
  • 网络Alexandrina Victoria;victoria regina;the Queen Victoria
  1. 维多利亚女王于1837年即位。

    Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837 .

  2. 维多利亚女王自1837年至1901年在位。

    Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901 .

  3. 不管谁站在路上为维多利亚女王欢呼,谁就会给爱尔兰带来羞辱。

    Whoever stands by the roadway cheering for Queen Victoria dishonours Ireland .

  4. 他是维多利亚女王的后代。

    He is a descendent of Queen Victoria .

  5. 他们是维多利亚女王的后裔。

    They are the descendants of Queen Victoria .

  6. 维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典

    Queen Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations

  7. 这座博物馆甚至拥有用维多利亚女王、数任美国总统和玛丽莲·梦露的头发做成的藏品。

    They even have pieces containing hair from Queen Victoria , US presidents and Marilyn Monroe .

  8. 周三,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(QueenElizabethII)超越维多利亚女王(QueenVictoria),成为在位时间最长的英国国家元首,已在位63年。

    Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday passes Queen Victoria as the longest-reigning British head of state , after 63 years on the throne .

  9. 在1510年,这个主意传到了维多利亚女王统治的英国。有人送了一棵圣诞树给女王的丈夫—出生于德国的Albert王子,以唤起他对童年圣诞节的回忆。

    That was in 1510 . The idea finally spread to Britain during Queen Victoria 's reign when her German-born husband Prince Albert had one sent over to remind him of his own childhood Christmases .

  10. 维多利亚女王是英国历史上在位时间最长的君主,在位63年。

    Queen Victoria reigned for 63 years , the longest-serving monarch .

  11. 维多利亚女王曾在婚礼上对她的表哥说:“我愿意”。

    Queen Victoria said " I do " to hers .

  12. 维多利亚女王在位时间长达63年零7个月。

    Victoria 's reign lasted 63 years and seven months .

  13. 播客第9期:墨尔本维多利亚女王市场

    Podcast Number 9 - Melbourne 's Queen Victoria Market

  14. 维多利亚女王市场至今已有130年的历史。

    Queen Victoria Market is 130 years old .

  15. 我们对字典的理解自维多利亚女王统治时期以来没有改变过。

    Our idea of what a dictionary is has not changed since her reign .

  16. 另外的原因是,自维多利亚女王以来,字典并没有什么变化。

    But secondly , I blame the Queen because dictionaries have really not changed .

  17. 历史上的今天-维多利亚女王去世1901年的今天-英国维多利亚女王去世,享年82岁。

    Queen Victoria died 1901 - Britain 's Queen Victoria died at age 82 .

  18. 这家市场就是维多利亚女王市场。

    It 's called Queen Victoria Market .

  19. 维多利亚女王举行仪式,总能赶上晴朗天气,据认为是因为有二十一响礼炮。

    Queen Victoria always had fine weather for her ceremonies because there were twenty-one cannons .

  20. 其中还包括维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特王子所收藏的拍摄于很久以前的经典照片。

    They include masterpieces of early British photography collected by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert .

  21. 维多利亚女王是最长的女王,她在位63年。

    Queen Victoria was the longest queen . She sat on a thorn for 63 years .

  22. 例如,一位名叫杰克·布莱克的男士,曾声称自己是维多利亚女王的私人捕鼠者。

    For example , one man named Jack Black claimed to be Queen Victoria 's personal rat catcher .

  23. 维多利亚女王在英国登基时,就是施特劳斯的乐队在加冕舞会上伴奏。3.

    When Queen Victoria was crowned in England , it was Strauss 's orchestra that played at the coronation ball .

  24. 今天是周四,我骑着我的摩托车去了维多利亚女王市场,市场里有很多停车位。

    On my visit today , it was Thursday . I took my motorcycle and there was plenty of parking .

  25. 在维多利亚女王时代,多家幼儿园的小孩儿染上了麻疹、白喉、猩红热、风疹等致命疾病。

    Victorian nurseries were plagued by measles , diphtheria , scarlet fever , rubella - all of which could be fatal .

  26. 据悉,该本童话书是还处于小公主阶段的维多利亚女王在1829年或1830年写成的。

    It is believed that this fairy tale was written around 1829 or 1830 when she was still a young princess .

  27. 议会权杖是官方发言人的象征,也是人民赋予维多利亚女王的宪法权利。

    The Parliamentary Mace was a symbol of the Office of the Speaker and the constitutional rights of the people of Victoria .

  28. 颅相图一度发行量很大。英国维多利亚女王、美国诗人埃德加·爱伦·坡和沃尔特·惠特曼都是颅相学的信奉者。

    Famous people who believed in phrenology included Queen Victoria of Britain , the American poets Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman .

  29. 13.14.13.女:今天我们的演播室里请来了布朗教授,来跟大家谈论一下著名的维多利亚女王的油画像。

    W : Well , tonight we have Professor Brown in our studio to talk about the famous oil painting of Queen Victoria .

  30. 当时,维多利亚女王五十周年大庆①的喜悦气氛被经济危机、突然爆发的罢工、特拉法加广场的暴动和堕落的新闻媒体等所破坏。

    Celebrations for Queen Victoria 's Jubilee are marred by economic crisis , prompting strikes , riots in Trafalgar Square and a corrupt press .