
  • 网络expressive;Expressiveness;performance;Presentation;Presence
  1. XML作为一种半结构化数据的表示模型,具有很强的信息表现力,它既可以表示结构化的数据又可以表示非结构的数据。

    XML , as a representation model of semi-structured data , has strong ability of performance information . It can express structured data and non-structural one .

  2. WOW技术却提供给小型扬声器制造商一个在耳机上得到类似于大型扬声器环绕声和低音表现力的机会。

    WOW technology affords manufacturers of small speaker products the opportunity to provide the same impressive stereo and bass performance as larger speakers .

  3. 可以训练人们使其更具表现力。

    You can train people to be more expressive .

  4. 导演被她富有表现力的眼睛深深吸引了。

    The director was deeply attracted to her expressive eyes .

  5. 你可以训练他,使其更具表现力。

    You can train him to be more expressive .

  6. 这位音乐家技巧极好,但表现力不足。

    This musician has perfect technique but little expression .

  7. 黑人所使用的英语可能比正式英语更有表现力。

    Black English can be more expressive than standard English .

  8. 产物富厚的表现力、实用的功能、独特的设计,也使他们成为卫浴的高端产物

    And its expressivity and practicality make it unique and profession in sanitaryware field .

  9. 但由于浏览器能力和HTML语言过于简单的制约,Web地图的表现力和交互性都受到限制。

    But the interactivity and expressiveness of Web map is limited by browser capabilities and the simplicity of HTML .

  10. 研制踢球技术教学多媒体CAI课件,经理论证明,具有较强的交互性、界面友好、表现力丰富等特点;

    The kickball teaching multi-media CAI software proved to be surface friendly and effective .

  11. 此外,SCA策略对于强制QoS方面具有更多的表现力。

    In addition , SCA policies are a lot more expressive for enforcing QoS aspects .

  12. 与真实感绘制技术关注于传统的3D图形学不同,非真实感绘制技术更加强调艺术表现力、主观意识与情绪的传递以及强化重要信息、忽略非关键信息等方面。

    Unlike photorealistic rendering striven by traditional 3D computer graphics , NPR emphasizes artistic expression , subjective mood imbuing , and downplaying unimportant information .

  13. 利用ActiveX控件提高化学课堂教学的表现力

    Improving the Teaching Ambience of Chemistry Class by Using ActiveX

  14. 从MomentinPeking的写作对汉译英的启示看英语语言之于汉语文化的表现力

    On the Resources of the English Language in Relation with Chinese Culture Based on Lin Yutang 's Moment in Peking

  15. 这些新标记还向开发人员提供一些挂钩,帮助他们编写表现力更强的CSS选择器。

    These new tags also provide hooks for developers to write more expressive CSS selectors .

  16. 模板可以用简单的、表现力强的标记语言编写,而不是用一行行的Java代码编写。

    An added bonus is that templates can be written using simple and expressive markup languages , as opposed to lines and lines of Java code .

  17. 莫里塞特还创造性地、以极强的表现力演唱了另一首歌曲Utopia。

    Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song @ Utopia @ .

  18. 所以,用Groovy的表现力处理后两项任务,而把第一步信托给Ant或Maven,这样做才有意义。

    As such , it makes sense to tackle the last two items with the expressiveness of Groovy and trust the first step to Ant or Maven .

  19. 另外,由于SVG中的图形元素具有动画功能,据此可以产生动画地图,使展现在用户面前的地图更具有表现力。

    In addition , the graphic elements in SVG have animation function , so animated maps can be produced , making the maps shown before the users more expressive .

  20. Scala是静态类型的:Scala配备了一套富有表现力的类型系统,该抽象概念以一种安全的和一致的方式被使用。

    Scala is statically typed : Scala is equipped with an expressive type system that enforces statically that abstractions are used in a safe and coherent manner .

  21. 在那篇文章里,我向您展示了,使用一个叫做AntBuilder的Groovy类,构建富有表现力的Ant构建文件是多么容易。

    In that article I showed you how easy it was to build expressive Ant build files with a Groovy class called AntBuilder .

  22. 在实战Groovy的第2期中,您看到了Groovy的表现力和灵活性与Ant和Maven无与伦比的应用结合在一起时发生了什么。

    In this second installment of Practically Groovy , you 've seen what happens when the expressiveness and agility of Groovy is coupled with the unbeatable utility of Ant and Maven .

  23. RIA是一种具有近似于传统桌面应用功能和特性的网络应用,在界面表现力和交互能力、网络传输等方面具有不可替代的优势。

    RIA is a kind of Web application which has the approximate functions and characteristics of desktop application . It has irreplaceable advantage in the aspects of Interface expressive , interactive capacity and network transmission .

  24. 再通过对辅助图形在VI实例应用中表现力的现实探索,将理论与实践的结合,达到对辅助图形如何具有表现力的深入剖析,完成对辅助图形应用表现的全面研究。

    And through explore the reality of application examples of graphic in the ⅵ, and combination of theory and practice , to complete analysis of graphic expressive reasons , then supporting a comprehensive study of the performance of graphics applications .

  25. 提喻(Synecdoche)是一种以部分表示全体或以全体表示部分的修辞方法,使语言生动、形象,富有表现力。

    Synecdoche is a figure of speech of putting part for the whole or putting whole for the part . Synecdoche can make Languages vivid , imaginable and expressive .

  26. GLAV是一种新的集成方法,它能为信息集成系统的映射关系提供更具表现力的方式。

    GLAV is a new integration approach to provide a more expressive way for the mapping of an integration system .

  27. 浅谈少儿艺术体操运动员表现力的培养

    Discussion on Cultivating of Girls Dance Show Ability in Rhythmic Gym

  28. 前景化的语言特征,新奇别致,生动形象,富于表现力。

    Those foregrounded linguistic features are novel , vivid and expressive .

  29. 对体育舞蹈业余选手艺术表现力的研究

    The Research on Art Performance of Amateur Athletics of Latin Dance

  30. 模特在走秀台上应该自信,具有表现力。

    A model should be confident and expressive on the runway .