
jīng zhá
  • finish rolling;planish;precision rolling
精轧[jīng zhá]
  1. 基于PLC的热轧带钢精轧单机架仿真平台

    PLC-Based Simulation Platform for Single Stand of Hot Strip Finish Rolling

  2. 为了更好的对精轧过程进行数值模拟,提供更为合理的轧制参数,以LS-DYNA软件中的单元更新方法模拟了精轧过程。

    In order to make better numerical simulation result in finish rolling and get more reasonable rolling parameters , the process of finish rolling was simulated with updated geometry method of LS-DYNA .

  3. PC精轧机工作辊的制造工艺

    The Manufacturing Technology of the Work Roll of Pair Cross

  4. PC在线材精轧控制系统的应用

    Application of PC in wire finishing rolling control system

  5. 高线V形10机架高速无扭精轧机组设备诊断

    Diagnosis on 10 stand V-type high speed no-twist finishing wire rod mill

  6. 武钢热轧厂精轧线飞剪及E辊道主干数字化改造

    Digital Transformation of Crop Shear and E Table Master in Hot Strip Mill of WISCO

  7. 基于ICE的精轧PC板形预设定仿真系统开发

    The Development of Simulation System of Shape Preset in PC Finishing Mill Based on ICE

  8. 热连轧精轧机组负荷分配设定中的PSO算法应用研究

    Research of PSO Application in the Scheduling Finishing of Hot Strip Mills

  9. 提高热带轧机精轧AGC控制精度初探

    Preliminary study on enhancement of AGC precision at hot strip finishing mill

  10. 本文探讨了采用面向对象的设计方法,开发基于Windows的热带钢连轧精轧机组设计专家系统的实现技术。

    This paper researches the technology of expert system for hot-strip tandem finisher group design which is based on Windows by Object-Oriented method .

  11. 高精度重轨AGC热精轧及轨端数控压力矫直

    The AGC hot finishing rolling and numerical controlled pressure straightening of high-speed railway rails

  12. AGC在精轧自动厚度控制中的应用

    Application of AGC in thickness auto-control

  13. Hopfield网络在热轧带钢精轧机组能耗分配法中的应用

    The application of hopfield neural networks to energy consumption scheduling in the finish hot-rolling line

  14. 基于RCM理论精轧机组故障诊断的研究

    The Research of Finishing Mill Group Fault Diagnosis Based on RCM Theory

  15. 针对CVC热连轧精轧机组板形计算问题,采用影响函数法开发了计算热连轧机轧后板断面厚度分布的软件。

    As to the flatness calculating of CVC mill , a software is developed to predict the strip thickness distribution after rolling by using the influence function method .

  16. 2050热连轧精轧机组PFC磨损预报与实测的对比分析

    Comparative analysis on predicted and measured wearings of PFC at finishing rolling train of 2050 hot rolling mill

  17. 大圆钢轧制三维塑性变形有限元模拟莱钢大H型钢生产线TM精轧机组减道次轧制

    SIMULATION OF LARGE SECTION ROUND BAR BY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Reduction Pass Rolling in TM Finishing Mill Train of Laiwu Steel 's Large H-beam Product Line

  18. 精轧L5活套传动系统的数字化改造

    Digitalization modification of loop drive system for finishing mill L5

  19. 根据带钢热连轧机精轧机组主速度链及活套控制模型,用C语言软件实现了主干速度设定和活套控制功能。

    According to the model of finisher master speed and looper in hotstrip mill , it is finished that master speed setup and looper height close loop control by computer control system and C language .

  20. 绘图模块由智能CAD的图形处理部分组成,包括工作辊、支撑辊、机架和精轧机的几何建模和三维参数化设计。

    Drawing module , which is graphic system of 1C AD , consists of geometric and three-dimensional parameterization model design of work roll , backup roll , mill framework and finishing mill .

  21. 参数化设计以程序驱动为基础,设计了VISUALBASIC6.0和SolidWorks2000之间的接口,完成工作辊、支撑辊、机架和精轧机三维模型的输出。

    Parametric design makes interface between Visual Basic 6.0 and SolidWorks 2000 on the basis of program driving , and outputs three-dimensional parameterization model of work roll , backup roll , mill framework and finishing mill .

  22. 采用BP神经网络与数学模型相结合的方法对热带精轧机组机架间水冷区带钢热流密度进行预测,进而优化了机架间冷却的数学模型。

    The hot strip heat-flow density in interstand water cooling zones of finishing mill was predicted by mathematical model combined with BP neural network for optimization of the model of interstand cooling .

  23. 孙晓光和傅云义等人([10],1998)利用遗传算法对热轧带钢精轧机组负荷分配BP网络参数进行优化。

    Sun Xiaoguang and Fu Yunyi ( [ 10 ] , 1998 ) optimized the BP network connection weights using genetic algorithm and the scheduling problem on hot strip mill has been solved .

  24. 由于传统的模型技术已经不能进一步提高精轧温度的预报精度,本文提出了机理模型与BP神经网络相结合的终轧温度综合预报模型。

    Because traditional modeling technology could hardly improve the hot rolling model 's precision any more , a compositive temperature forecasting model combined mechanism model with BP neutral network is put forward in the paper .

  25. 本系统利用人工智能中的专家系统理论、智能CAD技术和专家经验,完成热连轧精轧机轧制规程的制定、主要结构参数的设计和三维参数化建模。

    This system takes advantage of expert system theory in artificial intelligence , 1C AD technology and expert experience to achieve the rolling rules , the important parameters of rolling mill and the three-dimensional parameterization model building .

  26. 介绍新钢三型厂线材精轧系统的生产工艺流程及主要控制电器的功能、分布情况,在此基础上对该系统进行PC控制的设计,对控制系统的软件设计作较详细的说明。

    And the function and distribution of . main control electrical equipments . Based on this , the design of PC control was being carried out and software design of control system was comparatively detailedly expounded .

  27. 精轧工艺参数对Ti-IF钢第二相粒子析出行为的影响

    Effect of Total Finish-rolling Strain and Pass Strains on Precipitating Behavior in Ti-IF Steels

  28. 第三章主要建立油膜轴承温度数学模型,利用Fluent软件对预精轧机以及精轧机160两种型号的轧机油膜轴承的润滑油温度场进行仿真研究。

    The third chapter concentrates on modeling oil film temperature and the simulation research of lubricant temperature field of advanced precise rolling mill and precise rolling mill 160 with software Fluent .

  29. 本文详细介绍了r射线测厚仪控制系统的基本工作原理及在精轧机自动控制系统中的接口应用与控制,同时对人机对话界面作了详细介绍。

    This paper introduces the theory of the radio measuring gauge control system , the control and application interface with finish mill control system , at the same time given the details of the HMI ( Hardware Monitor Interface ) .

  30. 精轧后几道次增加变形量可以细化钢中的贝氏体板条,富铌的碳氮化物(Nb,T(i)C,N)析出更加细小、弥散;

    Especially increasing the amount of deformation in latter passes can make the microstructure refinement , the bainitic lath finer and the precipitation of niobium-rich carbon-nitride ( Nb , Ti )( C , N ) finer and more dispersive ;