
biǎo dá
  • deliver;express;show;voice;convey;profess one' devotion;describe;demonstrate;articulation;render;communication;reflection;signal
表达 [biǎo dá]
  • (1) [express;convey]∶用口说或用文字把思想感情表示出来

  • 表达一个人的观点

  • (2) [profess one' devotion;describe]∶表白 [意象或概念]

  • 定律只是表达了可能性而已

表达[biǎo dá]
  1. 我不能表达对你的爱

    I cannot deliver your love

  2. 基质金属蛋白水解酶10和CD(44V6)表达与甲状腺癌浸润转移关系探讨

    The discuss MMP_ ( 10 ) and CD_ ( 44V6 ) deliver oneself of and the thyroid carcinoma to soakage as metastasis of the connection

  3. 他获授权向委员会表达我们的观点。

    He was deputed to put our views to the committee .

  4. 他那张脸比任何言语都更清楚地表达了他的忧伤。

    His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words .

  5. 我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。

    I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers .

  6. 他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。

    He couldn 't find the words to thank her enough .

  7. 她不大善于表达自己的观点。

    She 's not very good at putting her views across .

  8. 让儿童看图画有时有助于他们用言语表达思想。

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas .

  9. 对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励。

    You should encourage your child 's attempts at self-expression .

  10. 我无法向你表达我多么高兴。

    I can 't tell you how happy I am .

  11. 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。

    Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community .

  12. 我不能向任何人表达我内心深处的感情。

    I could not express my innermost feelings to anyone .

  13. 这种表达主要用于口语,而不是书面语。

    This expression is used mainly in speech , not in writing .

  14. 这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。

    The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression .

  15. 这首诗表达了他对大自然的深深崇敬之情。

    The poem conveys his deep reverence for nature .

  16. 应聘这份工作的人必须具有良好的语言表达技能。

    The job applicant must have good verbal skills .

  17. 请问你能帮我用通顺的英语来表达这信的内容吗?

    Can you help me put this letter into good English , please ?

  18. 他不大会讲日语,不过尚能勉强表达意思。

    He doesn 't speak much Japanese but he can make himself understood .

  19. 他已在无数次发言中表达了自己的观点。

    His views have been expressed in numerous speeches .

  20. 这礼物赠送给她以表达对她长期服务的感激之情。

    She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service .

  21. 报告表达了对失业率居高不下的忧虑。

    The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment .

  22. 他确实是个天才,可是难以用语言表达他的思想。

    He 's a real genius but he has difficulty verbalizing his ideas .

  23. 候选人必须善于有效地表达自己。

    Candidates must be able to communicate effectively .

  24. 她有很多好的想法,但就是不善于表达。

    She has lots of good ideas , but she has difficulty formulating them .

  25. 你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?

    Can you make yourself understood in Russian ?

  26. 言语无法表达我的愉快心情。

    Words cannot express how pleased I am .

  27. 诗人的愤怒在诗的最后一节表达出来。

    The poet 's anger finds expression in the last verse of the poem .

  28. 这篇文章的基调是温和的,对争论双方的意见都予以表达。

    The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case .

  29. 十来岁的孩子在表达思想方面常常有困难。

    Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves .

  30. 对你所做的一切,我怎么才能表达谢意?

    How can I ever express my thanks to you for all you 've done ?