
  • 网络general movement
  1. 新生儿自发性全身运动对脑损害和脑性瘫痪预测的评估

    Assessment of general movements in the newborns with brain damage and its predictive value on cerebral palsy

  2. 令人难以置信的是,坐在电影院里看《绝对了不起》(AbFab,英国情景喜剧)完全可以达到下班后去一趟健身房的锻炼效果。但是笑是一项全身运动,它的累人指数可与在跑步机上跑一次步媲美。

    It 's hard to believe that sitting in the cinema watching the Ab Fab movie could do you as much good as a post-work circuit of the gym , but laughter is a full-body experience that can leave you as exhausted as a treadmill session .

  3. 7分钟内你能做出的全身运动

    A Total-Body Routine You Can Bang Out in Under 7 Minutes

  4. 医生推荐游泳作为最好的全身运动。

    The doctor recommended swimming as the best all-round exercise .

  5. 网球因其轻便的设备需求和良好的全身运动效果跃居成为最受欢迎的一种休闲运动项目。

    The tennis its lightweight equipment needs and good body movement effect leapt become the most popular leisure sports .

  6. 同时采用以上两种方法,对实际人体运动进行了跟踪测试,在全身运动的整个过程中能给出较为准确的跟踪结果。

    Based on the two methods , real human motion is tracked from simple walking movement to complex gymnastics .

  7. 虽然它的名字只涉及到肚皮这个身体部位,但其实肚皮舞需要从头到脚全身运动&不仅是肚子!

    Despite its name , belly dance draws on full body movement from head to toe & not just the belly !

  8. 她忽然又买了全套新衣装。我想买一个能帮助全身运动的机器。

    She off and bought a whole new outfit . B : I am looking for something for a total body workout .

  9. 本实用新型是一种强化全身运动的自行车,而且骑上坡时能防止下滑。

    The utility model is the bicycle for strengthening full body motion , and can prevent slide at the time of riding for upslope .

  10. 游泳是世界上最好的全身运动之一,以这种方种锻炼也是很好玩的。

    It has got to be one of the best all-around exercises in the world . Working out this way is fun , too .

  11. 我想,首先是易学,毽子便于携带,其次,它是一项全身运动。

    I think first , it is easy to master and the shuttlecocks can be carried anywhere ; second , the game is a whole-body-exercise .

  12. 骑车,一直以来作为人们高效率的交通工具,同样也是最有益健康的全身运动之一。

    Bicycling , along with being the most efficient mode of human locomotion , is also one of the best all-around activities for improving our health .

  13. 若你要找看可能摔倒的小孩,让他们穿上滑雪衫,但不要穿厚重的夹克,那样也会影响全身运动。

    If you are in charge of younger children who will be falling a lit , consider dressing them in snow pants , but not a heavy jacket that restricts movement .

  14. 首先经过背景去除,把感兴趣的人体目标从图像中提取出来,然后采用基于模型的和非基于模型的两种方法对人体的局部和全身运动进行了跟踪。

    Firstly , the human region is extracted from the image by the background subtraction , then model-based and none model-based method are applied to track human motion from body parts to whole body .

  15. 人体核心稳定性练习能够较好的锻炼学生核心部位肌肉能力,可以提高学生核心部位的肌肉控制能力,可以有效的提高全身运动能力。

    The body core stability training exercises to better muscular ability of students in the core area , can improve control of the core muscles of students , can effectively improve the systemic exercise capacity . 3 .

  16. 心肺系统是人体在完成最大全身运动时最大摄氧量的限制因素,而骨骼肌内外周氧扩散梯度及线粒体容量是人体在完成局部肌肉活动或单侧肢体运动时起主要限制作用。

    At the whole body being in maximally intense exercise , the lung and the heart are the main factors , while the oxygen diffusion and the mitochondrial content are more important at the isolated skeletal muscle being trained .

  17. 背根神经节(DRG)是躯体和内脏传入的基础神经元,作为基本的感觉传入系统,把外周的信息传递给中枢神经系统,它在全身的运动协调方面起着重要的作用。

    Dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons are primary sensory neurons .

  18. 我宁愿做一种能让我运用全身的运动,比如说游泳!

    Dario : I prefer to play a sport that let 's me use the whole of my body-like swimming !

  19. 跳绳,是牵涉全身的运动,它能加速新陈代谢和血液循环,因此加强了血管的功能。

    Skipping , which involves the whole body , can accelerate metabolism and blood circulation , thus strengthening the vascular function .

  20. 该方法适用于任意皮肤网格组织方式的虚拟人模型,能够在人体各种运动状态下实时生成逼真的全身皮肤运动变形。

    The new method can drive arbitrary skin grid of virtual human and can achieve better deformation result in any motion state .

  21. 林怀民的舞蹈语言展现在舞者奇妙的身体控制之中:你看到贯穿舞者全身的运动旅程,看到肌肉和姿态迷人的展示。

    Lin 's dance-language feeds off his artists ' tremendous physical control : you watch a simple movement journey through the dancer 's body and see a fascinating play of muscle and pose .

  22. 研究还发现,每天至少锻炼半小时,多做游泳、拳击等全身有氧运动,还有早起锻炼,都有助于夜晚的高质量睡眠。

    The study also found that exercising for at least half an hour daily , doing more full-body cardio exercises such as swimming and boxing , and working out more in the morning , are some of the key factors that contribute to high-quality sleep at night .

  23. 结论:海水浴体疗运动是项综合性的全身有氧运动;

    Conclusion : Exercise training in sea is a general aerobic sport .

  24. 进行一些需要使用全身重量的运动,例如俯卧撑,引体向上,蹲坐和腹肌练习。

    Do exercises that use your body weight for resistance , such as push-ups , pull-ups , leg squats , and abdominal crunches .

  25. 网球作为一项以技术为主导的全身协调性运动,它需要强有力的入门指导与学习指引,特别是早期从事网球入门学习的少年儿童。

    Tennis as a technology-led coordination of movement , it needs strong entry guidance and study guide , especially children start learning early in tennis .

  26. 目的:观察全身性拳操运动结合局部颈椎操锻炼(定量运动)对社区颈椎病患者的康复疗效。

    Objective : To observe the rehabilitative effects of quantity exercise on patients with cervical spondylosis in the community .

  27. 全身放松,眼睛运动十分活跃,好像演出时大幕拉开一样。

    His body relaxes and his eyes become more active as if the curtain has gone up on a show .

  28. 然而,他相信这确实是更有效的锻炼,因为四肢跑过程中肩膀和手臂也同时受力,全身都参与了运动。

    However , he believes it is a more effective way to exercise because it puts an emphasis on the shoulders and arms , providing a complete body workout .

  29. 在找到疏于自己的位置并全身心投入这些运动后,她最终成为这个国家最好的守门员之一,在2000年第一次得到了国家队的召唤。

    After making the position her own and devoting all her energy to the game , she eventually became one of the best keepers in the country , receiving her first international call-up in2000 .

  30. 在进行单个环节及全身最简单的运动时,快、慢肌纤维的影响主要表现在动作的力及速度方面。

    During exercises of a single segment and the simplest movement of the whole body the influences of the fast twitch and slow twitch muscular fibers were principally expressed in the aspects of force and velocity of the movement .