
  • 网络unpaid blood donors
  1. 每年举办世界献血者日庆祝活动,彰显自愿无偿献血者对公共卫生做出的贡献。

    World Blood Donor Day is celebrated each year to highlight the contribution voluntary unpaid blood donors make to public health .

  2. 2002~2007年无偿献血者ALT检测结果的调查

    Results of detection of ALT in unpaid blood donors in 2002 ~ 2007

  3. 漳州市无偿献血者HIV抗体检测结果分析

    Analysis of Detecting Results of HIV Body among Free Blood Donor in Zhangzhou City

  4. 方法采用ELISA法对周口市无偿献血者进行HBV感染的血清学调查。

    Methods The serological investigation of HBV infection was carried with ELISA method .

  5. 多民族无偿献血者HCV感染状况调查研究

    Analysis on HCV infection among volunteer blood donors of different nationalities

  6. 大理白族自治州无偿献血者HBsAg携带情况

    HBsAg Carrying Status among Voluntary Blood Donors in Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali

  7. 某高校学生9年来参加无偿献血者HCV抗体检出情况分析

    The Analysis on the HCV Antibody from the First Free Blood-donating Students of a College

  8. 湛江地区初次无偿献血者HCV感染情况研究

    Study on the infections status of hepatitis C of first - time blood donors in Zhanjiang

  9. 目的分析昆明地区无偿献血者中HIV的流行状况,为招募和选择无偿献血者提供依据。

    Objective To analyze HIV seroprevalence among voluntary blood donors , in order to enroll and select eligible voluntary blood donors .

  10. 采用统一的个案调查表对20名SARS病毒抗体阳性无偿献血者进行电话咨询调查,同时对31名SARS康复献浆者进行检测,分析相关数据作对照。

    Standardized questionnaires were adopted to conduct investigation by telephone on 20 donors with positive SARS-CoV Ab.

  11. 目的探讨无偿献血者艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染情况,为更好地开展无偿献血工作,为保证血液安全提供依据。

    Objective To study HIV prevalence in the street voluntary blood donors , and to improve voluntary blood donation work by ensuring blood safety .

  12. 结果1200份无偿献血者标本中有11例HBVdna阳性(0.92%);

    Results 11 ( 0.92 % ) of 1 200 unpaid donators , 10 ( 2.13 % ) of 470 paid donators were positive for HBV DNA .

  13. 目的:利用干化学试纸条法初筛无偿献血者丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)。

    Objective : The authors use dry chemical scrip assay to detect ALT in first testing volunteer donors .

  14. 方法对1846名军队无偿献血者进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)测定,比较其心理健康水平。

    Methods 1846 volunteer blood donors from the military are interviewed with Symptom Checklist ( SCL-90 ) .

  15. 目的为防止HIV通过血液传播,对无偿献血者进行AIDS控制干预。

    Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the interventions for the prevention and control of AIDS among non-remunerated blood donors , providing data for better prevention of HIV transmission through blood .

  16. 使用TRUST及ELISA方法检测济宁市中心血站无偿献血者血清60012份,结果梅毒抗体阳性22份,阳性率0.037%。

    The methods of TRUST and ELISA were used to detect syphilis antibody in 60 012 sera from gratis blood donors in Jining . 22 of 60 012 were positive with positive rate of 0.037 % .

  17. 结论:RT-PCR法检测血液HCV-RNA能早期发现窗口期HCV感染者,湛江地区初次无偿献血者感染丙型肝炎病毒的基因型以2型和3型为主。

    Conclusions : RT-PCR method can identify HCV infected donors at an early stage and HCV-2 and HCV-3 are predominant HCV gene type in Zhanjiang city .

  18. 某市无偿献血者ABO、Rh血型分布与临床用血关系

    Study on the distributions of blood types ABO , Rh and the relationship between donated situation and clinical utilization among the blood donated gratis in a city

  19. 目的探讨一次或多次无偿献血者高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)的变化情况,保留高质量的献血者,确保血液质量。

    Objective To compare the high sensitivity C-creative protein level alteration among voluntary blood donor with once and multiple times donation , in an attempt to protect high qualified blood donors , and insure the quality of blood used for transfusion .

  20. 方法用血型群体遗传学研究方法,随机选择新乡市地区无血缘关系的汉族无偿献血者12000名,进行ABO、Rh血型系统的表现型及基因频率分布调查分析。

    Methods Used blood-type-population-genetics method , 12000 blood donors from the Han nationality were enrolled into the investigation at random , and the distribution of ABO , Rh blood type antigen and their gene frequency were analyzed .

  21. 目的:了解广州地区无偿献血者HHV-8的感染情况,为制定预防策略提供依据。

    Objective : To estimate the seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 among unpaid blood donors in Guangzhou and to facilitate the prevention policy making .

  22. 方法:分别用单向免疫扩散、流式细胞术(FCM)、淋巴细胞培养等方法检测部分癌症患者及无偿献血者以上相应指标并选取治疗组做对比观察。

    Methods : LAP 、 TLS 、 NK and LTT were detected separately by single immunodiffusion , flow cytometry ( FCM ) and Lymphocyte culture in the part of cancer patients and the people to devote the blood , and compared with therapy subjects .

  23. 无偿献血者中隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染及表面抗原突变分析

    Surveillance for Occult HBV Infection and HBsAg Variants in Blood Donors

  24. 但在无偿献血者中的阳性检出率大大高于国外报道。

    The positive rate of SENV_H was higher than that reported abroad .

  25. 无偿献血者不合格血液原因分析

    Analysis of the reason of non - qualified blood of non-remunerated person

  26. 浙江省杭州市区无偿献血者梅毒螺旋体感染检测分析

    Infection of Treponema pallidum among voluntary blood donors in Hangzhou

  27. 无偿献血者梅毒抗体筛检方法与试剂的价值评价

    Evaluation of treponema pallidum antibody screening method and reagents on blood donors

  28. 无偿献血者规范化健康教育的效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of normalized health education for voluntary blood donors

  29. 固定自愿无偿献血者部分血液生化指标检测分析

    Analysis of the Biochemistry Index of Fixed Donor 's Blood

  30. 某市重复无偿献血者献血特点的分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics about Repetitious Blood Donors in a Certain City