
quán yīn jiē
  • diatonic scale
全音阶[quán yīn jiē]
  1. (音乐中)全音阶中的第一个音符。

    ( music ) the first note of a diatonic scale .

  2. 唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音。

    The seventh tone in the diatonic scale in solfeggio .

  3. 缺乏一种基调;可作为全音阶系统另一选择。

    The absence of a key ; alternative to the diatonic system .

  4. 在一个八度音阶以内不同全音阶乐音的任何不同固定次序。

    Any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave .

  5. 全音阶是20世纪以来使用较多的一种六音音阶,是一种特殊的音阶。

    Diatonic scale is a six-tone scale used frequently in the 20th century and a special scale .

  6. 为一首音乐提供音调框架的任何24种大全音阶音阶或小全音阶音阶。

    Any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music .

  7. 音级全音阶的七个音符之一石级比过去更七歪八倒了。

    One of the seven notes of a diatonic scale . The steps were sagging even more than ever .

  8. (音乐中)全音阶中的第三个音符;基调和主调中间的音符。

    ( music ) the third note of a diatonic scale ; midway between the tonic and the dominant .

  9. 除第二、第三、第五和第六乐音外有和整个音调分离的乐音的全音阶音阶。

    A diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 2nd and 3rd and 5th and 6th .

  10. 全音阶的形成也有其历史的必然性,不能简单地认为是人工杜撰的。

    The formation of full-scale also has its historical inevitability , we can not simply think it is fabricated artificially .

  11. 第一节,总结了西贝柳斯三个典型的调式使用手法:多利亚调式、平行大小调、全音阶与半音阶。

    Section I summarizes the typical three Sibelius mode use practices : Dorian mode , the parallel transfer size , the scale and semi scale .

  12. 艺术是人类感情的全音阶,能够使人意识到生命的真实存在。

    Art is like every note of music , which displays various human emotions and enables man to realize the true existence of human life .

  13. 由于全音阶相邻两音等距离的音级结构,使其失去传统调式的纯四、五度音程与小二度音程,从而完全没有大小调体系中的重要特点。

    As the equidistant structure of degree in adjacent notes of diatonic scale , made it loses the 4th or 5th interval and minor second of traditional mode , so that there is not enough important features of tonality system .