
jiàn qiáo xué pài
  • Cambridge school
剑桥学派[jiàn qiáo xué pài]
  1. 他的工作培育了数学物理学者的庞大的剑桥学派。

    His work inspired the great Cambridge school of mathematical physicists .

  2. 新古典综合派和新剑桥学派,主张将二者结合起来。

    New classic-comprehensive school and new Cambridge school advocated the combination of the two fields . From Classical Location Theory to Neoclassical Location Theory : A Retrospective view ;

  3. 新剑桥学派是现代凯恩斯主义经济学的两大分支之一。

    Neo-Cambridge school is one of the two branches of modern Keynes economics .

  4. 新剑桥学派的资本理论述评

    Comment on Capital Theory of Neo-Cambridge-School

  5. 新剑桥学派从一个崭新的角度研究了收入分配理论,围绕着收入分配和经济增长的关系展开论述,得出收入分配同经济增长之间存在微妙的动态关系,具有相互作用。

    And concluded that subtle dynamic relationship exists between income distribution and economic growth , interact with each other .

  6. 在一定意义上说,作为后凯恩斯主义经济学的新剑桥学派,实际上是凯恩斯、哈罗德、斯拉法和卡莱茨基的大融合。

    To some extent , Neo-Cambridge School as post-Keynes economics is in fact a fusion of Keynes , Harrod , and .

  7. 新剑桥学派的资本理论源于哈罗德-多马模型,成熟于同新古典综合派的论战。

    The capital theory of Neo-Cambridge school derives from Harrod-Domar model and comes into age in the dispute with neo-classicist comprehensive school .

  8. 新剑桥学派历来以重视收入分配理论而著称,主要是围绕收入分配理论建立的经济理论。

    The new Cambridge School traditionally is renowned for its attention to the theory of income distribution , mainly revolve around the relationship between the economic growth and income distribution .

  9. 第二章是文章的理论部分,介绍经典经济学理论包括凯恩斯的半通货膨胀理论、新剑桥学派的理论、货币学派的通货膨胀理论和瑞典学派的通货膨胀理论。

    Chapter 2 will outline classic macroeconomics theory , including Semi-Keynesian theory of inflation , New theory of the Cambridge School , Monetary theory of inflation School and Swedish School of inflation theory .

  10. 中国长期处于通货膨胀状态,由此导致的再分配使得中国收入差距不断扩大。(5)新剑桥学派理论所描述的收入差距扩大化的路径基本符合中国的实际情况。

    China long-term inflation , the resulting redistribution of making China the widening income gap . (ⅴ) The income gap between the path described by the Neo-Cambridge school of theory in line with the actual situation in China .

  11. 主要回顾了通货膨胀的相关基础理论,包括新古典学派、弗里德曼、凯恩斯、剑桥学派的通货膨胀理论等经典理论,并根据经典理论,对通货膨胀的定义、度量、分类和原理进行了阐述。

    Reviewed the basic theory of inflation , including the classical theory of neoclassical , Friedman , Keynes , Cambridge School of inflation theory , and in accordance with the classical theory , I explain the elaboration inflation definition , measurement , classification and principle .