
  • 网络Cambridgeshire;cambs
  1. 这只具有音乐天赋的猫,令英国剑桥郡高德曼彻斯特镇的WoodGreen动物收容所里的护工们大为震惊。

    The musical moggie is astounding carers at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester , Cambridgeshire .

  2. Circle在英国最为人所知的是收购剑桥郡的欣琴布鲁克医院,使其成为第一家由私营公司管理的国立保健医院。

    Circle is best known in the UK for its takeover of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire , the first NHS hospital to be managed by a private company .

  3. 《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。

    Custard creams are king in Yorkshire , says the Waitrose Food and Drink report , while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs , Oxford and Cambridge .

  4. 剑桥郡警方的一名发言人说,他们必须插手处理这起事件,学生的行为太不负责任了。

    A Cambridgeshire Police spokesman said they were obliged to step in and deal with the fall out from such irresponsible behaviour .

  5. 这位老人就是来自(英国)剑桥郡威奇福德市的退休教师约翰•劳伊。劳伊的“处女秀”是普罗柯菲耶夫的芭蕾舞剧《宝石花》,在演出开始之前,他一直在练习脚尖旋转动作。

    Retired teacher John Lowe , of Witchford , Cambridgeshire , has been busy perfecting his pirouettes ahead of his role in Prokofiev 's The Stone Flower .

  6. 克里斯-霍姆斯,现在同样也是英国剑桥郡一位的蛋糕烘培师傅,在自己4月15日的生日当天将辞职蛋糕寄到了斯坦斯特德机场边防部的管理处。

    Chris Holmes , aka Mr Cake from Cambridgeshire , delivered the cake to The Management at the Border Force in Stansted on his birthday on 15 April .

  7. 英国剑桥郡的西皮亚山火车站去年竟仅接待旅客12人次,荣登“全国最冷清车站榜”榜首。

    A table ranking of the quietest stations in the UK is topped by Shippea Hill station in Cambridgeshire , which astonishingly only 12 people used last year .

  8. 这位3个孩子的妈妈住在剑桥郡圣尼茨的一套价值50万英镑、有4间卧室的住房里。去年她曾经对外炫耀说,她给女儿赠送了一张价值6000英镑的丰胸礼券。

    And last year the mother-of-three , who lives in a 500,000 four-bedroom home in St Neots , Cambridgeshire , boasted that she gave a 6,000 breast enlargement voucher to her daughter .

  9. 2011年,英国剑桥郡的养鸡场主发现,在他们自家后院里,他们养的其中一只母鸡很奇怪地不再生蛋,而是开始不断地练习啼叫。

    In 2011 , chicken owners in Cambridgeshire , England , saw it happening in their own backyard when one of their hens inexplicably stopped laying eggs and started practicing her crowing .

  10. 这项研究发表在《科学》期刊上,由一个国际研究组研究得出,包括英国剑桥郡的基金会桑格研究院,以及美国新墨西哥州的洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室。

    The study , in the journal Science , was carried out by an international group , including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico .

  11. 剑桥郡普通民宅售价约为39万英镑,他们为了首付款挣扎,最终想出了这样一个计划来完成自己对房子的梦想。

    They came up with the plan to craft their own dream home after struggling to save a deposit for a family home in the area which would have cost them in the region of 390000 pounds .

  12. 英国剑桥郡的职业发明家里克·亨特仅花了3600英镑就买下了一辆闲置的双层巴士,他将巴士里的座位扒掉,腾出空间改造出三间卧室、一间厨房、一间浴室,还有用餐区和座位区。

    Professional inventor Rick Hunt , from Cambridgeshire , spent just 3600 pounds on the disused vehicle , stripping back the seating to kit it out with three bedrooms as well as a kitchen , bathroom , dining area and seating area .

  13. 该装置还可用来对付武装的罪犯,因为派遣警官去处理可能有危险。但波伊德警官说,警犬的训练十分昂贵,因而剑桥郡的警署不会这样使用该装置。

    The system could also be used in incidents with an armed offender where it would be dangerous to send officers into a situation , but Detective Constable Boyd said police dogs were expensive to train and the Cambridgeshire service would not use the equipment in that way .

  14. 在他服务于救护队期间,威廉王子一直驻扎在剑桥机场。他们的团队里有专业医师、急救护理人员以及飞行员,并为贝德福德郡、剑桥郡、诺福克郡和萨福克郡提供紧急医疗服务。

    Throughout his service William has been based out of Cambridge Airport , as part of a team including specialist doctors , critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk and Suffolk .