
yǐn yì
  • be a hermit;hermit;privacy;live in seclusion;withdraw from society and live in solitude
隐逸 [yǐn yì]
  • [privacy] 隐居不仕,遁匿山林,也指隐居的人。在封建社会里,有些人不愿意跟统治者同流合污,隐居避世

  • 花之隐逸者。--宋. 周敦颐《爱莲说》

  • 隐逸山林

隐逸[yǐn yì]
  1. 孟浩然王维隐逸思想比较

    A Comparison of Meng Hao-ran ` s and Wang Wei ` s Hermit Ideas

  2. 因此,我们单纯的认为陶渊明是一个隐逸诗人,未免看小了陶渊明。

    Therefore , if we simply think he is just a hermit poet , we may despise him .

  3. 谈孟浩然隐逸不仕的内在原因

    The Internal Reasons Why MENG Hao-ran Failed to be an Official

  4. 重点体现在对吴地隐逸、唱和文化的推动。

    Wu emphasis reflected in seclusion , sing and cultural promotion .

  5. 隐逸文化对中国古代环境美学的贡献

    Contributions to China 's Ancient Environmental Aesthetics Made by Reclusive Culture

  6. 隐逸:仕途憧憬的逆向缓冲&唐末诗人的隐居与诗歌创作

    Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  7. 道家正是在汲取了隐士和隐逸文化的思想营养才得以产生、生长起来的。

    Taoism emerged and developed from the nutrition of seclusion culture .

  8. 方干是晚唐著名的隐逸诗人。

    Fang Gan was a famous poet in late Tang Dynasty .

  9. 试论隐逸文化对文学之影响

    A Brief Talk about the Influence of Seclusion Culture on Literature

  10. 初唐隐逸与诗歌研究

    The Study of the Reclusion and Poem in the Early Tang Dynasty

  11. 隐逸文化有道家和儒家两个源头。

    Seclusion culture has two sources : Taoism and Confucianism .

  12. 隐逸是一种有着深厚历史积淀的文化现象。

    Hermitage was a cultural phenomenon with profound historical sediments .

  13. 士人文化的隐逸思想与徽派园林

    The idea of recluse in literati culture and Hui-style garden

  14. 魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死

    Seclusion Culture of Wei Jin and Ji Kang 's Death

  15. 试论屈宋在先秦隐逸文化史上的意义

    About Significance of Qu and Song in Pre-Qin History of Seclusion Culture

  16. 传统园林艺术中文人园的隐逸精神

    Spirit of Seclusion in the Art of the Chinese Classical Landscape Architecture

  17. 从王维诗歌看盛唐的隐逸文化

    Viewing the Hermitic Culture in Tang Dynasty from Wang Wei 's Poetry

  18. 中西方隐逸文化的积极共性及其现实意义

    On the positive commonality of Chinese and western seclusion culture

  19. 林逋的隐逸:仕进欲求的变形

    Lin Bu 's Seclusion : the Transformation of Pursuing Official and Desire

  20. 魏晋隐逸文学与中国古典园林

    Escapist Literature in Wei-Jin Dynasty and Chinese Classical Gardens

  21. 逸从隐逸人格向审美范畴的演进

    Evolution of Yi from Retired Personality to Aesthetic Category

  22. 嘉遁平生志:论苏舜钦的隐逸思想

    Jia Dun Ping Sheng Zhi : on the reclusive thoughts of SU Shun-qin

  23. 唐代隐逸风尚与诗歌研究

    On the Relation between the Recluse Vogue and Tang-poetry

  24. 隐逸文化具有丰富的旅游内涵。

    Recluse culture is rich in tourist connotation .

  25. 《周易》的隐逸思想探论

    Discussion on the Reclusive Thought in Zhou Yi

  26. 隐逸文化和隐逸文学都离不开一个群体&士。

    Seclusion culture and literature can not be separated from a group - disabilities .

  27. 隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。

    Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty .

  28. 这片隐逸的乐土颇似普吉岛,但未遭破坏。

    A Phuket-like hideaway , but still unspoiled .

  29. 论士人园林作为隐逸文化载体的形成

    On the Formation of Chinese Traditional Intellectual 's Garden as Conveyor of Seclusion Culture

  30. 隐逸文化是绽放在中华文化之树上的一朵奇葩。

    The recluse culture with a long history is a miracle of Chinese culture .