
chónɡ biān chénɡ
  • reprogramming
  1. 无线传感器网络重编程中DoS攻击初探

    Exploring DoS Attacks during Reprogramming of Wireless Sensor Networks

  2. 已有的研究表明,体细胞重编程过程中,DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化对克隆效率和转基因表达都有直接的影响。

    Recently studies suggested that , such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation , could affect directly the cloning efficiency and transgene expression during reprogramming process of somatic cells .

  3. 哺乳动物体细胞核移植的DNA甲基化重编程研究进展

    Progress on DNA Methylation Reprogramming of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Mammal

  4. 而现场可编程门阵列器件(FPGA)是一种可以进行重编程和重配置的芯片,可以方便地设计出所需的硬件逻辑。

    Additionally FPGA users can conveniently not only design the hardware logic required , but re-program and re-configure .

  5. 随后这四个因子又成功诱导人类成纤维细胞重编程为iPS细胞。

    While the four transcription factors were used to reprogram human fibroblasts to iPS cells .

  6. 除此之外,P53基因与miRNA、人类的新陈代谢、体细胞的重编程等也都有着千丝万缕的联系。

    In addition , P53 gene is also linked inextricably with miRNA , human metabolism , somatic cell reprogramming and so on .

  7. 然而,从IPS细胞制造合适的细胞将需要体细胞的重编程和随后的再分化。

    However , making the appropriate cells via induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs ) requires reprogramming of somatic cells and subsequent redifferentiation .

  8. 诱导多能干细胞(inducedpluripotentstemcells,简称iPScells)是通过将特定的转录因子导入分化的体细胞重编程而成,它的出现是生命科学领域的一次革命。

    Induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPS cells ) were derived from somatic cells by introducing specific transcription factors , which made somatic cells reprogrammed . The emergence of iPS cells was a revolution in life science .

  9. 我们的结果为基于iPS因子的重编程过程提供了新的范例,就是这种方法经过改进后能够成为转分化的综合平台。

    Our results provide a unique paradigm for iPSC-factor-based reprogramming by demonstrating that it can be readily modified to serve as a general platform for transdifferentiation .

  10. 目前,获得哺乳动物iPS细胞的最安全的途径是直接导入外源重编程因子的编码蛋白。

    At present , it has been demonstrated that mammal iPS cells can be obtained safely by directly delivering the proteins of reprogramming factors to somatic cells .

  11. 基因修饰研究结果显示Aire在ESC自我更新和体细胞重编程为iPS细胞的过程中具有重要的功能。

    Genetic modification experiments showed that Aire played critical roles in the self-renewal of ESCs and reprogramming of somatic cells to iPS cells .

  12. 这些结果说明,Xist基因DNA甲基化是可以被重编程的,所检测的CpG岛可能调节Xist基因的表达。

    These results suggest that the DNA methylations of the Xist gene were reprogrammable and the detected CpG islands may regulate expression of the Xist gene .

  13. 为更好地了解该领域当前的进展,我们研读了相关的文献,包括核移植过程中核质互作、核重编程、线粒体命运、端粒变化以及X染色体失活等机理方面的著述。

    For better understanding of current progress in this field , we gathered reports on molecular ways affecting the success of animal cloning , such as nuclear cytoplasm interaction , epigenetic reprogramming , mitochondrial fate , telomere changing and X chromosome inactivation , etc.

  14. 他和加拿大多伦多大学的安德拉斯。纳吉技术在老鼠和人类的皮肤细胞上使用了这项技术,并发现重编程的iPS细胞表现出和胚胎干细胞一样的特性。

    He and Andras Nagy from the University of Toronto used the technique in both mouse and human skin cells and found the reprogrammed cells behaved just like embryonic stem cells .

  15. GAL是Littice公司研制的一种可电改写、可重编程的低密度PLD器件,取代了传统的通用数字电路,提高了时序设计的灵活性。

    GAL is a kind of electrically adaptable and repeated programming low density PLD device by Lattice company , which replaces the traditional general digital circuit and improves the flexibility of sequential design .

  16. 通过异位表达外源的4个转录因子能够诱导体细胞重编程为诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs),但是诱导iPS产生的效率很低。

    Somatic cells can be reprogrammed to induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs ) by ectopic expression of defined transcriptional factors . The efficiency of this process , however , is extremely low .

  17. 本研究提示,用VPA处理过的牛胎儿成纤维细胞作为体细胞核移植的供体细胞,利于克隆胚胎表观重编程及发育。

    The results suggested that VPA-treated bovine fetal fibroblast cells may benefit the epigenetic reprogramming and the cloned embryos development when it was used as donor cells in somatic cell nuclear transfer . 2 .

  18. 通常用来源于囊胚期胚胎的内细胞团的胚胎干细胞、通过核移植得到的胚胎干细胞以及在成体细胞中转入外源转录因子得到的iPSCs,进行体细胞重编程研究。

    IPSCs obtained from embryonic stem cells in the inner cell mass of blastocysts , the nuclear transfered embryonic stem cells and the exogenous transcription factor transferred somatic cells were used to conduct the somatic cell reprogramming research .

  19. 要提高哺乳动物核移植的效率,不仅要提高卵母细胞体外成熟(IVM)质量,阐明成熟卵母细胞胞质内重编程因子的产生及作用机制;

    For the sake of enhancing the effectiveness of mammalian nuclear transplantation , it is necessary to research on how to improve the quality of oocyte after in vitro maturation ( IVM ), which is useful for explaining the mechanism of reprogram induced by factors in oocyte cytoplasm ;

  20. 接着,山中在2007年发表了第二篇论文表明成熟的人体皮肤细胞可经重编程回到胚胎诱导多能干细胞(ipsc)状态,这导致许多患者干细胞系的产生。

    Yamanaka then published a second paper in 2007 , showing that adult human skin cells could be reprogrammed to the embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem cell ( IPSC ) state and this has lead to the generation of stem cell lines from numerous patients .

  21. 而重编程发生的机制仍是一个谜。

    The mechanisms of how the reprogramming occurred remained a mystery .

  22. 成熟促进因子对克隆重构胚核重编程的调控

    Promotion of Reprogramming by MPF on Donor Nuclei of Cloned Embryos

  23. 体细胞核移植后核重编程的影响因素

    Influencing factors of nuclear reprogramming after somatic cell nuclear transfer

  24. 治疗性克隆与体细胞重编程:殊途同归

    Therapeutic Cloning and Somatic Cell Reprogramming : Every Road Leads to Rome

  25. 图书现场采购查重编程方法

    Programming for Books ' On-the-spot Purchasing & Repeating - check

  26. 核移植与诱导多能干细胞技术在体细胞重编程研究中的应用

    Application of nuclear transfer and iPS techniques in the study of somatic reprogramming

  27. 固态薄膜可重编程的模拟可变电阻存储器的制造和性能

    Fabrication and Performance of the Solid-state Thin Film Memistor

  28. 无线传感器网络重编程技术的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Reprogramming in Wireless Sensor Network

  29. 哺乳动物早期胚胎端粒和端粒酶重编程

    Telomere and telomerase reprogramming in early mammalian embryo development

  30. 体细胞重编程为多能干细胞的研究进展

    Progress in reprogramming somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells