
quán rì zhì
  • full-time
全日制 [quán rì zhì]
  • [full-time] 整天上下午都安排课时的教学体制

全日制[quán rì zhì]
  1. 越来越多的人重返学校接受全日制教育。

    A growing number of people are returning to full-time education .

  2. 所有单身的全日制学生都必须住大学宿舍。

    All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls .

  3. 该课程全日制学习一年,非全日制学习两年。

    The course is 1 year FT , 2 years PT .

  4. 全日制学生通常都得到资助。

    Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored

  5. 有很多中心提供全日制课程。

    There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses

  6. 对不满18岁者、全日制学生、60岁以上及无工资收入者提供特别优惠。

    There are special rates for the under 18s , full-time students , over 60s and the unwaged

  7. 开设了非全日制的英语班。另外,学生可以修读文字处理和计算机课程。

    Part-time English classes are offered . In addition , students can take classes in word-processing and computing

  8. 如果小孩接受全日制教育的时间超过了您已告知我们的那个期限,您就有权申请儿童补助金。

    You may be entitled to Child Benefit if a child continues getting full-time education beyond the date already notified by you .

  9. 接受全日制教育、然后连续工作、直至完全退休,这样三阶段的生活可能适用于我们的父母甚至祖父母,但现在已经不适用了。

    The three-stage life of full-time education , followed by continuous work , and then complete retirement may have worked for our parents or even grandparents , but it is not relevant today .

  10. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  11. 英国高等教育统计局将其归功于非全日制学生数量的增多,2015-2016学年和2016-2017学年攻读创意艺术与设计专业的学生增加了19%。

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency attributes this popularity to the increase in part-time students , among which there was a 19 % increase in students studying Creative Arts & Design between 2015 / 16 and 2016 / 17 .

  12. 目前,俄罗斯的商学院都不再推出全日制MBA课程。

    Currently the full-time MBA is not the product delivered by Russian business schools .

  13. 全日制mba的日子更好过。

    The full-time MBA is faring better .

  14. 该院的全日制mba课程有115名学生。

    The full-time MBA has 115 students .

  15. 据周林教授介绍,安泰经济与管理学院的550名MBA学生里有80人为全日制学生。

    At Antai , 80 of the 550 MBA students study full-time , says Prof Zhou .

  16. MBA学生要是决定了想读全日制项目,他们会出国去读。

    When MBA students have decided they want to study full time , they will go abroad .

  17. 全日制学生通常9个月就可以完成课程,远短于MBA的两年。

    Full-time students can usually complete the degree in nine months , versus two years for an MBA .

  18. 斯克里帕克教授正在负责将Pamplin商学院从全日制MBA教育转向完全的在职MBA教育。

    Prof Skripak is overseeing Pamplin 's transition away from a full-time MBA degree to offer only part-time MBA programmes .

  19. 与此同时,据伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)负责全日制mba课程的副校长朱莉娅泰勒(juliatyler)介绍,来自印度的申请出现增长。

    Meanwhile , at London Business School , Julia Tyler , associate dean of the MBA programme , reports an increase in applications from India .

  20. 以位于马德里的西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)为例,633名全日制MBA学生将从老师们推荐的150门选修课中选出80门让学校开课。

    At IE Business School in Madrid , for example , the 633 full-time MBA students now choose which 80 elective courses will run from the 150 proposed by faculty .

  21. 在印第安纳州和亚利桑那州等地区的学校,在线MBA班的学员数量甚至多于新录取的全日制在校学生。

    At several schools , including Indiana and Arizona State , incoming Online MBA classes outnumber the new full-time students enrolled on-campus .

  22. 宾夕法尼亚州的斯腾山大学表示这个秋天,他们将会给所有全日制学生配备iPad。

    Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania says they 'll be outfitting every full time student with an iPad come Fall .

  23. 斯隆管理学院拥有一个小规模本科项目,以及斯隆学者课程(theSloanFellowsprogramme)&为资深经理人准备的一年期全日制课程。

    Sloan has a small undergraduate programme and the Sloan Fellows programme , a full-time , one-year course for seasoned managers .

  24. 全日制MBA课程在最低潮的时候只有17名学生,因为那是他们所能招到的达到入学标准的人数。

    At its low point the programme had 17 students , because that was the number it could attract that were of the required calibre .

  25. 上次全日制MBA增长率下降形势转向迅猛上升正是那些技术明星(译者注:指互联网高科技公司的创业者)去读教科书的时候(如图所示)。

    During the previous downswing the percentage of full-time MBA programmes reporting higher applications soared as tech stars switched to textbooks ( see chart ) .

  26. 根据“英国高等院校入学服务机构”(universitiesandcollegesadmissionsservice)1月30日公布的数字,今年英国申请攻读全日制高校课程的人数下降了8.7%。

    The number of British people who applied for a full-time university course fell by 8.7 % this year , according to figures published by the universities and Colleges Admissions Service on January 30th .

  27. 对于开设全日制mba课程的商学院来说,2006年mba课程全球申请人数的统计数据远远胜过此前两年。

    For business schools with full-time MBA programmes , the global application statistics for 2006 made considerably better reading than the figures for the previous two years .

  28. 作为我们的国际MBA项目,达勒姆商学院提供的全日制MBA学生有机会在合作伙伴关系组织在一个真正的商业问题。

    As part of our international MBA programme , Durham Business School offers full-time MBA students the opportunity to work in partnership with organisations on a real business issue .

  29. 但是,为什么全日制MBA能收到所有的赞誉,而在职课程却只能面对相当尴尬的沉默,即便两类毕业生拿到的学位通常都是一样的?

    But why does the full-time MBA receive all the accolades while part-time programmes are met with a rather embarrassed silence , even though the degree received by graduates is often the same ?

  30. 博恩斯教授表示,他的目标之一,是使全日制mba学生数量增加到50至60人,高级mba课程学生数量增加到每年60至70人。

    Professor bones says one of his aims is to increase the number of students on the full-time MBA to 50 or 60 and the Executive MBA programme to 60 or 70 a year .