
  • 网络Isoch
  1. 在并联混合型有源电力滤波器控制中,由于传统PI控制只能对直流给定信号进行无差调节,对周期量谐波滤波效果不够理想。

    Due to the traditional PI controller can only deal with given direct current signal , and can not control cycle harmonic signal well , the performance of shunt hybrid active power filter used traditional PI controller is not satisfied .

  2. 用单片机组成晶闸管数字触发器,并结合PID调节技术,对晶闸管变流、调压装置进行闭环控制,实现输出电流、电压无差调节。

    The output current and voltage zero regulation are achieved through the close cycle control of the unsteady flow of thyristor and the pressure regulating device by means of the thyristor digit trigger composed of monolithic computers processors and by the use of PIB regulating technique .

  3. 恒流部分采用流量传感器和PI控制模式,组成无差调节系统,实现了200ml/min小流量气体的精确控制;

    In the con - stant flow part , flow sensors and PI mode compose a non-error adjustment system to achieve the exact control of a little air flow ( under 200 ml / min ) .

  4. 重点介绍一国外工程125MW中间再热式汽轮机功频电液调节系统的优化与应用。原系统设计为比例有差调节,优化后为比例+积分的无差调节。

    Describes the optimization and application of a commercial frequency electrohydraulic regulating system for an overseas 125 MW intermediate reheat gas turbine , which made the original proportional differential regulation a proportional non differential regulation , thereby improving the stability and regulating quality of the regulation system .

  5. 励磁电流单环无差调节系统的电路分析

    An Analysis of the Exciting Control System

  6. 系统采用状态空间理论进行设计,实现了输出的无差调节;

    The system is designed by using state space theory to realize zero error output adjustment .

  7. 仿真结果表明所提出的协调控制策略能够实现微网状态平滑转换和频率无差调节,保证了敏感负荷的不间断供电和供电质量。同时,也尽可能得延长了储能装置的使用时间。

    The simulation results show that the coordinated control strategy is able to achieve smooth state transition and no-deviation regulation for frequency , to ensure a uninterruptible power supply and good power quality of sensitive loads and to extend the life of energy storage devices as much as possible .

  8. 通过CAN总线的通讯,均功率环根据计算得到的输出有功功率差和无功功率差调节各模块电压基准的幅值与相位。

    By communication based on CAN bus , the loop of average power regulates the phase and magnitude of output voltage according to the output active and reactive power difference .

  9. DEH系统可方便地改变静态调节特性曲线,并实现无差和有差调节的转换。

    The DEH system can easily changes the static curve , and makes the transfer from difference to non-difference control .

  10. 反馈调节采用一阶稳态无差的脉冲采样调节系统。

    The feedback regulator is a pulse sample noerror adjustment system .

  11. 阶跃加斜坡干扰下无静差最优状态调节器研究

    Research on an Optimal State Regulator without Static Error under the Step and Ramp Disturbance

  12. 依据输出有功功率差和无功功率差分别调节输出电压相位和幅值的控制技术较多地应用在逆变器并联控制中。

    The control strategy that regulates the phase and the amplitude of the output voltage according to output active power difference and reactive power difference respectively is adopted generally in inverter parallel techniques .

  13. 系统通过瞬时无功功率闭环,实现了功率因数的恒定控制和无功功率的无静差调节。

    The closed loop control of instantaneous reactive power is used to realize the constant power factor and suppresses the reactive power impact .