
quán xuè
  • whole blood
全血[quán xuè]
  1. 全血无酚法制备染色体DNA

    Preparation of Chromosomal DNA from Whole Blood Without Use of Phenol

  2. 本实验从正常人全血中提取基因组DNA。

    Genomic DNA is extracted from human normal peripheral whole blood .

  3. 定期体检航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍,检查柜里有十几件医疗设备,航天员们每四到五周进行定期体检,包括超声检查和全血细胞计数。

    Dozens of pieces of medical equipment are available in a checkup cabinet . The astronauts have regular physical checkups every four to five weeks , including ultrasound examinations and complete blood counts .

  4. 介绍一种从全血中抽提DNA的方法

    A new method for extracting DNA from human whole blood

  5. 从绵羊全血提取DNA的改进方法

    An Improved Method to Extract DNA from Sheep Whole Blood

  6. 体外循环中激活全血凝血时间(ACT)测定及其临床意义

    The clinical significance of activated coagulation time ( act ) monitoring during extracorporeal circulation

  7. X射线荧光光谱法测定人体全血九个元素

    Determination of Nine Elements in Human Blood by XRF

  8. 用HPLC法测定肾移植病人的全血环孢素浓度

    HPLC Determination of Cyclosporine in Whole Blood for Renal Transplantation Patients

  9. 结果治疗组治疗后的中切全血黏度、全血还原黏度及卡松黏度显著低于治疗前水平(P均0.05)。

    Results After treatment the blood viscosity in treatment group was significantly lower than that before treatment ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 二期梅毒患者的全血标本用于梅毒螺旋体DNA提取及分型,阳性率较高。

    Whole blood from untreated secondary syphilis patients had a higher positive rate for Treponema pallidum DNA .

  11. 三种全血提取基因组DNA方法的比较及Genomix方法的改良

    Comparison of Three Methods for Genomic DNA Extraction and the Modification of One of the Three Methods

  12. 结果表明腮腺肿瘤患者的全血粘度、血浆粘度和血沉均有增高,红细胞压积降低(P<0.05);

    The whole blood viscosity , plasmatic viscosity and ESR were markedly increased but hemocytotripsis were significantly reduced ( P < 0 05 ) .

  13. 全血法鸡淋巴细胞转化试验最佳试验条件的研究绵羊全血中DNA的微量提纯

    Optimal conditions for the chicken lymphocyte transformation test in whole blood assays a study on Preparation of DNA from sheep blood

  14. 结果原发性青光眼病人的全血粘度均较正常对照组显著升高(P<0.001)。

    Results The whole blood viscosity of the patients with primary glaucoma all raised significantly compared with that of the control group ( P0.001 ) .

  15. 全血与血液制品中HCVRNA检测及其基因分型的初步研究

    A preliminary study on detection of HCV RNA and HCV RNA subtypes in whole

  16. 结果模型组与对照组全血铅、铜、锌含量均有显著性差异(P均<0.01)。

    Results There were different remarkably in serum levels of lead , copper and zinc between model group and control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 方法分别用传统的酚、氯抽提法和改良法两种不同的方法,提取人全血基因组DNA。

    Method An improved agarose gel electrophresis method and the traditional phenol-chloroform one were used to extract human genomic DNA from whole blood .

  18. 实验方法:(1)采用蛋白酶K、无水乙醇,从全血组织中提取基因组DNA;

    Methods : ( 1 ) Using proteinase K and ethanol , the genomic DNA were extracted from the perpheral whole blood ;

  19. 放疗对鳞癌患者全血SOD活性和免疫功能之动态影响

    Study of Influence of Radiotherapy on SOD Activity & Immune Responses in Patients with SquamouS Cell Carcinoma

  20. 全血粘度及血浆比粘度均有显著差异(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    The blood viscosity and plasma ratio viscosity were showed significant difference in statistics before and after treatment ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 不同剂量~(137)Csγ射线辐照全血后T淋巴细胞亚群的变化

    Effects of Whole Blood ~ ( 137 ) Cs Gamma Irradiation on the Sub-Populations of Lymphocytes

  22. 目的建立全血中环孢素A(CsA)的HPLC测定方法,并用于临床血药浓度监测。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a HPLC method for the determination of cyclosporine A in whole blood .

  23. 乙醇对小鼠血管内皮功能及全血ATP酶活力的影响

    Effects of alcohol on the vascular endothelial function and ATPase 's activity of blood in mice

  24. 用多元协方差分析调整某些混杂变量后,高盐饮食组血浆粘度仍显著高于低盐饮食组(P<0.05);全血粘度在各组之间差异仍不显著(P>0.05)。

    After adjusted with confounding factors PV still showed a significant different by multi covariance analysis for the higher salt intake than lower one ( P < 0 05 ) .

  25. 气功外气对大鼠血清SOD及全血GSH-Px活性作用的研究

    Study on the effect of emitted Qi towards the SOD and GSH-Px in rats ' blood

  26. 应用微量末梢全血检测华支睾吸虫病抗体研究一种新型的华支睾吸虫病快速ELISA诊断试剂盒

    Detection Antibody to Clonorchiasis sinensis Using Whole Peripheral Blood Fast ELISA A new type diagnostic kit of Fast-ELISA for clonorchiasis sinensis

  27. 癌症患者血清硒和全血GSH-PX的临床研究

    Serum Selenium and Blood Glutathione Peroxidase in Cancer Patients

  28. 全血中TNF-α、IL-6基因多态性对同种肝移植急性排斥反应的影响

    Polymorphisms of TNF - α and IL-6 gene of whole blood effects on the acute rejection of hepatic allograft

  29. 结果:合用盐酸小檗碱患者环孢素A全血浓度与合用前比较增幅达75%,与对照组比较有显著性提高(P<0.001)。

    RESULTS : Blood concentrations of CsA in patients combined with Ber went up by 75 % compared with those before taking Ber and had a significant increase compared with control group .

  30. 河南省新生儿脐带血(全血)TSH水平调查

    Investigation on TSH levels of neonates in Henan province