
  • 网络stealth cruise missile
  1. 隐身巡航导弹及其探测技术研究

    Stealth cruise missile and its detection technologies

  2. 借助于红外图像可以有效对付隐身巡航导弹和反辐射巡航导弹;

    The cryptic cruise missile and anti-radiation cruise missile can be effectively detected and tracked recur to the infrared image .

  3. 隐身巡航导弹的出现对现有的攻防对抗体系提出了挑战,如何防御隐身巡航导弹已成为当前的热点技术之一。

    With the development of stealthy technologies , the stealthy weapons , especially stealthy cruise missiles has been the focus of military studies in many country .

  4. 在对隐身飞机、巡航导弹等弱小运动目标的检测中,因其RCS减小而导致雷达回波的信噪比降低,雷达依照传统的方法难以可靠地检测到该类目标。

    In the detection of weak moving targets , such as stealth aircraft , cruise missiles , SNR comes down dramatically due to the reduction of their RCS , the targets are difficult to be detect reliably by radar in traditional methods .

  5. 现代电子战中面临着大量诸如隐身飞机、巡航导弹等雷达回波能量很低的微弱目标。

    In the modem electronic warfare , the radar is faced with a lot of low echo energy targets , such as stealth aircraft and cruise missile .

  6. 着重讨论了等离子体在隐身技术、巡航导弹防御中的应用,另外还分析了以等离子体作为动力的等离子体火箭和等离子体武器的原理。

    The main concern is in the application of plasma in stealth technology and the defense against cruise missile . The basic principle of plasma rocket and plasma weapon powered by plasma are also introduced .