
  1. 中国与全球化智库(CCG)的一项研究发现,对开展创业表示有兴趣的高校学生超过60%,二线城市更加适宜。

    A study by the Center for China and Globalization ( CCG ) think-tank found that over 60 percent of university students show an interest in launching startups , preferably in China 's second-tier cities .

  2. 中国与全球化智库及教育咨询机构麦可斯的研究人员分析了来自2万名毕业生的调查报告。

    Researchers at the Center for China and Globalization and education consultancy MyCOS analyzed responses from 20000 graduates .

  3. 中国与全球化智库的执行秘书长苗绿称,造成这个现象的另外一个原因是当下中国提高其软实力的承诺。

    Miao Lyu , executive secretary-general of CCG , said China 's current commitment to improve soft power is another factor .

  4. 这项报告由中国与全球化智库于周三在北京发布。

    The report was released by the Center for China and Globalization , a think tank in Beijing , on Wednesday .

  5. 中国与全球化智库的主任王辉耀称,商科专业的降温与中国的经济形势有关。

    Wang Huiyao , director of CCG , said the cooling down of business as a major is related to the economic situation in China .

  6. 根据全球化智库和在线招聘平台智联招聘发布的一份报告,近8成在海外完成学业后归国的中国留学生认为其薪资水平低于预期。

    Nearly 80 % of Chinese students who returned home after finishing education abroad thought their job salaries were lower than expected , according to a report by think tank Center for China and Globalization and online recruitment platform zhaopin.com .

  7. 这份《中国海归就业创业调查报告》是基于7月份对2190名海归的调查得出的。该报告由北京的中国与全球化智库和招聘网站智联招聘于上周日联合发布的。

    The Report on Employment and Entrepreneurship of Chinese Returnees , based on a survey of 2190 overseas returnees in July , was jointly released last Sunday by the Center for China and Globalization , a Beijing think tank , and recruitment website Zhaopin .