
zhònɡ chuí
  • heavy hammer;heavy punch;heavy bob;ball breaker
  1. CTS-Z型重锤式料位计的改进

    Improvement of CTS-Z Heavy Hammer Material Location Counting

  2. 在重锤锤击下,PDA得到一实测力信号和一实测速度信号,分析这些信号,可以得到桩承载力、桩身完整性和桩长、桩侧摩阻力分布和桩身应力。

    By analysing measured force and velocity signals under the impact of a heavy hammer the bearing capacity , degree of integrity and inner stresses of a pile , as well as the soil resistance distribution along its length can be given by the PDA .

  3. 地面重锤横向敲击枕木激发的水平分量的SH型横波数据信噪比较高,其垂直分量纵波初至的信噪比不高;

    The S / N ratio in SH-wave data of horizontal components shooting by hammer on the surface hammering at sleeper laterally is higher , but S / N ratio of the first breaks of P-wave in vertical components is not high ;

  4. 试验结果表明,排水固结过程中填土层的单位沉降量远小于淤泥质软土,重锤夯实法的有效加固深度可以达到地表下3.5m,影响深度可达6.0m。

    The strengths of fill and soft clay were increased . The results of test show that the unit settlement of saturated soft clay is much more than that of fill soil in process of drainage consolidation ; the effective consolidation depth of tamping method is 3.5m ;

  5. 由于楼层高、工期紧,为确保主体结构工程质量,垂直度控制采用激光&重锤双控轴线引伸技术,使用JD-91型建设激光测量仪。

    Due to its huge height , its urgent time schedule and strict requirement of fine quality , its construction has been duly guided and controlled by application of the JD-91 type laser-heavy plumb bob surveying apparatus with a double controlled axial line extended technology .

  6. 长丝体的传动部分包括一个拖拉重锤和一个预热器。

    The filament drive included a trailing weight and a preheater .

  7. 用长柄重锤或楔劈开(木头)

    To split ( wood ) with a maul and wedge .

  8. 新型重锤关机与分段关闭装置的研制及应用

    Development and application for new weight-loaded closedown and section closing equipment

  9. 烧结机用重锤摆动板式密封装置

    Plate seal assembly with heavy swinging hammer in the sinter machine

  10. 重锤式煤仓料位监控系统电控部分抗干扰设计

    Electric Control Anti-interference Design for Monitor System of Counter-weighted Storage Bin

  11. 指向式旋转导向钻井系统旋转轴力学模型自导向的重锤式蓄能器

    Mechanics Model of Rotation Axis in Directive Rotary Steerable Drilling System

  12. 重力式码头抛石基床重锤夯实施工方法的探讨

    An Approach to Heavy Tamping Compaction Method of Gravity Wharf Rubble Bed

  13. 重锤切割方法及设备重晶石重混凝土加重块


  14. 智能型重锤料位监测系统研究

    Study of intelligent stock level supervising system with gravity hammer

  15. 重锤蓄能系统水锤现象分析

    An analysis of water hammer effect in gravitational energy accumulating hammer systems

  16. 重锤式防碰天车装置改进设计

    Improved design on single hammer type anticollision crown block device

  17. 重锤击实在高填方路基中的应用

    The Application of Tension Weight Compaction to High Fill Subgrade

  18. 重锤挤夯碎石桩施工工艺

    Working Techniques for Tamping Crushed Stone Piles with Heavy Hammer

  19. 棉型织物织造张力重锤的估算公式

    Weaving Tension Weight of Cotton Fabric and Derivation of Its Estimation Formula

  20. 重锤式智能料位仪的设计

    Design of the Intelligent Weight Style Material Level Instrument

  21. 应力波由摆式重锤的冲击所产生。

    The stress pulse was generated by the impact of a pendulum hammer .

  22. 重锤夯实(或强夯)法在县乡公路改造中的应用

    The Application of Dynamic Consolidation to County Highway Reconstruction

  23. 重锤式料位计图象识别系统的应用与研究

    The Application And Research of Image Recognition Technique in Weighting Hammer Level Indicator

  24. 用重锤试验求承压含水层的水文地质参数

    Obtaining Hydrogeological Parameters of Press-Bearing Aquifer by Slug Test

  25. 抬起重锤使艇倒出并下放。

    Lift brake lever for running out and lowering .

  26. 重锤夯实法在工程施工中的应用初探

    Discussion on the application of movement weight pulley compaction method in construction of engineering

  27. 采用重锤冲击钻施工深孔桩基础的质量控制

    The Quality Control of Using Tension Weight Churning Drill to Construct Deep-Hole Pile Foundation

  28. 如千斤重锤般向我袭来

    hit me like a ton of bricks .

  29. 鲁29井重锤试验的解释

    Interpretation of gravity Bob test in well lu-29

  30. 排水固结-重锤夯实联合加固软弱地基

    Soft clay foundation strengthened by combination of drainage consolidation and tamping by dropping hammers