
quán běn
  • unabridged version;the staging of a complete traditional opera
全本 [quán běn]
  • (1) [(of traditional opera) with a complete plot,lasting a comparatively long time]∶指演出时间较长、故事情节完整的(戏曲)

  • 全本西游记

  • (2) [complete edition]∶足本;完整无缺的版本

  1. 读者没有见过全本,便也被他弄得迷离惝恍。

    Readers who have not read the whole work are completely bewildered .

  2. 图的全本征数的一个新上界

    A new upper bound for the total domination number of a graph

  3. 这部剧非常长,全本十集要演十个晚上。

    It is very long , spanning ten nights in ten episodes .

  4. 翻遍了全本的词典也凑不够词来形容啊。

    There are not words enough in the unabridged to describe it .

  5. 然而,折子戏在文学上却显示出与全本戏一致的审美趋向。

    However , the excerpts were shown in the literature with the play consistent the whole aesthetic trend .

  6. 白宫重申奥巴马总统支持太空探索,但在全本报告公布之前也拒绝进一步表态。

    The White House reiterated President Obama 's support for space exploration , but also punted until the full report is out .

  7. 明代折子戏是中国戏曲从全本戏到折子戏发展的初始阶段,是我们了解折子戏的产生、形成过程的窗口。

    The opera highlights in the Ming Dynasty is the preliminary stage that we can understand the production and forming process of opera highlights .

  8. 全本启示录最有意义的信息之一是:上帝至终要彰显祂的圣洁,并惩罚一切不圣洁的人与事。

    One of the most significant messages of the book of Revelation is that God will ultimately manifest His holiness and punish all unholiness .

  9. 如果你想看演唱时的她,请上我们的网站,你能在那里免费观看全本《唐璜》。

    If you want to see her in action , go to our website where you can watch Don Giovanni in its entirety for free .

  10. 这是广泛流传的全本《鸟》的节本,全本在1995年刊行,是在所有语言中最全面的版本。

    This is an abridgement of the widely acclaimed full-length edition of Birds , published in1995 , which was the first comprehensive edition in any language .

  11. 天津人民出版社1995年出版的“全本注释”《曾国藩日记》,是近年来该书诸版本中流通量较大的一个版本。

    " The whole annotation " on 《 Zeng Guo-fan 's Diary 》, published in1995 by Tianjin People Press , is the most circulated edition among the others of the same book in resent years .

  12. 全本文认为人性定义域可大致划定为:以自然性为不可动摇之基础,以合乎历史发展的社会性对自然性度的制控。

    The academic thesis holds that the definition of human nature could roughly be delimited : natural attribute is definite foundation , social attribute according to history development is a right degree to control natural attribute .

  13. 在担任瑞典驻法大使期间,他注释了全本《圣经》,倡导基督教世界的统一、新教的统一。

    During Grotius as the ambassador for Sweden to France , he devoted himself to his great theological projects : a commentary on the complete Bible , he advocated the unification of Christendom and Protestant unification .

  14. 明清杂剧、传奇、京剧及地方戏中都有大量的水浒戏,表演形态也很丰富,除全本戏外,还有连台本戏以及大量折子戏演出。

    The legendary Peking Opera and the play have a lot of similar places as " Water Margin " . Performance is also very rich in form , besides all the drama , there are even sets and a number of opera performances in this drama .