用红肉以及加工肉制品间可能联系的800多项研究。

    The IARC said it considered more than 800 studies that investigated possible links between a dozen types of cancer with the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many countries and populations with diverse diets .

  20. 分析师表示加工肉制品乃至广大加工食品业的压力不会消失,因为向更健康食品的转变道路还很长。

    Analysts say the pressure on processed meat - and the broader processed food industry - is not going to go away , since the shift to more wholesome foods still has a long way to run .

  21. 这份研究给出了一系列可能会危及食品和餐饮业的建议,包括远离营养药、加工肉制品和垃圾食物,甚至还建议人们限制果汁摄入量。

    In a series of recommendations that could hurt the food and restaurant sectors , it advises people to avoid dietary supplements , processed meats and junk food and even to limit their intake of fruit juices .

  22. 研究属报道,专家总结称,每天食用每50克,大约1.75盎司,或者大约两条培根的加工肉制品,可以增加直肠癌患病率18%。

    The experts concluded that each 50 gram portion - about 1.75 ounce , or about two strips of bacon - of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 % , the IARC said

  23. 加工肉制品是一种经过腌制,发酵,烟熏或者其他方法来提高口味和延长贮藏期的肉类。在美国常见的加工肉制品包括热狗,香肠,培根,火腿,罐装肉类和牛肉干。

    Processed meat was defined as meat transformed through salting , curing , fermentation , smoking " or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation . " The most common processed meats consumed in the U.S. include hot dogs , sausages , bacon , ham , canned meat and beef jerky .

  24. 加工肉制品指指的是经调味等加工处理而制得的熟肉制成品或半成品,香肠、火腿、培根、都属于这一类。

    Processed meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking , curing , salting or adding preservatives . Examples include ham , bacon , pastrami and salami , as well as hot dogs and some sausages . Hamburgers and minced meats only count as processed meat if they have been preserved with salt or chemical additives .

  25. 7月20日,麦当劳首先卷入中国食品安全丑闻,电视媒体曝出其主要供应商OSI集团旗下的上海福喜食品有限公司工人承认使用过期、劣质原料加工生产肉制品。

    McDonald 's was caught up in the latest China food safety scare after a July 20 television expose showed workers allegedly mishandling meat at Shanghai Husi Food Co Ltd , a factory owned by OSI Group LLC , a major supplier to the chain .

  26. 通常,肉用动物都在可能被李氏杆菌感染的条件下被加工成肉制品。

    Often , animals used for meat are processed in conditions that permit listeria to infect them .

  27. 在缺乏冷链的情况下,这种气候条件有利于肉品的进一步加工以及肉制品的临时性贮藏。

    In the absence of cold chains , such conditions favoured further processing of meat and temporary storage of processed meat products .

  28. 拟在侯家镇建设良种繁育、标准化养殖、裘皮加工、肉制品加工、动物脂肪加工、配方饲料加工的现代化畜牧产业综合发展项目。

    We plan to invest in Houjia town to construct a good kind breed aquatics , special furriery animal standard breed aquatics and synthesized process project .

  29. 科学家发现,经过加工的肉制品,即使少量食用,也可能增加患致命疾病的几率。胰腺癌被称为无声杀手,因为罹患该病早期没有任何征兆。

    Scientists have found that even relatively small amounts of processed meat increase the chance of developing the deadly illness , including pancreatic cancer , known as the silent killer because it often does not produce symptoms in early stages .

  30. 科学家发现,经过加工的肉制品,即使少量食用,也可能增加患致命疾病的几率。胰腺癌被称为“无声杀手”,因为罹患该病早期没有任何征兆。

    Scientists have found that even relatively small amounts of processed meat increase the chance of developing the deadly illness , including pancreatic cancer , known as " the silent killer " because it often does not produce symptoms in early stages .