
  • 网络cyclops
  1. O3/H2O2法灭活水中剑水蚤类浮游动物

    O_3 / H_2O_2 Oxidation Processes of Cyclops of Zooplankton Inactivation in Water

  2. 而灭活效果受pH值(在6.0~8.0之间)、剑水蚤密度、氨和氯的投加时间间隔影响较小。

    Other factors , such as pH value ( between 6.0 and 8.0 ), concentration of Cyclops and the interval of adding of ammonia and chlorine , are of little influence on inactivation .

  3. 氯胺灭活水中剑水蚤类浮游动物的试验研究

    Experimental research on chloramine inactivation of Cyclops of zooplankton in water

  4. 水处理工艺中剑水蚤的防治及水质生物评价

    Control of Cyclops in the Water Treatment and Bio-assay of Water Quality

  5. 净水工艺中剑水蚤的二次繁殖及控制

    The second propagation and controlling of Cyclops in water purification

  6. 结果表明,氯胺对剑水蚤具有显著的灭活作用。

    The results indicate that chloramine is of notable inactivation effect on Cyclops .

  7. 铜绿微囊藻与剑水蚤生态关系的研究

    Research on Relationship between M. Aeruginosa and Cyclops

  8. 水中剑水蚤类浮游动物去除技术发展状况研究

    Studies on the conditions of the removal method of zooplankton from water treatment process

  9. 几种单胞藻混合喂养婆罗异剑水蚤,其群体增殖效果总体上比单种藻类喂养来得显著。

    Generally , the effects of mixture feeding are significant than those of single-species feeding .

  10. 结果剑水蚤棘颚口线虫第二期幼虫的感染率为1.6%;

    Results Infective rate of second stage larva of G. spinigerum was 1.6 % in cyclops .

  11. 可见,采用盐水或氨水浸泡活性炭滤池来控制剑水蚤的生长是可行的。

    Clearly , the application of brine or ammonia is feasible to control the growth of Cyclops .

  12. 过滤单元是去除剑水蚤的关键单元,滤料孔隙尺寸可影响除蚤效率。

    The filter unit is a key unit to removing Cyclops and the filter pore size also influences removal result significantly .

  13. 幼虫通过水蚤(剑水蚤属)进入人体,在那里发育并在两周后具有感染性。

    The larva is ingested by a water flea ( cyclops ), where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks .

  14. 先通过正交试验研究确定影响灭活剑水蚤效果的主要影响因素,并进行显著性分析;

    At first , orthogonal experiments were performed to determine the main influential factors , and a notability analysis was made on them .

  15. 这也是铜绿微囊藻和剑水蚤在自然水体中能够获得竞争优势,频繁爆发的原因之一。

    This was why M. aeruginosa and Cyclops could acquire advantage of competition and result in high frequency of breakout of water bloom .

  16. 液氯、臭氧、高锰酸钾三种预氧化方式只能在短时间内完全或者部分去除剑水蚤。

    Chlorine , ozone and potassium permanganate composite ( PPC ) only have the capability removing Cyclops completely or partially in a short time .

  17. 相信通过更加深入的研究和设计,必将完善水处理工艺,从而达到彻底在水处理过程中安全有效的去除剑水蚤类浮游动物、保证饮用水质安全的目的。

    Cyclops of zooplankton can be thoroughly removed from water treatment process to insure drinking water quality by in-depth study and design improving water treatment craft .

  18. 浮游甲壳动物(剑水蚤)在水库水中的孳生给水处理工艺带来了新的问题,同时也给饮用水的安全带来了威胁。

    Crustacean plankton ( Cyclops ) breeding in reservoir has brought new problem to water treatment process , and brought threat to safety of drinking water .

  19. 混凝沉淀单元主要去除活性较弱、个体尺寸较大的剑水蚤和易随水力流动的无节幼体。

    Coagulation sedimentation unit is mainly used to remove the weaker activity Cyclops and the larger size individual , including the nauplii who easily flow with the water .

  20. 滤柱中剑水蚤的数量分布和大小分布与滤料水力分级和孔隙尺寸有关,投加预氧化剂能改变剑水蚤在滤柱中的两种分布机制。

    The distribution mechanism of Cyclops munber and size in filter column are related with filter pore size and hydraulic classification , and preoxidation can change the distributions .

  21. 当人饮用这种水时,剑水蚤通过胃酸溶解,将幼虫激活并穿透肠壁。

    When a person drinks the water , the cyclops is dissolved by the acidity of the stomach , and the larva is activated and penetrates the gut wall .

  22. 其中,剑水蚤与铜绿微囊藻爆发是最受人们关注的问题之一,也是治理环境的重点。

    The breakout of Cyclops and Microcystis Aeruginosa is one of the most concerned problems by human beings and is also the key of environment treatment . The relationship between M. aeruginosa and Cyclops has been studied in the laboratory here .