
  • 网络systemic factors
  1. 结论:龈沟液IL-1β水平在受局部环境影响的同时,也受全身因素调控。

    Conclusions : The GCF-IL-1 β level was controled by both local circumstances and systemic factors .

  2. 糖尿病致盲的局部和全身因素分析

    The analysis of ocular and systemic factors inducing blindness in diabetes

  3. 急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)是由一系列局部或全身因素造成的肺实质弥漫性损伤,临床特征为非心源性肺水肿、严重低氧血症和肺顺应性下降。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ) is a syndrome characterized by noncardiogenic pulmonary edema , severe hypoxemia , and reduced lung compliance , which is induced by a variety of local or systemic insults to the pulmonary parenchyma .

  4. 全身因素对牙髓根尖周病的影响

    Effects of Systemic Factors on the Endodontic Disease

  5. 目的:为明确全身因素对牙槽骨修复的影响。

    Aim : In order to demonstrate the systemic factors effected on alveolar bone repair .

  6. 拔牙后出血绝大多数为局部因素,少数为全身因素引起。

    Unplug great majority of the haemorrhage after the tooth is local element , minority is caused for systemic element .

  7. 意义:客观地评估了全身因素对牙槽骨修复的调控作用,为阐明牙槽骨的吸收修复机理提供科学依据。

    This study objectively investigated the regulation effects of systemic factors and supplied scientific mechanisms of alveolar bone repair and resorption .

  8. 并采用逐步回归分析方法研究全身因素对角膜内皮细胞密度及角膜厚度的影响。

    Stepwise regression analysis was performed to assess the effects of systemic factors on CCT and the corneal endothelial cell density of diabetic patients .

  9. 无论全身因素还是局部因素引起的骨吸收最终结果均与破骨细胞的异常功能有关。

    The final result of bone resorption which was caused either by local or systemic factors was related to the abnormal function of osteoclast .

  10. 本文从全身因素如激素失调、病毒感染、维生素缺乏、蛋白质缺乏及其他疾病对牙髓根尖周病的影响作一综述。

    In this article we sum up the effects under the influence of the factors such as imbalance of hormone , infection of virus , protein calorie malnutrition and other diseases .

  11. 结论:年龄相关性黄斑变性与遗传因素、个体因素、眼部因素、全身因素、脂质因素、环境因素和生活习惯等发病因素均有一定相关性;

    Conclusion : We find that AMD is relating with genetic factors , individual factors , ocular region factors , sys . factors , lipid factors , environmental factors and living habit .

  12. 我们目前的思路是,鉴于大量出现的、目前已知的、与纤毛相关的蛋白,全身因素看起来在疾病中发挥了关键作用。

    " Our current thought is that given the large number of proteins now known to be associated with cilia , it is likely that genetic factors play key roles in this disease ," Dr.

  13. 根据本研究结果提示:骨质疏松症在牙周炎的发生上并不起主要作用,局部(菌斑诱导的非特异性炎症)因素比全身因素在牙周炎的发病机理中更为重要。

    It is suggested that osteoporosis is not an important factor in the pathogenesis of periodontitis while local factors ( nonspecific inflammation induced by bacterial plaque ) may play a more significant role in periodontal disease than systemic factors .

  14. 因此,研究全身相关因素的影响作用十分重要。

    Therefore , it is very important to study the influences and functions of related systemic factors .

  15. 以前的资料认为上述全身性因素在糠尿病视网膜病变的病情进展过程中起着重要的作用。

    Previous data suggest that these systemic factors may be important in the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy .

  16. 目的了解因全身其他因素,不能接受手术治疗的老年髋部骨折患者,进行牵引治疗的结果。

    Objective To observe the outcome of hip fractures which accepted traction treatment instead of operation considering their general condition in elderly .

  17. 结论:牙槽骨修复受全身内分泌因素的调控,且与其破骨细胞和成骨细胞的酶活性密切相关。

    Conclusion : Alveolar bone repair was regulated by systemic endocrine factors and was associated with the activities of ALP and ACP osteoblasts of and osteoclasts .

  18. 表明:移植皮片中仍存有供体来源的细胞.结果提示异体真皮的长期存在,并不是全身性因素影响的结果,可能是被嵌入的自体皮岛所具有的一种局部保护性机制。

    And it is put forward that long-term existence of homograft is not the result of the influence of the general factor , but , that caused by one kind of local protection mechanism owned by the transplanted autogenic skin island .

  19. 全身CT品质因素评估方法

    Evaluation Method for Quality Factor of Full Body CT

  20. 视网膜静脉阻塞的全身性发病因素

    Systemic factors associated with retinal vein occlusion

  21. 轮状病毒感染全身扩散诱发因素的初探

    Factors triggering extraintestinal infection of rotavirus

  22. 目的分析内源性眼内炎的病因、全身易感因素及治疗结果。

    Objective To analyze the causative organism , predisposing factors and therapeutic results of endogenous endophthalmitis .

  23. 宿主因素中包括全身和局部因素,前者为全身性疾病对机体龋敏感性或抗龋性的影响以及遗传因子对龋病发生的作用,后者主要回顾了牙齿本身、唾液、口腔卫生与龋病发病的关系。

    Systemic diseases and genetic factors which may affect the production of the disease are described . Works on local factors as tooth itself , saliva and oral hygienic condition may associated with caries production are discussed .

  24. 本文系统研究了老年人牙髓感觉功能的时间生物学性质和牙髓感觉的昼夜节律规律,分析了年龄、性别、牙位及全身疾病等因素对老年人牙髓感觉昼夜节律的影响。

    This research studied the chronobiology characteristic of pulp sensibility systematically . We found the circadian rhythm of pulp Sensibility , and discussed the influence of age , sex , tooth type , and chronic systemic diseases on the rhythm variations of pulp sensibility .

  25. 革兰氏阴性细菌内毒素的主要活性成分脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)是导致肺部感染和全身感染的主要因素。

    Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ), the main component of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria , is one of the most important factors causing pulmonary infection and systemic infection .

  26. 目前的主要观点是在全身或局部致病因素的作用下,各种细胞因子介导蛋白酶水解酶表达升高,最终导致关节软骨基质破坏,其中蛋白酶类在软骨退变中起着决定性作用。

    The main point is that protease expression mediated by cytokines was increased because of the systemic or local pathogenic factors , and eventually causes destruction of articular cartilage matrix , in which proteinases play a crucial role in cartilage degeneration .