
  1. 氧化锆粗胚烧结时兴奋纯略升高,表明物质晶体结构改变,是氧化锆材料机械性能改变的内在原因,对显色有一定影响。

    The effervescence was risen up a little while the zirconia primary moulds were sintering , which indicated that there were some changes of the crystal structure in the ceramics and certain effects on the chromogenesis & the intrinsic cause for the mechanical properties change of the zirconia material .

  2. 更为健康的产品是全麦面包,这种面包中包含粗麸皮和小麦胚,这些都是营养元素和纤维的上好来源。

    The more healthful stuff is whole wheat , which includes the outer bran and the wheat germ inside , good sources of nutrients and fiber .