
  • 网络Keynesian;keynesianism;keynesian economics
  1. 这段凯恩斯主义“小插曲”给出两点重要启示。

    Two major implications of the Keynesian interlude are the following .

  2. 凯恩斯主义理论对预算赤字的容忍,几乎就说明了这一点。

    The Keynesian case for tolerating a budget deficit almost made itself .

  3. 它为应对全球衰退而实施的扩张政策,把凯恩斯主义发挥到了极致,也令经济恢复了高速增长。

    Its super-keynesian expansionary response to the global recession has put the economy back into top gear .

  4. 美国总统理查德尼克松(richardnixon)就曾宣称“我们现在都是凯恩斯主义者”。

    It was President Richard Nixon who declared that " we are all Keynesians now " .

  5. 第二种偏见是,作为出身芝加哥大学(chicagouniversity)的经济学家,卡斯滕斯多少过于正统,未免与日益盛行凯恩斯主义的时代脱节。

    The second prejudice is that as a Chicago university-educated economist , Mr Carstens is somehow too orthodox , and therefore out of touch with these increasingly Keynesian times .

  6. 在罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)和玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)之后,凯恩斯主义者的充分就业政策遭到摒弃,市场监管逐步放宽。

    Following Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher , Keynesian full employment policies were abandoned and markets deregulated .

  7. 财政政策、货币政策和外汇政策的搭配使用使得以ISLMBP模型为核心的凯恩斯主义大显神威。

    The combining use of fiscal policies , monetary policies as well as exchange policies makes Keynesianism based on the IS-LM-BP model show its magic power .

  8. 为赫伯特胡佛(herberthoover)的幽灵所困扰的凯恩斯主义者警告,美国仍随时有可能陷入另一场萧条。

    The Keynesians , haunted by the spectre of Herbert Hoover , warn that the US is still teetering on the brink of another depression .

  9. 这些代言人看来对一百年来宏观经济学领域的一些理论观点知之甚少。凯恩斯主义者似乎并未研究过凯恩斯(Keynes),而新古典主义者或者误读、或者根本不读哈耶克(Hayek)。

    These spokesmen show little knowledge of the several theoretical perspectives in macroeconomics over the past 100 years . The Keynesians seem not to have studied Keynes and the neoclassicals misread or do not read Hayek .

  10. 和被称为新魏克塞尔主义、新凯恩斯主义和新新古典主义的研究方法相比,NOEM模型更贴近于货币经济学,更关注开放经济中的情况。

    And is known as the " the new Wicksell "," New Keynesian " or " neo-classical " method , NOEM model is closer to monetary economics , and more concerned about the situation in an open economy .

  11. 本文的理论基础是NOEM框架,对于该框架,分别从新凯恩斯主义学派角度、动态随机一般均衡方法角度和新开放经济宏观经济学三个角度对本文的理论基础进行一个梳理。

    Of this article the theoretical basis NOEM framework for this framework , new Keynesian perspective , the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach angle and the new open economy macroeconomics three angles a comb on the theoretical basis of this article .

  12. 美国劳动力市场没有像凯恩斯主义者们所希望的那样复苏。

    The American labour market is not recovering as Keynesians hoped .

  13. 还有3个理由质疑凯恩斯主义的观点。

    There are three more reasons to doubt the Keynesian view .

  14. 弗里德曼:滞胀是天真的凯恩斯主义的终结。

    MILTON FRIEDMAN : Stagflation was the end of naive Keynesianism .

  15. 美国金融危机的社会根源及凯恩斯主义的回归分析

    Social Roots of American Financial Crisis and Return Analysis of Keynesianism

  16. 凯恩斯主义者可以提及私人部门的过剩储蓄。

    Keynesians can note the excess savings of the private sector .

  17. 论凯恩斯主义对经济法发展的影响

    The Influence of Keynesianism on the Development of Economic Law

  18. 20世纪30年代,瑞典率先倡导凯恩斯主义的需求管理。

    In the 1930s , Sweden pioneered Keynesian demand management .

  19. 主流经济学家和金融媒体通常都是凯恩斯主义的支持者。

    Mainstream economists and the financial press are usually Keynesian .

  20. 而匆忙出台刺激计划,则是向幼稚的凯恩斯主义的大退步。

    The hastily assembled stimulus packages were a throwback to naive Keynesianism .

  21. 货币主义和凯恩斯主义曾被视为相互排斥的经济理论。

    Once , monetarism and Keynesianism were considered mutually exclusive economic theories .

  22. 新凯恩斯主义经济学罗斯福新政与凯恩斯主义


  23. 从许多方面看,本文可谓是凯恩斯主义时代的墓志铭。

    It was in many ways the epitaph for the Keynesian era .

  24. 他的意思也许是,与历史不同,凯恩斯主义是胡扯。

    Maybe , he meant that Keynesianism is bunk , unlike history .

  25. 反凯恩斯主义者对此反驳道,债券市场的抛售很少是渐进式的。

    The anti-Keynesians point out that bond market sell-offs are seldom gradual .

  26. 凯恩斯主义也仍然是如此教导我们的。

    It is also the one Keynes himself still teaches .

  27. 本文运用新凯恩斯主义垄断竞争模型来研究中国经济波动问题。

    This paper studies China 's economic fluctuation in a New Keynesian model .

  28. 后凯恩斯主义的企业定价模型&成本加成定价原理

    Post - Keynesian Enterprise Pricing Model & on the Principle of Cost-Oriented Pricing

  29. 伯南克及其副手向来是凯恩斯主义者。

    Mr Bernanke and his lieutenants are conventionally Keynesian .

  30. 这是现代版的凯恩斯主义者与货币主义者之争。

    This is a contemporary version of the old Keynesian versus monetarist dispute .