
  • 网络xibaipo spirit
  1. 论解决两大历史课题与弘扬西柏坡精神

    On the Solution to Two Major Historical Issues and Fostering Xibaipo Spirit

  2. 西柏坡精神与当代大学生理想信念教育

    Xibaipo Spirit and Contemporary University Students ' Education in Ideal and Faith

  3. 西柏坡精神形成的背景初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Background of the Formation of Xibaipo spirits

  4. 西柏坡精神与中国优秀传统文化

    On the Xibaipo Spirit and Chinese Fine Traditional Culture

  5. 论大学生继承和弘扬西柏坡精神

    On College Students ' Inheriting and Developing Xibaipo Spirit

  6. 弘扬西柏坡精神加强党的执政能力建设

    Enhancing the Party 's construction capability in the saddle by carrying forward Xibaipo Spirit

  7. 弘扬西柏坡精神的时代意义

    The Time Significance of Enhancing Xibaipo Spirit

  8. 西柏坡精神与民族精神

    The Xibaipo Spirit and National Spirit

  9. 论西柏坡精神的内涵

    On the Connotation of Xibaipo Spirit

  10. 西柏坡精神最基本的价值取向是以人民利益为重;

    The most basic value orientation of Xibaipo 's spirit lies in the people 's benefit .

  11. 新中国从这里走来弘扬西柏坡精神理论研讨会综述西柏坡精神的传承与发展从两个务必到四个一定要

    A Summary of the Seminar on " New China Came from here & Xibaipo Spirit "

  12. 牢记两个务必弘扬西柏坡精神的当代价值

    Contemporary values of keeping the " Two Musts " in mind and carrying forward the XiBaiPo Spirit

  13. 西柏坡精神与建设社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容、基本要求紧密相连。

    Xibaipo spirit connects closely with the basic contents and the basic requirement of the socialist core value system .

  14. 继承和弘扬西柏坡精神,就要深刻领会蕴含在西柏坡精神内部的价值取向、实质和核心。

    In order to inherit and spread Xibaipo 's spirit , we must deeply understand its value orientation , essence and core meaning .

  15. 西柏坡精神是全面加强党的自身建设、永葆党的执政活力的需要。

    Xibaipo spirit satisfies the needs of self-construction of the Party in all-round way and keeping the vitality of the political administration of the Party .

  16. 党的精神财富刍议&井冈山、长征、延安、西柏坡精神的特点及意义

    On the Chinese Communist Party 's Spiritual Wealth ── the characteristic and significance of the Jinggang Mountains , the Long March , Yan'an and Xibaipo Spirits

  17. 在新世纪新阶段,大力弘扬西柏坡精神,对于加强党的执政能力建设,不断提高党的执政水平,具有重要意义。

    In the new century and in the new phase , it is significant to energetically carry out Xibaipo Spirit for enhancing the party 's capacity in the aspect of exploring the construction capability in the saddle and in the aspect of advancing reigning level of the Party .

  18. 雷锋精神深深植根于中华民族优秀传统文化,它与井冈山精神、西柏坡精神、大庆精神等都是民族精神的具体体现,是我们党和国家的宝贵精神财富。

    Lei Feng spirit is deeply rooted in the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation , it is the concrete manifestation of the national spirit as Jinggangshan spirit , Xibaipo spirit , Daqing spirit and so on , and it is precious spiritual wealth of our party and country .