
  • 网络global integration;global integrated;globally integrated;Integrated Globally
  1. 这有助建立美国新员工对公司的信任,但也延缓了两家公司的全球整合。

    This helped build trust among the new employees in the US but slowed down global integration of the two companies .

  2. 因此,在逐步展开的全球整合大戏中,最为重要的演员实际上可能是最微小的、最接近本土的人新型全球企业家。

    Therefore , the most important actor in the unfolding drama of global integration may actually be the smallest and closest to home - the new global entrepreneur .

  3. 采取了全球整合企业关键原则和做法的,远不止IBM一家公司。

    IBM is far from the only company that has adopted key GIE principles and practices .

  4. 一家公司要成为全球整合企业,其领导者必须怀有一种特定的心态,我在IBM担任首席执行官时,致力于向我的同事们灌输这种心态。

    For a company to become a GIE , its leaders must embrace a particular frame of mind – one that I worked to imbue in my colleagues while I was CEO of IBM .

  5. 一位知情人士表示,汇丰银行员工曾解释说,汇丰的风险体系在全球整合过程中存在一定问题,这导致涉及多个司法管辖区的BVI交易多次陷入停滞。

    One person familiar with the issue said HSBC staff had explained that there were some problems integrating its risk systems globally , which meant that one BVI transaction involving multiple jurisdictions could end up being flagged several times .

  6. 跨国公司人力资源管理的全球整合的理论模型研究

    A Theoretical Model of Global HRM Integration in MNCs

  7. 但两家公司都必须意识到,在全球整合的势头之下,相互竞争几乎没有任何意义。

    But both must realise that competing with each other amid a global push to consolidate makes little sense .

  8. 全球整合企业以及企业面对的新全球化时代,是我目前工作的重心。

    The GIE , and the new global era for business , are at the center of my current work .

  9. 市场需求瞬息万变,这些“全球整合员”们需要保持灵活和创新以跟上时代的脚步。

    The needs of the market change constantly , and the integrators have to be flexible and innovative to keep up .

  10. 尽管周二有一些关于全球整合的含糊言论,但双方已经拖得太久,产生不了多大的影响。

    Despite some vague talk on Tuesday about global consolidation , both sides have left it far too late to influence much .

  11. 他表示,各国政府应取消3500项双边协议体制,这些协议支配着国际航空业,并有碍全球整合。

    Governments , he said , should scrap the system of 3,500 bilateral treaties that govern international aviation and prevent global consolidation .

  12. 全球整合公司不允许一些国家的员工出现腐败行为,而在另一些国家却没有,因此它必须开除他们;

    A globally integrated firm cannot allow corrupt practices by employees in some countries and not others , so it must outlaw them everywhere .

  13. 在逐步升级的有关全球整合的争论中,工作(它们如何被创造出来以及如何丢失)可谓最为重要的热点问题。

    Jobs - how they are created and how they are lost - are arguably the single most important hot-button issue in the escalating debate on global integration .

  14. 在全球整合的经济条件下,我们会发现许多重要的创新活动来自中国,有些是由中国企业主导,有些则是由在中国的跨国公司主导。

    In an integrated global economy , we are likely to find many important innovations coming out of China , some led by Chinese companies and some by major multinational corporations .

  15. 日元持续走强、国内需求疲软以及汽车制造商在全球整合产品线,正在削弱日本在紧凑型轿车和其它高产量、低利润率汽车上的传统优势。

    A persistently strong yen , weak local demand and global integration of carmakers ' product line-ups are eroding Japan 's traditional strength in compact cars and other high-volume , low-margin vehicles .

  16. 古永锵:我们除了在网络原创内容方面很有优势之外,全球整合动作也比竞争对手们先行一步,而且在这方面拥有最广泛的视频库。

    Koo : Besides our strength in web-based original content , syndication is also an area where we started global syndication earlier than any of our competitors and have the broadest library here .

  17. 不过,在即将来临的水资源短缺和冲突时代,迫切需要对水务行业进行更大规模的全球整合。鉴于历史和政治方面的原因,从范围和抱负上讲,这一行业都过于局限于国家层面。

    Yet in the coming era of water shortages and water conflicts , there is urgent need for greater global integration in an industry that , for historical and political reasons , remains overly national both in scope and ambition .

  18. 斯特拉塔急于率先启动下一轮全球矿业整合,因此乐于公开自己的交易兴趣,包括与英美资源集团合并,以及可能会重启收购铂金生产商lonmin的计划。

    Xstrata is keen to lead the next round of global mining consolidation and has been open about its interest in combining with Anglo as well as possibly reviving its bid for lonmin , the platinum miner .

  19. 中国企业知识管理与全球学习整合

    On the Knowledge Management and Global Learning Integration for Chinese Enterprises

  20. 企业要在全球市场整合中攫取先机

    Enterprises Need to Take Precedence in the Global Integration

  21. 跨国公司理论与跨国公司全球行业整合

    The Theory on Cross - National Company and the Integration of Them in the World

  22. 现代信息技术所支撑的数字化和网络化生存方式为全球文化整合和世界文化的产生奠定了基础。

    The living way of digitalization and network supported by modern information technique has laid a foundation for conformity and emergence of world culture .

  23. 目前跨国公司采取水平分工和垂直分工并举方式,进行全球产业整合,将世界各国纳入一体化分工的网络。

    Transnational corporations are undertaking a global integration of industries through horizontal and vertical divisions of labor , involving all nations into their networks .

  24. 在回顾前人研究成果的基础上,在第三章我们提出了跨国公司全球行业整合的理论。

    On the basis of reviewing forefathers ' research results , we put forward our transnational-corporation . s global industrial integration theory ( chapter 3 ) .

  25. 与此同时,随着全球财政整合计划开始影响家庭预算,不成比例的薪资和奖金方案只会进一步激起公愤。

    Meanwhile , as plans for worldwide fiscal consolidation start to bite on household budgets , disproportionate pay and bonus packages will only further stoke public outrage .

  26. 全球资源整合的潮流带动了全球大型汽车整车企业的兼并和整合,汽车零部件企业同样不可避免的被卷入整合浪潮。

    With the trend of integrating global resources , the vehicle enterprises star to integrate . Automobile parts enterprises were inevitably caught in the global wave of integration .

  27. 信息和通讯技术的高速发展,打破服务贸易的不可行性,服务外包成为跨国公司或集团进行全球资源整合的新利润源泉。

    High speed development of Information and communication technology breaks the infeasibility of trade in services , service outsourcing becomes the new source of profit which does multinational company or group get from the integration of global resources .

  28. 服务外包使信息技术从产品时代过渡到应用服务时代,带动了新一轮的全球资源整合与重新配置,使地球变的更平。

    Service outsourcing has brought IT to come into the era of application service from the era of products , having driven a new round of integration and restructuration of global resources , which has made the globe much flatter .

  29. 英国航空公司(BritishAirways)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)正考虑潜在的合并事宜,这被认为是迄今为止加速全球航空业整合进程的最为大胆的举措。

    British Airways and Qantas are exploring a potential merger in the boldest move yet considered to accelerate the consolidation of the global airline industry .

  30. 近年来全球区域经济整合蔚为趋势,依据WTO网页数据,迄今全世界已有260多个FTA有效运作,缔约国彼此间互免关税。

    In recent years , the world is moving towards regional economic integration , based on the WTO web data , so far the world has more than 260 FTA effective operation of the mutual exemption of customs duties between parties .