
quán ɡuó rén kǒu pǔ chá
  • National Population Census;nationwide census
  1. 2010年11月全国人口普查报告显示,近1200万年龄在30岁到39岁的男人是单身,希望与年轻女性结婚。

    A nationwide census report in November 2010 showed that nearly 12 million men aged 30 to 39 were single and hoping to marry younger women .

  2. 自上世纪90年代以来,中国每10年进行一次全国人口普查。

    China has conducted a national population census every 10 years since the 1990s .

  3. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  4. 11月1日,第七次全国人口普查正式开启现场登记,700多万普查人员走入千家万户,登记普查信息。

    China started its seventh national population census on Nov 1 , with about 7 million census takers going door to door to document demographic information .

  5. 1996年的澳大利亚全国人口普查数据显示,越来越多的人去海滨城市定居,距离各州的首府只有几个小时车程。

    Data from the 1996 national Census2 reveals the fastest-growing parts of the nation are located on the coast , a few hours ' drive from our capital cities .

  6. 方法根据ICD-9对合肥市1987~2001年间的生命统计监测资料进行死因编码,用1990年全国人口普查结果进行标化率计算,进一步计算各种恶性肿瘤的YPLL(潜在减寿年数)。

    Methods Cause of death was coded based on ICD 9 in Hefei , 1987 ~ 2001 . The standardized mortality was calculated based on the result of national census in 1990 and then calculated the YPLL of malignant tumor .

  7. 中国每十年进行一次全国人口普查。

    China conducts a national population census every ten years .

  8. 对第五次全国人口普查数据中总量和结构的估计

    Estimation of Size and Structure of Chinese Population by the Fifth National Census

  9. 朱:我们五次全国人口普查的结果都出来了。

    Zhu : The results of the Fifth National Census have already been published .

  10. 关于第五次全国人口普查办法和普查表的若干建议

    Suggestions on the Statute of China 's 5th National Population Census and the Census Questionnaire

  11. 基于第五次全国人口普查的河南省人口与可持续发展研究

    Study on Henan population and sustainable development according to the fifth population census of China

  12. 目前正在进行的全国人口普查导致广州做亲子鉴定人数的增多。

    The ongoing national census has triggered a surge in DNA paternity tests in Guangzhou .

  13. 以1990年全国人口普查数据作为标准人口,计算标化死亡率。

    Data of national census 1990 was served as standard population to calculate standardized mortality rate .

  14. .中国启动第七次全国人口普查,约有700万工作人员上门探访。

    China has kicked off its seventh national population census with around 7 million staff to visit homes .

  15. 第五次全国人口普查资料显示,我国农村人口占全国人口总数的60%以上。

    The data of the fifth census shows that 60 percent population of our country is rural people .

  16. 第六次全国人口普查已经落下帷幕,甘肃人口老龄化趋势明显。

    The sixth national census has been concluded , the Gansu aging of the population trend is obvious .

  17. 基于第四次全国人口普查资料的迁移年龄模式研究

    Research on the Age specific Migration Pattern Based on the Data from the 4th Population Census of China

  18. 据新华社报道,第六次全国人口普查从周一正式开始,距前一次全国人口普查已有10年。

    China launches its sixth national census starting Monday , 10 years after the previous one , Xinhua reported .

  19. 本文利用第五次全国人口普查0.95‰抽样数据对2000年我国留守妻子的状况进行了研究。

    This study of left-behind wives was based upon 0.95 ‰ sample data of the 2000 National Demographic Census .

  20. 背景我国在2000年11月举行了第五次全国人口普查。这次人口普查是在我国实行社会主义市场经济体制之后举行的第一次人口普查。

    The fifth national population census held in November 2000 is the first population census in socialist marketing economy system .

  21. 湖州市人口文化素质的调查与思考&对湖州市第五次全国人口普查主要数据的分析

    On Study of Huzhou 's Population Cultural Quality The Analysis of Population Cultural Quality Difference Between East and West in China

  22. 第五次全国人口普查一号公报3月28日公布了这次人口普查的主要数据。

    The National Bureau of Statistics released the Communique on Major Figures of the Fifth National Population Census on March 28 .

  23. 2010年08月16日北京15号启动了为期一个月的人口普查入户登记工作,为即将开始的第六次全国人口普查做准备。

    2010-08-16 Beijing launched a one-month household registration survey on Sunday ( Aug.15 ) in preparation for the upcoming sixth national census .

  24. 我国成人文盲率从建国初的80%以上,下降到2010年第六次全国人口普查的4.08%。

    According to statistics , the adult illiteracy rate of our country has decreased from 80 % above , down to 4.08 % .

  25. 他说,根据国务院的决定,中国于2000年11月1日进行了第五次全国人口普查的登记工作。

    China carried out the Fifth National Population Census on November 1 , 2000 , in accordance with the decision of the State Council .

  26. 在这一部分中,主要是利用第五次全国人口普查和多年老年人口监测数据,对我国城市老年人口及其文化生活的过去,现状及未来趋势进行了全面的描述。

    In this section , we mainly used the five times general survey data and consecutive years of monitoring data of the aging population .

  27. 出生性别比影响因素的通径分析&以第五次全国人口普查数据为基础

    Path Analysis of Influencing Factors on Sex Ratios at Birth & Based on the Data from China 's 5 ~ ( th ) Census

  28. 信拉皮迪:去年全国人口普查统计六百多万未婚在美国谁是共同生活的夫妇。

    FAITH LAPIDUS : Last year 's national census counted more than six million unmarried couples in the United States who were living together .

  29. 方法参照2000年第5次全国人口普查资料,采用多阶段分层整群抽样,运用《中国小学生数学基本能力测试量表》对城区与农村小学抽取的样本7377例、7316例进行基本数学能力测试。

    Methods The basic mathematical competencies of the primary students were assessed with Chinese Rating Scale of Basic Mathematical Competencies in the Elementary School Level .

  30. 在1982年全国人口普查中,联合国人口基金不仅向中国派来专家,而且资助中国每个省一台电脑。

    In the1982 national census , the United Nations Population Fund not only sent experts to China , but funded a computer for each province .